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Everything posted by Roody70

  1. Hi to all. I am so sorry that I have not been reply to everyone. I have tried numerous times to load up some photo's of Jackson, but the system keeps telling me that they are to big for this forum. I can tell you that Jackson is coming along very well. He now plays with me and other friends that come to our house. He loves playing fetch, however he doesn't want to give the ball back all the time. I allow him to sleep on the end of my bed over the weekends and he really looks forward to that. He is coming up to his 7month bday on the 2nd December. Generally he has definitely come a long way since the first day I got him home. And I would really love to thank all the constructive advice that I received from this forum, it helped me so much. Thanks. I would like to ask however, what is the best way to teach them to go onto a lead. I tried once and he went absolutely stupid, and therefore I am hesitant to try again cause he would not come anywhere near me for 2 days. I was worried that I had scared him. So if anyone has some advice for me I would greatly appreciate it. thanks - and if anyone can tell me how to get my pics on here that would be great.
  2. Hi to all that took the time to respond to my cry for help last week. I want to give you all a update on how Jackson is going. On Friday 8th September, he started to lick my hand when held out to him, then by Saturday he would start chewing on my fingers as his chew toy. He has really came out of his shell now, and ventures up into the lounge room where he has taken his place in the bean bag, to which he now thinks is his own. He will eat out of my hand now and will kinda follow me if i am walking around the house. He will run back to the safety of his bed if he thinks I am watching him. I let him outside in the backyard last week and have secretly watched him from the window. He runs around and takes his teddy bear with him while playing on the lawn. He had his first bath last night to get rid of the bad smell, and he loved the water and just sat there while I washed him down. This morning he came into the bedroom and slept beside the bed. I have to admit that he is adapting and changing much quicker than I thought he would from when I first got him. I can only put it down to all the advice that I was given and made sure to implement. thanks to all, I am feeling much happier knowing that he is coming out of his shell. :rolleyes:
  3. To everyone that has taken the time to give me advice and help, I am very thankful. Last night I layed down in the laundry with Jackson, and just read the paper out loud to him. I noticed that every now and then that he was moving closer. But as soon as I moved my body for what ever reason he would go back to his original spot. I have also given him a teddy bear to keep him company, last night before I went to bed I looked in on him and he had his head resting on the teddy. With everyones comments I do feel confident that he will come out of his shell and be a great friend to me. I will keep you informed on his movements. thanks all.
  4. Again, a big thank you to both Tassie and Tramissa, your remarks along with Nekhbet are very reassuring. I must admit that when talking to him, I try to look directly at him, I thought that this was a way of building his confidence. Will try sitting side on and talking and see how this goes. Also, when we first took delivery of him which was Friday 1st September, he would pull away quite badly if you went to pat or touch his head. Now he doesnt seem to be as afraid of this. Still pulls or shys away a little. While giving him a pat or rub, he dosent want to run away from you, even when you take your hands away he will still just lay there as if too scared to move. I will definitely take all of your remarks and suggestions onboard and try them. I look forward to letting you all know how he progresses. Just one comment or Question? At what stage do you think that I should take him to puppy school to interact with other pups. Should this only be done once he is comfortable with me and his current surroundings?
  5. Thanks for the reply. I too cannot understand why he was neglected or ignored like that. He is a beautiful pup. At the moment we are leaving the laundry door open so he can come into the rest of the house when he feels comfortable. I just want to make sure that I am doing the right thing, so as not to make him worse. Again thanks for your comments.
  6. I am completely new to this forum, so forgive me if I am not sure what I am doing. I have just taken delivery of my new Golden Retriever pup, who is 4 months old. I guess that I am a bit concerned about his personality at the moment. He has not had a lot or any contact with humans for the last 2 months as the breeders have been overseas for the last 3 months and have just had someone going in an feeding him and that is all the contact he had. Since I have had him home at my place, he will not leave the laundry area where I have put his bed for the time being. When I go in to pat him he will try and move away and will not make eye contact with me. I am hoping that this is just a stage that he will go through, but would like to know from other owners is there something that I should be doing to help him get out of this or will it just be a matter of time. He will not accept any food from my hand, but when he thinks I am not looking he will eat the food and also play with his toy. To me that shows that he is just very frightened of all the changes that have happened in the last couple of days. Look forward to hearing from you.
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