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Everything posted by Lab_Rat

  1. Woohoo go Mason!!! I want my girls to do modelling work, that way they can pay their own way for some things We will see what happens, they will only use him if something comes up for a black lab, if they ever need some yellow/choc labs I will tell them about Ruby and Millie too ;) Ruby is my photogenic girl Mason looked so awesome against the black background, I will post the sneak peak facebook link when its up I am so proud that he won the photo shoot and print in the first place I know I talk about Mason a lot - I think I am really so proud because the 2 dogs I had before were such difficult dogs, he is so easy going, I think thats what I love most about him Amen to that Sista!!!!! Having a ridgie and a kelpie, I sure know which one is easier to live with ;) Happy birthday Lara!! Well done young lady Welcome Dobelover! Would love to see pics of you baby dobe ;)
  2. Nah.............Hes much cutey than Dobby RV Gorgeous sig btw!
  3. I hope you can get some behavioural help for you poor dog Cichlabxr...........I am currently working through some anxiety/fear issues with one of our girls. I have a program to follow after having a session with a behaviourist in Perth, and I must say it was eye opening to say the least to work with someone that deals with this sort of thing all the time!! Having a dog with no confidence manifests into quite a number of behavioural problems! My girl has separation anxiety as well as being very fearful of strange visitors. Glad to say though they seem to be very fixable! Good luck with your girl - and do let us know how you go!!
  4. Fire = :D :D Valley - like your new name!! Very appropriate! WOW - Flyte is a beautiful dog! Im not that much into Borders, but he is stunning! I think I admire him as hes not "fluffy", like some borders can be!! Have been doing lots of reading, and not much posting lately..............So, well done to anyone who has achieved anything in the last week or so, LOL (Im pretty slack arent I!!)......
  5. So sorry to hear, Im sure the decision would not have been easy Im not sure what the issues etc are, but im not sure why anyone would flame you for making a consious decision that is not easy, but obviously the best for everyone... Couldnt agree more RnH!!!! Take it easy VCBR.
  6. He is amazing isnt he LR, so glad you went I owe him so much for my dogs! It was a great visit WX. Reassured me that my poor girl isnt quite as psycho as I thought!!! But when it gets down to it, I believe I am the cause of all her dramas!!! Now I just have to get to it and do the training!! Have started by WALKING her - and I need to keep it up, for her and me LOL!! Have been for two beautiful long walks after work today and yesterday!! Almost dark when I get back, and there are lots of roos on the way, but I think all three of us enjoyed it! Is Zola the ridgeback? My 2 ridgies who still live with my mum ( they have never left her house lol, got them when I was still in school) they are the most anxious/scared dogs I have ever met. And I dont know why . Yes Mason - Zola is the ridgy..............think all her problems stem from our worry and smothering when she was a baby....Lost our previous ridgy in a traumatic way, so was just sooooo worried about the new baby ;) .....But things are looking up!! Valley - I am so sorry you have to let go of Linc. Sitting here with blurry eyes just thinking of you......Chin up kid, sending lots and lots of cyber hugs for you.......Would be my worst nightmare, I know that... :D
  7. Geez I golly hope so!!! mmm not sure why I had to clarify that! My mother asked as to how a tick got under my clothes! lol ( I think) I wanna know ho they get under clothes too!!! They must move pretty damn fast, to be able to hop on and crawl under clothing - then UP to wherever they hell they decide to latch on!!!! Disgusting little things!!! Weve dragged 10 out of several Bobtails ears in the last few days....poor lizards - imagine them in your ears WX
  8. He is amazing isnt he LR, so glad you went I owe him so much for my dogs! It was a great visit WX. Reassured me that my poor girl isnt quite as psycho as I thought!!! But when it gets down to it, I believe I am the cause of all her dramas!!! Now I just have to get to it and do the training!! Have started by WALKING her - and I need to keep it up, for her and me LOL!! Have been for two beautiful long walks after work today and yesterday!! Almost dark when I get back, and there are lots of roos on the way, but I think all three of us enjoyed it!
  9. Mason - you dont need to worry about ticks her in the south of WA.............No nasty ones here (although they do appear to like WX, :D ) My girls are off the vets tomorrow - to have their titre tests done, cartrophen injection for the hyper Kelpie, heartworm jab for boofhead, and a special surprise for her - anal gland cleaning out She'll love that!!! NOOOOOTTTTT......Poor girl! I think, depending on this years results, that titre testing every two years will be my agenda from now on. Wandy was done last year, Zola the year before. Ill get them both done tomorrow, then they can be done together in future. Havent had any dramas with the heartworm jabs as yet, and Im hopeless at the monthly chewables!! Have a new "program" for Zola to help her overcome her anxieties/fears..........Involves a number of exercises to improve her self confidence and distance control. We went and had a looooong lesson with Garth Jennens a couple of weeks ago, and I had such a good time. I feel alot happier about my poor dog now - not quite so stressed about her behaviours!!
