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Everything posted by SwaY

  1. Is the dog registered now? Is it still being shown?
  2. ANKC need to set the rules and each State follow them. This rule change State to State is bullshit, if you don't like the rules here I will move to there etc. People have and do, do it.
  3. Great! It's my birthday that day, you should come out to dinner with us after the seminar?? we going out for dinner? should I come down for the whole weekend? You obviously do not remember our conversations? Seminar, Dinner, you stay at Daughters house Sat night.
  4. Great! It's my birthday that day, you should come out to dinner with us after the seminar??
  6. I don't understand it either. I have a son call Jayden he was born 2 years prior the tragic death of Jaidyn Leskie, I would change his name if I could.
  7. Name them what you like I say. Whilst on the subject of names, why do some parents name their human kids horrible made up names?
  8. There seems to be 2 point of contacts for the Melb seminar. Pat Hatings sent me the email to one person, then later on someone on onshow was arranging it. The later was working with the former, anyway here is the email address [email protected] I have not seen full details etc, was told that they would be out soon, but that was back in the first week in Jan! All I know is May 7, full day at Bulla.
  9. I was reading the Feb NSW gazette and came across this Both shows were Goulburn Dog Show 30/10 AND 31/10 NSJ: Mrs K Eldred (NSW) BIG: Non Re-Registered Import RU: (removed) NSJ: Dr K Sunn (NSW) BIG: Non Re-Registered Import RU: (removed) How does that happen ??
  10. I have been told very bitch is different, best you can do is keep a real close eye on her. And take her to the vets if you feel she needs a check up.
  11. Whilst im certainly no expect, my bitch recently did the same thing. A visit to the vet to confirm nothing left over, tables to help produce milk + Valium. Nope, she was still doing it 4-5 days later. She was given some more oxy, and within 30min she was perfect just like her previous litters. (she had been given oxy, it was just obviously not enough)
  12. Rescue remedy, she will get over it. I have been told it's not good to encourage the behavior after losing puppies and during a phantom. I'm sorry for the loss of your puppies, hugs to Mina and yourself.
  13. http://www.cryogenes.com.au are wonderful !
  14. The shitty old website is still the same, you can register your puppies on line thou.
  15. You could always do fresh AI's to prevent cross contamination.
  16. Mum and pups in the dog room, I sleep in the whelping box with her and the babies for 2-3 weeks. She has room to sleep away from them if she wishes.
  17. Do you have a picture of these, I am curious now.
  18. Great Dane - Majakev True Reflection (ai) (J Rossi & Mrs Sue Burrows) - Championship Title Obtained today
  19. Trish Goertz passed away yesterday morning after a 17 year battle, Trish had German Spitz Mittel. We (friends of Trish's) titled her dog for her at the Lancefield weekend. He turned 12 months on the 27/12 and fortunately there were the 4 shows in which we could title him for her. It was Trish's little dog who recently took the group at Kilmore Agi. Trish had a passion for her breed and tried to promote it where ever she could and she liked to help the trainee judges also. Our hearts go out to her family and friends and her husband Ian.
  20. My babies at 8 weeks Swayd Slip Ov Th Tongue Swayd Cat Gotcha Tongue
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