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Everything posted by ♪♫LMBC♫♪

  1. Well. I think that's put me off. And I haven't even finished reading it.
  2. Rules and Regulations for Fundraising in Victoria I highly doubt that they are keeping financial records, or that they can provide proof of where the money is going.
  3. Yeah I'm pretty sure you need to register (or something?) any fund raising activities...
  4. I just got OH's dad to check it out, we managed to find a cut (possibly a bite from one of the other boys). Its sort of in the inside of his elbow joint. Its not too deep but its in a bit of a bad spot because it probably hurts for him to bend and straighten his leg. So that explains why he's walking around with one leg in the air. Lucky for Darcy, OH's parents are well equipped with doggy medications so we've given him a painkiller and anti-biotic and he's resting again. They don't think I need to take him to the vet, because its not too bad of a cut and they probably would have just done the same thing we've just done. So I'll see how he goes.
  5. He does love chasing after balls and he also spends a lot of time attempting to round up the huskies so it is possible he could have done some damage that way. He's not going to like this 'resting' thing hopefully we won't have to restrict him too much to get him better.
  6. I got Darcy's name from a baby name website For some reason I knew I wanted his name to start with D. So I did some browsing on the internet and came across 'Darcy', which I thought would be a very fitting name. I thought it sounded good, I liked the meaning, and it didn't take long to catch on. It suits him. It also reminds me of 'Mr. Darcy', which is now his nickname
  7. Over the last couple of days Darcy has had a slight limp. It looked like he had a sore foot but we couldn't see any cuts or anything so just figured he must have sprained it. It didn't seem too painful and after a few hours he was fine. But it has been back on and off, although it was only a small limp. I didn't think it was hurting him too much because he was still running around and playing with the other dogs. Just now, I noticed he seemed to be limping quite badly and when I watched him, he wasn't putting any weight at all on his sore foot. I have had another look and it doesn't look or feel swollen, and he doesn't seem to mind me touching it. I don't know what to think, because he doesn't seem to be in any pain when I touch or squeeze his foot but it must be sore if he won't put weight on it. I will take him to the vet tomorrow but is there anything I should do in the meantime? Right now he is just resting in his crate. Any advice would be appreciated
  8. Did anyone see the comments on the original article? The sister of the person who bought the dog initially has commented, its quite sad that the poor families kids had to give their dog back ;) And for PP to be asking for donations so they can put the poor pup through surgery and then re-sell the pup... ;)
  9. Yes, but its probably also good for kids to understand that you can't always pat any dog.
  10. I don't think most school teachers would even know how kids should/shouldn't behave around dogs, unless they are dog people themselves. The reason kids are allowed to do it is because no one knows any better. Maybe you should say something yourself, either to the kids, or their parents (or both).
  11. Darcy first discovered water at 10 weeks of age when he fell into my parent's pool and had to be fished out. When he was a bit older, I took him for his first trip to the beach. I went in and he just followed. He gets continuously dumped by big waves but will still run right back into the water. He doesn't seem to enjoy it much but I figure he must or he would stop coming in... Now that we live in Richmond, he goes swimming in the river and seems to quite like it. Its nice and calm and easy for him to swim in. He doesn't like having a bath but he will tolerate it. He just stands still and looks miserable :rolleyes:
  12. Darcy does zoomies in the rain. Its his favourite activity But possibly the cutest thing he does, is when he wants to get up on the lounge with me. He will first come and put his head in my lap. Then one foot up, then the other (head is still in my lap) then one back foot, then the other so he is sitting in my lap. Apparently he thinks I don't notice this gradual progression and therefore cannot tell him to get down. He can't just jump up next to me like a normal dog
  13. How did they manage to go all that time without realising it was a male? Surely the vet would have noticed. What makes them think it is a male? It can be hard to tell with cats if you don't know what to look for... The cat went to another vet and said its a male - took it back to the vet (PP vet) which said it was a female and they agreed they got it wrong. Well, if they still have proof of purchase and can get the vet to maybe right a statement saying that the cat is actually male, they might be able to get their money back. However, if they do this they more than likely won't be able to keep the cat and I doubt PP would rehome it. There is also a possibility that they might deny having ever said the cat was female.
  14. How did they manage to go all that time without realising it was a male? Surely the vet would have noticed. What makes them think it is a male? It can be hard to tell with cats if you don't know what to look for...
  15. Yes they are. At least, some of them are. I'm pretty sure they are all franchised so it would be up to the individual store owners to apply for PIAA accreditation. Not that it means much anyway, plenty of pet shops are members.
  16. Darcy used to eat the neighbours cat poo too. It smells disgusting on their breath and then they want to come and give you kisses...ewww
  17. You mean to see if they're microchipped? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure the only way to find out is to actually have the dog scanned.
  18. Probably not, its a free country. Although I'm sure they'd have to get council permission to set up their office so maybe if enough people write letters to the local council, they won't approve it?
  19. I've never heard of that before. Mine was done before he came home at 8 weeks and I'm sure most others are too (assuming that most breeders obey the laws). I find it strange the the vet would be telling her not to do it, microchipping is important...
  20. Like I said in the other thread, I'd be wary of a breeder who doesn't chip their dogs. A good, ethical breeder does the right thing.
  21. What a bullshit generalisation Not every young adult or even teenager feels 'tied down' by the dog they love and have waited years for. I have had dogs of my own (either gifts or purchased myself) consistently since I was 11 & I'm now 25 and have not once felt burdoned or tied down by them. I know I am not alone in this. Fair enough, I probably did not word that very well, I was just trying to point out the long term commitment any animal is. I guess I was just realating more to my own experience not knowing the OP's situation. From 18yo I was out most nights, or away on work trips and would not have had time to commit to a dog, especially since I have a lot of trouble letting anyone else look after my dogs, I just dont trust anyone else. Another one here who got my first dog quite young. I started researching breeds when I was 17, couldn't wait to move out of home so I could have my own dog I had more or less picked my breed by 18, chosen a breeder by 19. Just after I turned 20, I signed the contract on my first home and just a few months later I started making enquiries. I didn't have long to wait until Darcy was born just at the right time :D My situation has changed drastically since then. I broke up with my fiance, moved out of our house, back in with my parents, got together with my new OH (who also has his own dog) and moved here with his parents. Its been hard on both of us but I have never felt burdened by him. In fact, if I didn't have Darcy to worry about I might still be with my ex (I put up with a lot of crap from him, but there was NO WAY I was going to put up with him taking his emotions out on my dog). Darcy has proven to be very adaptable and has settled in quite well with all the changes. Our current living situation is sharing a house with 9 huskies and by some miracle they all get along. I'm pretty sure Darcy loves always having someone to play with. OH and I are both young and have two dogs. Darcy is almost 2 and Ziggy is 3. They are both going to be with us for a long time yet and they will be around for many life changes but I can guarantee neither of them will ever be neglected or unhappy.
  22. Yes, in NSW it is illegal to sell a pup without a chip. I'd be wary of someone who doesn't chip their dogs before they sell them. Who knows what other corners they cut to save costs.
  23. I have had one dog who freaks out when you open an umbrella, which I never would have thought to worry about...
  24. I'm sure it is. Especially when the other person is injured.
  25. Good luck pinning him down long enough to do it!! i hab da nak :p In English?
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