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Everything posted by Whateverr

  1. spike bites... but he is learning not to and is quite good at it.. when he bites me, i hold him gently for a second or 2 until he tries to get away.. i dont think its the right thing to do but he isnt biting as much anymore..
  2. i dont think we have an emergency vet here...
  3. well thats good.. now i know that what i thought was confirmed (god i sound like a textbook) i can tell you what happened... tonight while me, my mum and her friend were outside we lit up a mozzie coil to, well.. keep the mozzies away. now my other 2dogs were inside and spike was on my lap outside. he was getting sqwirmish so i let him down and he was sniffing around like he usually does.. anyway he went to sniff the mozzie coil and he knocked it over. I saw this and got the coil out of the way and put some cold water on his nose just in case but because i hadnt seen any singes on his fur, i didnt think that he burnt himself. now, 2 1/2 hours later, spike is sitting on my bed with me up against my leg when he starts yelping. I moved cause i thought i was squishing him but when he moved away from me he started to yelp again, only this time it was more louder and distraught and he was rubbing the front of his face with his paws. i tried to have a look but he wouldnt let me touch his mouth area. I showed my dad and he thought that spike had been stung by a bee but now he too agrees that spike burnt his nose or lip or whatever. he has settled down now and his head is resting on a wrapped ice-pack, but my mum had raised the question of whether we could give him something for the pain.. and now i know i cant, i'll just have to keep the ice on him..
  4. Whateverr


    im going to ask a question that i think i already know the answer to.. and i know that if i saw this question on here that was posted by someone else, i would think "what an idiot" but i really need to know... can you give dogs panadol? if so what dosage is acceptable? i already understand that this question has a.. well.. obvious answer but help me out here please
  5. ohk... so spike is being really weird.. when he sleeps (and i mean a deep i-could-move-him-and-he-wouldnt-wake-up sleep) he growls and looks like he is trying to chase something cause his legs move a little bit.. could he be dreaming? he also moves his mouth as if he is suckling on whatever.. its so strange.. OOH.. and he also snores.. when he sleeps in a little curled up ball i'll often hear him making LOUD snoring sounds that resemble my dad, which to me is kinda scary lol is spike snoring? when he does this i move his head so that it doesnt block his breathing but its still weird... please help me ;)
  6. omg spike was sitting on my lap while i was at the computer this morning and then before i could do anything he jumped from my lap and onto the floor. When he landed he made a grunting sound that i would called the equivilent to getting winded in a human and then he sorta stood there for a moment and then 'froze' and started crying... i picked him up gently and patted him over on his legs, ribs and face and he didnt make a noise so im assuming that everything was ok and that he wasnt hurt but now he is really sleepy and just wants to sit in his basket... he was really playful not 10 minutes ago and now he's just sleeping.. did the fall do anything to him? im so worried and i have to leave him cause i have to go to school, what can i do??? Abbey
  7. thanks for all the advice... i was geting desperate the other day so i just gave him one anyway and he didnt really 'eat it' he just chewed on it and left it lying around... and then later on, came back to chew on it abit more... i might get lamb shanks but not sure as i dont want to clean up the raw, bloody, meaty mess... i squirm whenever people buy bags of lamb shanks at work.. its so gross and icky lol ETA: i also bought him some pedigree puppy buscuits, you know the ones in the shapes of "ABCDE" and he loves them... chews on them and likes to eat them inbetween his main meals... i found a few in his basket the other day.. it was as if he was hiding them.. lol
  8. ok, so ive noticed that my puppy has been chewing absolutely everything so today i went to get him some dentabone puppy bones and some puppy biscuits to chew on... are these ok to give him? they are specifically for puppies and im assuming they are ok but i wasnt 100% sure... i just wanted to know if they are safe or whatever to give to a puppy before i give it to him...
  9. haha yeh i could upload one for you.. hehe i could make it all pretty like... but yeh as of this moment i havent got any videos of him on the floorboards but i can quiet easily get one opps forgot to add... he is a maltese/poodle... :D
  10. my puppy, spike, doesnt like to walk on the floorboards.... ive tried to get him to walk by using treats but he still doesnt come closer... he'll walk on the tiles and the carpet but as soon as i walk out of that perticular room and onto the floorboards, he either stays put and crys OR he comes out a little bit but then "chickens out" and goes back to where he was originally... its really confusing me and ive tried everything i can think of to get him to walk on the floor boards but still no progress here are some photos of him....
  11. Whateverr


