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Everything posted by SwaY

  1. Harvey Norman won't take it back, but if you mistreat it they will refuse to fix it under warranty - again terms and conditions. But like a bank, if you don't make regular payments they can take your house. If you don't do periodic maintenance on a leased car, you lose the car. Like everything with terms and conditions if you can't obey or don't like them don't agree, just walk away.
  2. Group 7 BIG - Mini Poodle RUBIG - Dali Baby - Frenchie Puppy - Dane Skips got 2 classes in group Group 1 BIG - Pom RUBIG - Affenpinscher - Hudson Group 3 BIG - Curly Coat RUBIG - Group 4 BIG - PBGV BIS - PBGV RUBIS - Pom
  3. General Specials Tomorrow Mrs Colette Muldoon (Ireland) is judging Best In Show Order of Judging: Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Best in Show followed by Best Breeder Team in Show
  4. HERE http://www.ingridmatschkephotos.com/shop/index.php?do=photocart&viewGallery=10047#page=1
  5. Good idea but only if the general public knew what it meant, A vest would be easier to see and read.
  6. Are you going to sell on consignment? If so I know a few people who I can send your way.
  7. Sydney Royal Easter Show 2013 21 March - 3 April 2013 General Specials will be held Monday 1 April 2013. Download Breed Dates HERE Judges listed here Mrs Barbara Müller (SUI) WORKING DOG GROUP, UTILITY GROUP, PART NON SPORTING & GROUP Mrs Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine (USA) TERRIER GROUP, GUNDOG GROUP, JUNIOR HANDLER CLASSES Mr Ramon Podesta (CHL) TOY GROUP, HOUND GROUP, PART NON SPORTING GROUP
  8. Amanda Marsden took out the senior section and overall, Brodi Bonham took out the junior section and runner up. Judge Ashley Reid from VIC
  9. The results are listed HERE Schedule HERE We have a team of 4 photographers covering the podium and as much of the ring judging as possible. INGRID MATSCHKE http://www.ingridmatschkephotos.com/shop/index.php?do=photocart&viewGallery=10047#page=1 Helen Roberts http://helenrobertsphotography.com/ Lesley Little http://www.littlegemphotography.com.au/ Scott Washington http://www.pawtraiture.com/
  10. Thank you, I was also lucking enough to win 2 x puppy in groups with Shine along with 3 x Bitch CC and RUBOB
  11. It hasn't been in Australia long enough for people to have used it long term.
  12. Miss Shiney Pants (Swayd She Drives Me Crazy) taken on the weekend at 10 months. Shine is on Show Stopper
  13. Many judges will never breed a variety of dogs they are licenced to judge. Do I think you need to have exhibited extensively to become a judge; yes, breed; no. Breed experts are different to judges IMO... There are many breed experts that will never judge and have never breed a litter; yet they have been around long enough to have seen it all and then some.
  14. I know of someone who had never bred a litter (had helped whelp etc) and was accepted into the programme and is now a judge for one group and currently studying for their second.
  15. Hudson the Affenpinscher had a great weekend at the shows 2 x RUBIG, 3 Junior In Shows! Hudson is now the #1 Toy Rising Star in Australia. Multi RUBIS Aust Ch Strongfort Que Será Será
  16. Junior on show - Hudson the Affen Inter on show 1 Hagen the Fauve
  17. Group 6 BIG. - Rotti BIS - PBGV RUBIS - Border Collie
  18. SUNDAY GROUP 2 BIG - Bedlington RUBIG - Stafford GROUP 4 BIG - PBGV RUBIG - Whippet
  19. Bis - Bedlington RUBIS - Baby - Frenchie Puppy - Corgi Junior - Hudson the Affenpinscher
  20. GrouP 5 BIG - Border Collie RUBIG - Border Collie
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