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Everything posted by SwaY

  1. And those are the very reason many Giant owners don't allow dogs to do it - Far to much risk of injury.
  2. Perhaps a floating rib http://kalaharirr.tripod.com/floatingrib.html I would not be letting my Giant breed puppy play with another dog.
  3. I am very excited as the first order has arrived and it's on it's way to customers today !!
  4. Incorrect diet Same dog, with correct diet 11 days later Knuckling over is common in many breeds big and small http://www.greatdanelady.com/articles/knuckling_over.htm
  5. Grow big dogs slow and steady, correct diet and exercise plus a breeder who can help you out goes a long way.
  6. What about a human heated throw rug/blanket? Warm but not to hot or heavy, can be wrapped around the back and he can get up and move if too hot.
  7. Could you make up a coat for him to wear and put in heat packs in pockets? Problem is many of them are heavy, is it for when he is just sleeping or when up and about?
  8. The feedback I have is, yes they can be used together. I am told you get the best results with Superfuel if you work the dog, the type of dog you describe will get some results but not the maximum that could be achieved. My thoughts, a bit like having a body builders diet without doing the exercise - you get some results but not the best results.
  9. Someone better tell my bitch with 0:0 hips, she does it as well. Then there is the 'they have bad hips' if they can do it, then the other side 'they have good hips if' they can do it.
  10. Found on the grounds over night Female Labrador please see Kathy with Great Danes or call her on 0418 305 769
  11. Found on the grounds over night Female Labrador please see Kathy with Great Danes or call her on 0418 305 769
  12. Is anyone having trouble doing online entries? It won't let me select a class to enter my dog in - it doesn't even display that section. Have logged in and out etc
  13. BIS - LHD RUBIS - Mini Poodle BABY - MINOR - PUPPY - JUNIOR - INTER - BIS AUST - OPEN - RUBIG WINNERS - skip, Wolfhound,
  14. BIS line Up Pap, Stafford, GSP, LHD, Corgi, PWD, Mini Poodle
  15. I am not sure if they can be used together, I will ask for you and let you know.
  16. This is what is on the bag - I always gave my guys less.
  17. They supplier tells me yes as he now has a permit to import it.
  18. Prices are up and pre-orders are being taken, items will be shipped out next week SHOW STOPPER
  19. It's no different to go to Hospital emergency, your follow ups are done by your regular DR. My bitch doesn't need stitched removed are dissolvable, and when you look you can't see any stitches, all the handi work is done from the inside.
  20. Show Stopper is a coat supplement ShowStopper is designed to help dogs look and feel their absolute best. ShowStopper includes a wide array of natural factors meant to supplement weak links in nutrition, leading to a glossy, healthy coat and overall good health. There is also other products that have been bought in K9 puppy gold K9 Super fuel K9 Young at heart Other products and info
  21. It does wonders for the coat and body. Before trying Show Stopper Whilst using Show Stopper
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