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Everything posted by SwaY

  1. Group 7 BIG - Keeshond RUBIG -
  2. Group 1 BIG - Maltese RUBIG - Italian Greyhound
  3. Hudson the Affen, ( Strongfort Que Será Será ) puppy In group
  4. Sorry I don't have that, I only read the paper work at a show.
  5. I look at it this way - I chose to sell you a puppy based on many things and one of them is that you will desex. If you say you won't, then you won't get a puppy. No different to voiding a warranty or forfeiting on a loan repayment - terms and conditions just like a puppy.
  6. The buyers were taken to court as they said they refused to desex the pups, as the breeder offers to refund a portion/or all of the cost of desexing they had no defence and the pups were desexed.
  7. I can think of two desexing cases that have been to court, each time the breeder won.
  8. Thanks for Hudson's congrats, he is still a minor playing in the puppy class.
  9. Affenpinscher Dog CC / BOB - Am Ch Tamarin Tarnish (Imp USA) Res Dog CC / RUBOB - Strongfort Que Será Será - My Hudson from the puppy class
  10. I don't think there was even close to 150 people there? The lecture was the same as the one Stewart mason held at KCC Park last year - This was funnier thou with the accent and the little skits John was doing, had us all in fits of laughter.
  11. Group 1 1-145 Group 2 146-226 Group 3 227-311 Group 4 312-378 Group 5 379-457 Group 6 458-526 Group 7 527-586
  12. Damn Iphone and it's autocorrect :laugh: - I have no idea what it was now. Some Results
  13. Strongfort Que Será Será - Hudson the Affenpinscher won another BOB and Puppy In Group at KCC today.
  14. Was owned by Leonie McRae from the Open Dog class, another pup from the Open class (I think) went RUBIG.
  15. My Affen Hudson, Strongfort Que Será Será was BOB and Puppy In Group. Was hard cheering for PIS as my friends Bulldog was also in there Puppy In Show - Bulldog - Janayin Games People Play
  16. Wow finished early. If they can finish at that time today why can't they every other day? Yes no Morning tea and lunch - maybe something to think about ??
  17. Baby line up lowchen, stafford, climber, dachie, IRS, Akita, Dali
  18. BIS line up pug, border, ESS, whippet, puli, rotti, Shar Pei
  19. Group 7 Results via Blakbelgian BIG - Std Poodle - Hinde RUBIG - Dali - Marshall Baby - Std Poodle Minor - Dali Puppy - Dane Jnr - Skip Inter - Toy Poodle Aust - RUBIG Open - BIG
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