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Everything posted by Lab_Rat

  1. I had the same thing, OH got very bored!! When my sister and I go, we have a plan! Visit the dog pavillion, then head around the grounds and check everything out in a clockwise direction from there!!! Easy as - unless youre a man!!! Anyhoooooo, better than not going I suppose! Hey Mas, who are the ridgies in your sig??? Nice horse too - reminds me of a thoroughbred we had years ago, Nicky...Beautiful boy!
  2. Hope your babies recover............Sorry youve had such a crap few weeks....Big Hugs to you and your Family.
  3. Sounds like everyone has had a good week or so with new puppies, excellent show results and other stuff!! I had a moderately good time at the Royal - wont be taking the husband again, or if I do it will be "meet me back here at something oclock"......I didnt get to see all I wanted. Oh well, at least it didnt rain :p
  4. Oh, Cas - like Persephone I know how you are feeling..........The guilt and devastation. I too have lost a dog to bloat - without knowing what it was we were dealing with. A million hugs to you and your family. RIP to gorgeous Jake.
  5. I will be getting a girl who has had babies before and is a good birther!! The breeder has picked a couple of girls out, just depends on who is pregnant and to who!! It will be and interesting journey. Ive had experience with sheep and cows giving birth, one horse and even a cat - just hope llamas do it easy and nothing goes wrong Im really looking forward to getting something new and unusual to work with! I will even try my Parelli skills out on Felea!!
  6. cant wait for the pics of the baby llamas :D so cute i bet. it is so much fun going with four kids lol i saw nothing i wanted to see either i reckon i mihgt go alone on sat watch the general specials and have a wander around :D Here is a photo of another baby, but Felea looks pretty much the same!!! She is so cute and cheeky!
  7. I would love to try turkey mince but the places I shop get it in so sporadically I cant be guaranteed a regular supply!!
  8. Next time Im up in the big smoke ( ) Ill have to go and have a look at this shop!! Sound interesting Bedazzled! Like you say pet mince is often loaded with fat, and lamb mince is fairly fatty at the best of times! Thats another reason Ive stuck with human grade. I even tried trialling Zola on beef and chicken again - she gets different itchy symptoms from both which is strange! Chicken gives her red itchy ears and beef gives her an itchy mouth, on the insides of her top lips. She scratches the crap out of her mouth!!
  9. Is lamb really cheap these days LR? I wish!!! Its usually about $9 a kilo, but its the only meat my ridgy can eat. They get dry as well and the Kelpie has chicken wings, necks and frames so I can get away with feeding it. Anymore than two dogs though and it wouldnt be quite so easy. I keep meaning to get in touch with an ab about getting mutton mince, but I worry that it would be quite fatty and not as good quality as what I get now. Ridgy also wont eat bones - Ive had to sit with her and coax her to eat a chicken frame (before I found out she was intolerant!).
  10. Had a good day at the show yesterday, saw all my favourite ridgies ....Missed the DWD though. Will be going to the show BY MYSELF next year................Didnt get to see half what I really wanted to. Bad enough with an OH, cant imagine what it would be like with kids as well!! The dogs slept like hairy logs last night after being in kennels for 3 nights....Poor girls probably thought we werent coming back to get them!! I have picked out my baby Llama, and the other will be a surprise! Im getting a pregnant female and will keep the baby from her...Getting excited now Dont have any photos, but baby Felea is black and cheeky!
  11. My girls get human grade lamb mince............But that is because of the price of sheep meat these days. I dont think you get pet grade lamb mince in wa.
  12. Ooh looks like he is from the same "kennel" as my red/tan bitch! I would say so mirawee!!! I met another boy, Basil at the local Farm Service store this arvo......Whats your girls name??? Sorry to get everyone so excited!! Kenobi is still the cute dog of the day :D Good luck everyone for the Royal, in showing, obedience and agility and Dancing too!!
  13. One more................ Sorry, Bedazzled - hope you werent tooooo excited!!! He is sooooo cute! The "real" kelpie thinks hes pretty cool, ridgeback just wants to chew it up He will have to do til I can get me a real live new kelpie...............sigh............
  14. Damn, that baby beagle is cute!!!!! Too cute Excellent name too Vaders mum! I got a new baby today..............Well not so much a baby, but a new dog. A red & tan kelpie boy, Quinn from my sister........ Photos to follow!
  15. I feed dry & raw too.....Bones in the morning then dry and mince/sardines/other stuff at night!! They both do really well on it and the only thing I would change if I could, would be to be able to give the ridgeback more bones. But as she has allergies and getting suitable bones is difficult she gets by on what she gets!
  16. Ive seen pure Alpine Dingo pups for sale recently!! I sure hope they go to the right homes..... ;) eta.......thanks for the link Ravenau1. I didnt even know they existed!!
