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Everything posted by SwaY

  1. 7.30am is RUDE to call someone if you don't know them. Friends call each other and weird hours of the day and night, well mine and I do
  2. Great article on HD and environmental factors, data collected over ten years http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120326112842.htm The lecture I went to last year held by a specialist said three factors contribute to HD Genetics, diet and environmental.
  3. I am sorry I don't stock the scraper type. It would be possible to scratch the tooth with both types I imagine if done wrong. I "pick and flick" at the tarter and not on the tooth if that makes sense.
  4. Yep, the pee just keeps going and going and going. The average Dane pup at 8 weeks is already 12-15kg.
  5. SwaY

    Buying A Pup -

    Some litters have 10-16 in them !
  6. Do dogs stay in these all day, swaY ? God no! These are for crate training/feeding/sleeping etc no for all day confinement.
  7. You could also buy a second hand door, and put a very large doogy door in it - when you move out put the original door back on. You can get second hand doors around $30-$50.
  8. Many of use these at shows and home 120 x 120cm They have no bottom in them, but you can get a piece of reo and make your own. Others also use the normal black fold up crates, but I find they are long enough, but not wide enough for them to stretch there legs out.
  9. Pee-Pads won't hold a Dane pee, it's around 300mls+ and gets larger the older they get.
  10. Thank you, I am very smitten with the breed we now have another one to show as well :laugh:
  11. I use and sell the pointed end type, I am able to hook and flick the tarter off. Dental Scaler $8 including postage
  12. KCC Park 9am start time Group 1 1-155 Group 2 156-222 Group 3 223-346 Group 4 347-481 Group 5 482-592 Group 6 593-723 Group 7 724-804
  13. I am looking at the map and there is a star and DOGS marked on Arena 2 with dog exhibitor parking marked around it.
  14. Group 1 1-166 Group 2 167-242 Group 3 243-346 Group 4 347-417 Group 5 418-501 Group 6 502-573 Group 7 574-643
  15. Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera... ten months old Photo taken Saturday after being shortlisted to the last four in the group and then winning puppy in group.
  16. Group 7 BIG - Mini Poodle RUBIG - Several other Poodles got a class in group I am told.
  17. Hudson (Ch Strongfort Que SerĂ¡ SerĂ¡) our Affen was run for Group and awarded Puppy In Group
  18. BIS - Whippet RUBIS - Dandie Baby - Samoyed Minor - Dali Puppy - Border BIS line up Bichon, Dandie, Lab, Whippet, Border, Samoyed, Dane
  19. I assume you mean the Southern Cross Kennel Club held 27.10.12 normally it is held at KCC Park.
  20. You used GenTest in Aust who sent them to Vet Gen in the States? If so I had nothing but trouble with them, took months for results and I had to constantly call/email etc only to be greeted with rude responses. Finally got my results 4 months later ! And the kicker - One was inconclusive, yep wasted $100 for something I could have taken a 50/50 guess on myself ! (was colour testing)
  21. Knuckling over happens in a lot of breeds and is more common then many realise. It can be fixed with diet, warmth, staying off concrete and restricted exercise.
  22. Group 1 had 142 dogs. The judge had a 30min lunch break and came back at 1.20pm judged 14 dogs then did group specials.
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