    yeh, my pup Spike hasnt gone in the house yet and he is only 8wks! although he did start crying at 3AM to be let out!!!! lol but mind you, now that ive said he hasnt gone he most likely will.. *grumbles* lol
  12. my pup is a little over 8 wks and when i take him outside he goes straightaway... i dont know if this is cause he is just really busting or if he just knows when to go... he's yet to go in the house but we'll see... now that ive said that he prob will.. your pup is adorable!!
  13. i've finally got my new puppy..... say hello to my new baby.... Spike!!!! haha.... isnt he a cutie?? he is sooooooooo adorable!!!! :D what do you think???
  14. um.... i have said that (yes, it was discussed, i wont deny that) i am NOT going to breed the dogs and i have said in another post that i am currently trying to convince my parents to get them desexed... so um... could you not.. i dno... it sounds like you're angry at me or something.. i do value your opinion and i am greatful to all the advice given by everyone but you dont have to be so... blunt.. about it... and my parents have had experience in breeding.. when i was younger, they used to breed purebred Australian Silky Terriers... so...
  15. this is gonna sound cliche but i swear it happened.. my dog, sammy, chewed up my entire assignment!!! and it wasnt just a small homework thing, it was a BIG, as in been working 6 months - 200 page - assignment!!!! i was so distraught.. my mum had to take pictures so that she could prove to my teachers that my dog ate my homework...
  16. they are a few litters apart though? like ive said, we decided to not have puppies cause it was too much of a hassle.. but what risks are involved if i was to breed siblings? i thought it didnt matter with dogs...
  17. yeh, on the complications.. my parents and i decided that (after dicussing it alot! lol) we wouldnt try to breed the dogs because of the risks involved, especially with the smaller one. We decided that it was best to keep our current dog and be happy with her, than to spend lots of money trying to have c-sections and then have fi-fi die.. sounds mean but oh well.. lol thanks for the advice will deff be getting my puppy desexed :D
  18. My parents didnt get the females desexed because at the time, they wanted to get puppies out of them. But one doesnt like male dogs and the other is too small to have puppies without complications so we didnt really bother. They dont really have a pack order. I mean, the smaller one gets more attention than the older one but when this happens, the older one will just sit there and not mind at all. They dont "fight" to get the attention of us when we pet them and such so they seem pretty OK with 'sharing' the humans, lol. Im still in school (8:20am - 3:30pm), so do you think it would be better to leave out more food and water for it, or feed it right before i leave in the morning, leave food and water out during the day, and then feed him when i get home? oh my.. so many questions... lol you'd think at 17 you would be able to care for a puppy without any hassle.. lol Thanks for replying
  19. yeh, i have thought about that because both the other dogs are females. my parents wanted the older dog (sammy) to have puppies but when we tried, she wouldnt even go near the male dog. in fact she sat on the ground for the entire time the male was in her presence. lol my mum said shes a prude... thats why we havent got her desexed. As for the other one (fi-fi), she still acts like a puppy. She runs and gets excited like puppies do and she's smaller than sammy at the same age. We briefly discussed the issue of maybe getting fi-fi and Spike (as my puppy will be called lol) to mate but it was decided that fi-fi was too small and havent talked about it since.. would it stop anything from "appearing" if i got him desexed?
  20. ok so here are the facts: my sister (13) and brother (7) have both got female maltese/poodle dogs, one is about 3 years and the other 1 and a half. i have helped them look after their dogs when they were puppies and now im about to get my own. I can pick it up on the 13th of september. Its a MALE maltese/poodle from the same parents as the other 2 dogs. I have a persian cat as well. i am determined to train and "raise" this puppy by myself and i want to do a good job of it. I havent ever had a male dog before either. I would like help on things like: - what to feed it? - how to introduce it to my cat and the other dogs? - what i should do when the other dogs (female) are in heat? - how to train it? - what grooming techniques should i use? (its fair haired, more maltese than poodle) - should i give it toys? - my car is a 1975 manual beetle, do i need to have a secure basket etc for the ride home and/or future car trips? will my car have any effect on my puppy? - should it sleep inside? (most nights the other dogs come inside and sleep on my sisters bed) - what should i bathe it in? puppy shampoo, flea control..etc? - should i give it a collar now or wait until its grown a bit more? as you can see (LOL) i really want to do well and to train/'raise' my puppy to be a friendly happy bouncy dog, if ANYONE can or is willing to help me... could you pleae do so.. ? thanks in advance...
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