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Everything posted by dasha

  1. Basically any products designed for animal use need an import permit. A permit will have conditions on what it is made from, a declaration from manufacturer as well who can use it etc. ANY product that arrives here from overseas must meet these import conditions, even if the product is readily available here. Even if it was purchased here and was posted to another country and then returned it is still considered foreign mail. The best chance you have of getting it is the declaration from manufacturer stating it is 100% synthetic and is not derived from plant, animal or microbial products. Then you should be able to have then released. But you will need another letter next time too. A letter from your vet would be a waste of time and there is no point for youe vet to pay for a permit so you can have your dogs meds.
  2. Thanks Vickie. They do seem to keep trying to buy my dogs......maybe thats what they are up to. Must have had them shaking in the improver untill the last second when the blood rushed to Abby's head and she blew it for our chance in the final. Off to do some more pen training. Must fix that. Will have to put it all to test this weekend at Willow tree before the dogs go on maternity leave for a few weeks.
  3. Thats fine. Just they way you spoke of him and advertising him as a working line BC and a serious working dog made me think you actually knew about his past and breeding. If not then cut him and hope for the best in finding him a suitable home.
  4. If you know he is from good working lines, you may be able to find some sheep dog triallers that may want him. But if you desex him, he won't get that kind of opportunity to do what he was bred for which would be a shame. Can you not make the desexing call depending on what kind of home he does to. Ie pet = desex, Working = left alone.
  5. Oh that may be me!!!! Me and my new dog Tiesha won the encourage at the 3 sheep trial at Rocley on the weekend. Very happy with her as the sheep were extremely tough so she did a great job to get them around. And it is also only our 3rd trial together so she is improving really well. Thanks Vickie.
  6. The working border collies do come with a larger colour variety and are also a lot cheaper than the ANKC lines. You could get a well bred, working line pup for about $400-$500. There is quite a large number of tri coloured trialling dogs, short or long haired about the traps.
  7. Nice pics Vickie. Well Trim can't miss out so better come round again and we'll take some then
  8. Well thanks for all the well wishes. In the end we ended up 4th. Funnily enough all the place getters were female handlers. And 3 out of 4 were from Sydney so things are changing. Abby worked absolutely superbly. Handler error was the blame. I took my time to get around without losing any points but it turned out I took too long. She was also in season so her brain was a bit off. But overall it was a good few days and my 2 dogs both improved on the things I had been working on at training so that is the main thin. The top scores will come when all the pieces of puzzle are joined. Thanks again for all the well wishes. I took some pics of the weekend so may put some up too.
  9. Underselling yourself :rolleyes: Well the breeder isn't taking a waiting list as such - only a list of interested people and then the best potential homes will be selected from the list. And depending on the pups that arrive. You can always learn a lot from a naturally good dog. Sometimes you have to trust it is right when it counts. Like someone told me - they do know better than us, they read a sheeps intention before we have even seen whats going on. But home in training I am always right and they do what is commanded no matter what. But in saying that, at trials if I make a wrong call, the dog over rules me and does what is right when it counts. You can always progress with a good dog. As you will with your good dogs. they are talented too, you just need more practice and trust in what you are doing You could always wait and see how many pups, see if you like them when they start developing. Would the choice of father make a big difference on your decision they wouldn't be born till say June, then August before you get it, then another 6-8 months before you start breaking it in, so already that is nearly 11 months of practice you can get in with your already talented dogs ready to start your new one. All going well I am sure there will be another litter prob next year. PS: Not sure which pup Jules is referring to but if it is that wretched one I bought ( and later sold) you'd be pretty unlucky to come across many like that especially out of top bitches and top dogs as well. hmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder how that wretched thing is going anyway.
  10. The Quarantine fees you pay directly to AQIS anyway. There is no airport handling that the transport company does at Sydney either. They do a fair bit of importing work and know what they need to have organised.
  11. Last time I looked into it the dog had to be either registered to a rural property address or the owner had to have evidence of owning property. A primary producer registration or something. Alternatively the dog had to be registered with an appropriate body Ie. greyhounds with their special one. Working dogs with a state working dog registry or similar That is what I have been told by council.
  12. The Nationals are on starting Tues at 7am and going til Sun. It is on at Hall showground for anyione interested in going to watch. Competitiors from all states are competing. I think there is about 260 entries so a few packed days of trialling.
  13. There is www.mypawzessions.com.au. You can even get their name on them.
  14. Very well done. Looked pretty smooth for a first trial.
  15. I think sometimes the people with the least amount of formal theory based training can in fact become a better trainer. IMO i think this is because these type of people that put the time into training their animal bacause it naturally interests them, then use the animals response to gauge the success of the training. If the result isn't the desired one, these informal people then try new thing s and therefore learn more as they then need to think for themselves on how to alter the behaviour, or motivate animal or whatever it is they are trying to achieve. If people are to rely on other peoples theory too much, it inhibits your own learning as you are trying to simulate someone elses interpretation of a behaviour or training method that may not be suitable to the average owner or pet do
  16. http://www.smh.com.au/environment/animals/...0221-1b1tn.html Apparently now it isn't the one they thought........................but at least it is one that is returned to its rightful home.
