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Everything posted by dasha

  1. I bought a dog at Christmas that had a very casual eating style. This doesn't fit in with my other dogs wolfing/inhaling their food. I'm sorry but I don't have patience to stand there and wait til she wants to finish her food and neither did the other dogs. I feed them all at he same time. One of them I would feed a bit less to and then I would stand there with them for 3-4 mins to give her time to eat it. She would eat a few mouthfuls then not want to eat soas soon as she lost interest in eating, I would let the one I fed less to just go and finish her food. in front of her then pick bowl up and that was meal time over. Same next night, and so forth. If she was eating her food i would wait as she does chew hers too which slows her down but if she walked away it was fair game. She prob didn't get a proper meal for ages but now she eats her food just like the others. No time to muck around. And I don't want to create a fussy eater. They eat when it is given around here. Food cannot be left out as my others are food possessive so even if a kibble rolls under a bench or anything it has to be found or there will be fights over it. My dogs get fed Advance active so they are on a premium kibble so I can't allow them to over eat or they get fat real quick. Thats just what I did and some others may not do the same thing. It depends on what suits each household. Worked for me and now I have all dogs that eat food when presented.
  2. It could also be early signs of Tick poisoning............... Or he could have chewed a stick and scratched the back of his throat............. Keep an eye out for any other unusual signs too
  3. One of mt Border COliie's is a major food inhaler etc. I tried to spread it out on ground, put it with water and all that stuff. I bought her one of hte slow feed bowls and it certainly slows her down. As she tries to eat so fast she eats a lot of air and her belly blows like a football.So now no matter how she is fed, I allow her to eat half, then tell her to sit. She sits looking up at me no matter where I am and then gravity lets all the air come up and BURP she goes then she can finish. I worry about her bloating as she really does eat a lot of air.
  4. Mine go on 1 feed a day at about 6 months old. As long as the quantitiy of food needed is ok to be eaten in one hit. If mine need an amount of food I would not be comfortable feeding in one hit i would split it.
  5. I am sure the clones cannot be registered but their progeny can.
  6. Jackpot..........We got a winner thanks again
  7. Thanks so much for this. I was looking forward to seeing it But it didn't work when I clicked on it. Could be my comp
  8. it goes to a broadcast page but not the vid of your dog
  9. From what i Know there is actually 4 clones of this horse. The actual clones are not registered but the offspring can be. It will be interesting to see how it affects the genetics of the breed. There is also cloned Greyhounds in Aus too.
  10. Personally I would not buy a dog that has conditions or contracts. I buy the dog........... it is mine. Same when I sell my pups. I will vet the homes as best I can but once they buy the pup, it is theirs. I will be happy to hear how they go or offer to take back if it doesn't work out. I think if the dog meets the requirements of the breed or performs the function it was bred to do, then what right to I have to sell a dog and say no-one else can breed but I can. If the dog is a poor specimen for whatever reason then desexing it and placing in a pet home would be the best thing. That is just my opinion.
  11. I do 3 sheep trials which is different to herding. There is also no titles for it. But I am competetive at it. I have titled other dogs in agility though as well
  12. Poodlemum, I agree with you. She was small and slow to start anyway. I was expecting that she was going to die the first night and didn't hold much hope. Not really disappointed as I would rather she died than have to batle to keep her going only to have her die later anyway. The other litter born yesterday are huge in comaprison and all really strong.
  13. Readysetgo - The rest of the litter are in a heated room with their litter mates and mother for a heat source the others are all doing well and are nice and strong.
  14. Thanks for the info. Dancbcs I had looked that up too but like you said it is more evident at a few weeks old rather than a day. Anyway it seems Tiny didn't have enough fight and when I got up at 4:30 this am to feed her, she diesd then. She was rigid and sqeaking a little then just gasped and went. So thanks anyway.