  17. They for you or the hounds J ;) ....... No expert here or anything, but from memory, Im sure there is cushion room!! Dimension wise, Im no help whatsoever sorry...
  18. I know exactly what you mean HeavyPaws - and have experienced too many times in the last 12 months I do not believe in God, but am a very spiritual person. Im more of a Pagan, Mother Nature type person. I believe that dogs and all animals have a soul, to me it has never been a maybe or could be thing. Just a given! I dont understand how some dont believe - and I dont mean that in a patronising way, but a genuine non understanding way. But I guess they feel the same about me believing. Perhaps someone could explain "how" they dont believe animals dont have a soul??? And no, Im not being a smartarse, just curious!I get how black and white it is from my point of view and would like to see it from the other side... I did explain (or so I thought) above. Just as it is hard I would think fo rme to grasp your concept of why, I expect that you will find it hard to grasp mine...but I'll give it another try. I view a living creature/being as being alive. I view a dead creature/being as being dead. I believe that while a person (or animal) is living, their heart is beating, their brain is developing and electrical impulses are darting about, their skin is pink from oxgen, their blood pulses through their veins. All the things you'd also believe in. The difference is though when they die, the body begins to break down and will eventually distengrate. The brain does the same. The fluid drains away. The electrical impulses cease. The oxygen is not pumped around. End of story. I've lost both my parents and countless animals, other relatives, friends and associates. The only reason they live on is because my memory still contains snippets of them. The pictures I have in albums also help my brain retain memories of them. That is all. I can't conceptualise a 'soul' that lives on. I find it puzzling to be fair. yeh, sorry Anne - my brains not working very well atm!! Well I agree with what you say above, the bolded areas, completely. I too have been through it countless times. And although Im very spiritual in naature, Im also very scientifically minded. I dont see a difference when they die though - I see exactly what you see, decomposition etc..But I also see other differences in "whats left" I guess. What animated that particular animal has gone, their character, their individuality.....Whats left is just a husk, a shell, a body. Maybe its just alot simpler than what Im trying to understand - and it is purely belief or not in the soul..... Thanks for re-explaining what you believe, appreciate it :D
  19. I know exactly what you mean HeavyPaws - and have experienced too many times in the last 12 months I do not believe in God, but am a very spiritual person. Im more of a Pagan, Mother Nature type person. I believe that dogs and all animals have a soul, to me it has never been a maybe or could be thing. Just a given! I dont understand how some dont believe - and I dont mean that in a patronising way, but a genuine non understanding way. But I guess they feel the same about me believing. Perhaps someone could explain "how" they dont believe animals dont have a soul??? And no, Im not being a smartarse, just curious!I get how black and white it is from my point of view and would like to see it from the other side...
  20. We also had a dog have a leg amputation through cancer about 6 years ago now. I know I was more devastated than I was. I didnt want to go home from work the day my OH brought her home from the vet She had a bit of pain for a little while, and had what I reckon was phantom pains, but I dont believe she suffered from depression. She certainly behaved differently though, seemingly apologetic for all the fuss she caused - to more loving, to help me through it!! She certainly was an amazing dog. She bounced back to being an energetic, fun loving ridgy, who could run faster on 3 legs than 4 Like the poor Deerhound, she only had just under a year after that with us. I dont think I would go through it again either. But it would depend on the dog really!
  21. Sorry I missed you!! I was on the lookout for a blonde and a redhead today but didn't see anyone that fitted the description and had no idea where/who you would be sitting with... Will you be at Hound Day at the Royal? Buzz had a lovely weekend; Baby in Show yesterday at the Sighthound show (not quite by default; the only other baby was another Whippet - Whipitgood's new little one Georgie :D - got some lovely comments from the judge though who was quite taken with him so that was nice!) and was in the last two for Baby in Show today - the judge ran us and a Beagle and the Beagle got it. Not to mention I won the raffle at the Sighthound show yesterday! :D Not going to Geraldton so next show for us is the Royal, which will be Buzz's last show in Baby! Well done Mas on Mason's wins! Mirawee, Gaz is adorable Ptolomy - :p ;) Has your heart resumed it's regular rhythm yet? I hate snake season ST, did you show Charlie at the Working Dog Show today? Hope everyone had a lovely weekend! ETA: Welcome home Lincoln! :D Thats ok PD, I did have a browse for some DOLers, saw Emery in the ring with Kelari but that was it!! When it comes to searching for people at shows it seems Im not much good at it! And everyone seems so busy and distracted I hate to distract them ... I will be at the Royal on hound day, looking forward to seeing my favourite RRs again!! I will try and track you down that day!! and you didn't come say hi??? How rude :p rofl i was there to five with my two kids would of loved the distraction lol.well now you know who i am you will have t sayhi next time Yeh Im sorry..............I did a couple of walk-bys, looking for you. But other than in the ring, I couldnt find you!! Too many people too many dogs........There will be a next time
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