  17. Just saw this. Thanks for taking good photos of the day. I really wish I took that pink collar off as I had originally intended to. I don't mind if you put the video up. I mean it wasn't by far a good run but compared to how other dogs went we at least kept our sheep out of the carpark and off the road I am sure Leigh would like to see the pic of her dog too at the bridge. Some good pics Vickie. Soooo are you coming to more trials now maybe????????????????????/
  18. I have the same problem here occassionally. They go away in a few days. Put ant rid around the area on the tracks they are taking to the food. Then when they are gone have a drum with a proper lid and put the food in it. I never threw out any food. Ants wouldn't hurt the dogs if they are just the little black ones. I mean really a dog will dig a ball out if a garden and covered in dirt it will still chew it. They leave a 1/2 eaten bone around and go back later for it and just scratch it around to get rid of the ants. They will be fine
  19. As said............vets are not banks. Do you expect to go get all your groceries in a trolley, swipe them and then say do you mind if I pay next week when I get paid. Or go to chemist to pick up important heart meds and just expect them to be handed over because you left your wallet at home but you NEED them and so they should just trust you will come back later and pay for them. Vets are also running a business and yes I understand more emotions are involved in animals than groceries but why should vets get a raw end of a grudge. They don't know you dog like you. Clients are trying to protect their pets which is fair enough. Vets are also trying to protect your pets as well as their business or their bosses investment and their own jobs.
  20. Looks like she is getting entered then............right
  21. Yes I do PAX. In the past I usually haven't needed to do any real pre training as my other dogs have been trained enough to do most things. This time they picked the one that has only done one job as a pup then trained as a sheepdog so no real formal obedience. So I put the work in and they cancel. Oh well, her sit stays are better ready for next time
  22. thanks for the advice. I had gone to just reinforcing sits and using a bridge word for her release so she would wait very attentatively. Then I progressed to making her sit beside a family member who was sitting on lounge holding the cat they were also going to use for job. She was going ok but the hardest thing she found was sitting next to someone and not be allowed to jump all over them......and also the fact that the cat was one she is scared of so didn't want to sit too close. Then as next plan was coming into place to train her to sit next to cat, in true film and TV industry fashion the agent called to say that they have changed the cat and dog now to another breed. So I now don't need to do it at all.
  23. I have a ute and dogs but I would NOT put my dogs under that at all. Put a block of chocolate under it and drive to the local shops. See how it holds up. Those covers attract the heat like you wouldn't believe and with very little air movement and air space above the head you would be asking for trouble. I would tether the dog. They need something to be able to brace on for cornering and accelerating etc. Best option would be to strap down a collapsable crate with a shade cover or get a dog crate specially made for the ute. I have travelled mine in the middle of winter on the back of the ute and they were fine. Although I did put a coat on them and tie them fairly short so they are out of the wind draft from driving. They tend to lay down and stay below the wind anyway. I now have crate attached to the back of the ute so they can be more comfortable in all weather as well safer if I was to have an accident.
  24. Automatic or Manual? I have a manual so it would be awesome if my dog could drive ME around for a change..................off to plan where to go
  25. I am just wondering what advice the wonderful minds of DOL would have in order for me to retrain my dog for a sit-stay she needs to do next week for a TV job. A few different options I have thought of. She knows a sit command. She has a Wait there command and a stay command as well as a stop command. Problem is she sits, good dog, reward, praise, reward, give her a stay command-She drops...................everytime. She is a sheepdog trial dog and has always had a natural tendancy to lay down as soon as she stops or is told to wait or stay. Has never really been obedience trained as I never intended for her to be able to do the obedience thing. Only be obedient in general life and when working sheep. In fact I encouraged her to be a little crazy as she was always a bit soft natured. Her last training effort involved her learning to "sleep" which was laying down with her chin on the ground, so she is defaulting back to this at the moment. Although it was taught months ago. SO............................ Do I go back to basics and just reinforce sits over and over and then introduce the stay command again? Or do I forget a stay command and just teach her the sit is now an automatic stay until I command her for something else? Or do I put her on a lead to prevent her from laying down and then still use a stay command. Having asked all these questions, she is a very intelligent border collie with very high drive and short attention span in a good way. She is physically very active as well as mentally. She is clicker aware and would take a few reps to get her in on that again but with her it does encourage her to anticipate things and offer behavious which I also think MAY hinder her learning this scenario. I am also an experienced dog person so am willing to try things suggested and give it a crack. Thanks in advance........
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