Hi K9,
Hi just have a Question re TOT. I am keen to start one of my dogs on this ASAP as I think I need to re-establish the pecking order between us as she has become increasingly arrogant and selectively hearing me as well as starting fights between the other female dog. She also guards and food from the other dogs quite badly.
My problem here is that I have already conditioned her with "yes" as a bridge/release for reward word since she was a pup. She was taught that "yes" indicated the behaviour is over and she could end it. So is "yes" still the word to use when she looks at me but now she just needs to wait for OK til she can go, or do I need to use another word to mark the look such as "good" so I don't confuse her.
She does have very high food and prey drive so I am sure she will learn pretty fast either way.
Also in your TOT post you mentioned about the dog circling its food to watch you, is this a good thing or bad. Are you saying that if the dog circles looking at me, that she considers me as alpha? And if that is the case, if she is circling watching another dog, does she consider that dog as alpha and to heck with me! I am just curious as she is fighting alot between with another bitch and am trying to sort this out before they do much more damage to each other.
Sorry for having so many questions,when I am so new to DOL,