  10. Yeh, well it was sort of warm down here today.................Not nearly as hot as it is up there (Perth) though!!! Since we have put our curtains up (theyve only been sitting around for about 3 years waiting to be hung :D ) the house is so much cooler and warmer!! When we put up our shade sails underneath the front patio, i reckon the place will be even cooler.....It would be nice however to have a small aircon in the bedroom for sleeping after nightshift .. :D We have been inundated with Bobtails recently!! I think there about 8 different indivuals - all different sizes and colours!! Zola loves it!!! She stands at the front sliding door, yodelling at them............weird dog Edited to add...........Happy Birthday WA Thread!! How bizarre, that I started it one year ago - on my wedding anniversary!!!! This year we celebrated 20 years.............its gone fairly quick too!!
  11. What a beautiful pup Simple...I love Bullys!! Maybe I can convince the OH to have one...............one day!!
  12. Slightly Off Topic, but running with the MDBA theme............would Troy create a sub-forum for MDBA, so all the relevant threads could be kept in one spot and we dont have to got searching for them??? Especially for those of us who are average DOL frequenters, may miss a thread but still want to contribute!! My humblest apologies if such a sub forum already exists.......
  13. That Bear is just soooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!
  14. Great stuff Kelpie Kisses!! My dream was to show a B&T Boy, but it probably wont happen - dont get to many shows anymore. I think its a shame the coloured dogs are overlooked in the show ring. I love reds and blacks, but I really love the red and tans and black and tans Please keep us updated with your kids show career
  15. Try this website to clarify or further confuse colour genetics for you. Take note of the tan point and dominant black sections especially. http://abnormality.purpleflowers.net/genetics/index.htm Thanks for that link Dancinbcs! Ill enjoy checking it out! I think our Wandy would be the same kelpiechick - in that if she was clipped she would be saddled!! dont think Ill be trying it though! Where her hair is growing back under her neck from recent surgery, its ugly - almost curly . I certainly hope it grows more normal as it gets longer! KTB - I bought myself Tonys latest book - $150 but worth it!! Ive read a little bit, but it got a bit overwhelming, so have put it to one side for now.....Im so glad I got it though. He certainly has amassed a huge amount of knowledge over the years!
  16. I may be completely wrong KTB, but I think that strange colouration on Hoovers neck is called Agouti.....Wandy has it as well! I call it her blonde bits! This has been a very interesting thread, have read but not participated as I havent felt knowledgeable enough! I am learning lots to do with colouration and genetics! :D
  17. Well, if its any consolation guys - I LOVE Borzois, Bull Terriers and Salukis..... I have this "thing" about dogs with long, poinky beaks Have done since I was a kid!
  18. Sorry got no advice - just wanted to join the Burmese Fan club.. :D If I ever get another cat it will definitely be another Burmese. They are the best cat ever! Our Burmese and first ridgy got on really well, to the point of playing chasey games with each other! They would take turns in being "it"!!
  19. Our dog "woggles"................. Sounds like Chewbacca breathed in helium!! Not sure its a real word though!!
  20. I managed to teach my ridgy girl to show stack as well as sit, stand and drop in obedience....So it can be done!! Good luck with your new pup, and like others have asked, what Breed???
  21. Have a look here ILK, they seem to quite diverse in their efforts and worldwide!!
  22. Mirawee, glad Varda has passed her rock!!! Hope she doesnt have any probs with the bones though Silly dawgs!! The other day I found Zola chewing up a stick, which she does quite regularly - but this time she was eating the bits of stick :bolt: ....Noooooo, you eedjit!!! She used to eat gravel when she was a baby, and thought she had grown out of eating bits of crap! Apparently not Wandy is much better this morning - her eyes are back with us, and shes not wobbling round on her little Kelpie feet Mustve been those Banjo Kelpie kisses Mirawee . Poor kid has a bald neck, bald leg and sore as mouth.....But she must think shes hit the jackpot with her food!!! Nice soft, yummy dindins!!! Spoiled, totally spoiled!! And she trying to avoid the Ridgebacks tail everytime it swipes past her .She cringes everytime it swishes past!!!
  23. Yep you are right - Im down south.....I do get up to Perth shows now and then, came up for the Ridgy show a month or so ago, and I think I saw you in the ring with Kelari on the other side of the grounds......... We'll meet one day, Im still to meet VCBR "properly"!!
  24. Hey Jed - So glad your house is being rebuilt Im even gladder you are on the mend!!! I havent been in here for a long time, but I think about you all the time! What you went through just amazes me - so happy you are getting back on track :D
  25. Poor Wandy. Banjo sends Kelpie Kisses :p I am actually happy that when I picked Varda up again today we got pain meds! We didn't get any yesterday :p I have set Banjo and I the challenge of being ready for CCD by the Western Classic So we have 4 months to get it all together and I am sure we will need every minute of that time Thanks Mirawee & Banjo, Im sure she'll be back to her normal bossy self in the morning!! I hope Varda is feeling a little better with her pain relief, has she passed her "rock" yet?? I would love to have one of mine ready for CCD for a Western Classic - may be a while yet though :D LOL Emery!! At least you go to some sort of training with you dog!!! Purple hair should look good - hope it turns out ok.....Im still to meet you and Kalari!!
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