  15. Just wondering if anyone would have any ideas why htis may be the case. I know it is hard without seeing it. My litter of Border Collie pups was born Sun night and they range in size with the largest being 310gm and the little tiny one of 180gm. the little tiny one took a bit to get started and was a bit slow. She then perked up a little but after a few hours became colder to touch and weak and with a poor suck reflex. i figured she would not suvive the night as she was not strong enough to compete with the others to get a bit of tit so I bought her inside on a hot water bottle and heating pad and got up through the night every 2 hours to feed and toilet her. This morning about 6:30 she was rather strong and vocal so gave her another feed and put her back with the mother so she could try and keep as natural as possible. I did observe her today with the litter and she was climbing on them and seemed quite strong. I did see her suckling as well so thought she may be on her way. However, this evening she went backwards again and bcame weak and quite again. So she is back inside for the night on 2 hourly feeds and hot water bottle and heat pad again. As this evening has gone on, she seems to have a real wobbly head. It just jiggles around. I am not sure if it is just weakness and she has trouble lifting her head or it is a progressive deterioration. She still doesn't suck well and so I have to slowly feed her. Has anyone had any experience with a bobbing head puppy? Or have any idea what it may be. I am using the Biolac puppy milk for her. I will prob take her to the vet in morning if I can to get her checked. If she has a worse problem than just needing a leg up to start, I would rather not drag her on if she will always just be an unwell dog
  16. I feed advance to my dogs. I used to feed Euk to my dogs about 15 years ago but one got bad allergies as the protein was too concentrate (suspected by vet) so changed to Advance and all my dogs have been fed it since. I have tried a different food at times to see how they went but coats went dry and had to feed heaps more so swapped back. Advance is also Australian Made.
  17. They are good pics. I d idn't realise there was photo awards also. I used to own the horse that one Domestic Horse of The Year.- Supernatural. I sold him to the people that have him now. Fabulous idea for an event
  18. I have 2 entire bitches that do sheepdog trials. 1 is definately sooky leading up to her season and when is in season, she lacks confidence in herself. She seems to be a little more self preserving. And a lot more sooky I still work her during this although maybe not as much as this temperment change really annoys me. I fidure I need to know how to work her in season so even if trials are on I can still compete. I just have to be aware her strengths and weakness' are different at that time. The other bitch I have only had for 4 months and she came in season. She didn't really change much that I could put down to being in season. I worked her in season too. They are both now pregnant and due in 2 weeks and bitch 1 is showing similar signs now as she does coming into season. The second one is becoming sooky now as well and a bit clingy. But both still keen to work.
  19. I can understand your frustration about having to remind her about the ears and Vax...........but am not sure why someone would be so pissed off that the vet took an interest in his broader range of health issues. I can't understand why someone would not want to hear another opinion on what could be done to help,improve, or alter your dogs other conditions. Maybe she was young and wanted to ask the questions to better her knowledge of your dogs condition for future? Anyway, with only knowing your side of what happened, I feel that she would have been negligent to only have looked at his ear, quick check and jab when clearly the dogs has presented with a range of health issues. The yearly check up is an opportunity to check the dogs progress or deterioration from the previous year. If she didn't check it and make notes, you would have been peeved to come home and see something next week that she should have picked up last week. Thats just my opinion. Clearly its different to everyone elses here.
  20. This guy does herbal stuff and posts it all over Australia. Try this http://www.herbal-treatments.net
  21. From the comments made by the owners of the backyard and beagle saying they were sick of this and to try calling their owners again...........I would say these dogs have a history of being a public nuisance. The fact the people were filming from behind a wall or fence also shows these dogs needed to be treated with care. Along with the fact that the owners if the beagle didn't even dare go outside to try and save their beagle says big things to me. The cops prob have been told there is 2 pitbulls attacking their dog and they couldn't go out in their own yard means warning bells to cops. Cops shouldn't have to risk injury from an uncontrolled potentially very aggressive and unpredictable dog just to see what happens. Too late once they are bitten. The dog charged in an unfriendly manner - result......shot dog. I agree with Jeff Jones post about use of firearms. Besides a cops job is community protection. Sometimes eliminating the risk means killing the threat.................. They shoot people too remember. Anway its in USA. Not the same scale of problems we have here yet. Would rather the cop have done a clean shot though rather than 3 shots. Maybe it was not real bullets but the rubber ones.
  22. Correct. They CAN hold them for you to obtain a permit. Just let them know otherwise after 30 days if they haven't heard from you....................bye bye product. Try looking up the ingedients and see if there is a similar alternative available in Australia first maybe. Or try a natural therapy person. There are some animal naturopaths about.
  23. A permit will prob cost about $110 and I think a pemit has to be obtained prior to import, not as an afterthought. If the product is of great value, a permit MAY be worthwhile to try for but otherwise it may just be a write off. Online overseas sellers make a lot of money selling products around the world. They don't tell people tha tthe country it is going to may not accept it as they want to make money. Some may refund you if you send the goods back but then that wil cost you $42.50 so again prob not worth it. Good luck with it
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