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Everything posted by Pawprints

  1. I'm sorry for your loss Bullyluva She was beautiful!! she is happy now with all the others.
  2. Shek great thread lol Has to be the funniest threah I've read in ages!! Thanks for the laughs and the education! :D Although I'm not laughing because we are getting a male pup in Dec! ;) Oh what I have to look forward too!!! :D
  3. Unfortunately it is a side effect from having a dog!! I don't think any dog (well puppy) owners have immaculate backyards!! lol As Nekhbet said, toys and sand pits will help keep the boredom to a minimum but I suggest you buy some hardly plants!! Even as an adult our dog wouldn't dig whilst we were home but delighted in making a few when we left. But hardy plants helped minimise the damage. I also found raised garden beds better as it acted as 'somewhat' of a deterrant.
  4. Thanks guys. I think we may stick to one for now. My only concern that was because we work, it will be on it's own after the initial time off I have to spend with it. But we are very active after work and will be exercising it daily and taking it every where on the weekends etc. Shoemonster - your staffys crack me up. Whenever you talk about them, I can picture them as my mum has a staffy with the same colouring and all and I just laugh. Gorgeous!
  5. Pawprints

    Too Soon?

    We are planning on getting two rottie pups in Nov/Dec. I know that they have to have their vaccinations up to 16 weeks and that they should not be exposed to strange dogs before all their vaccs. After that, is it reasonable to be able to socialise them wit my mums staffy who is 2 years old? Are there any health concerns regarding that they shouldn't be playing around too much at that stage in case they injure themselves in their growing period? Would supervised play be better at say 4 months onwards? Would having two pups at the same time be risky? We would like them to grow up with each other and we are dedicated to socialising and training one each.
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