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We have a Buckeye tree in the back yard and he's been eating the seeds. We've just found out about it (we mvoed in recently) and apparently they can be poisonous, causing tummy upsets (not seen) and hyper-excitability (seen a lot of that!), so we're keeping him on a lead in the back yard and he's really really mellow with bouts of normal puppy exuberance since, which explains why he was going a bit insane. He had his 12 week jabs the other day and the vet said to keep him in the garden for another 4 weeks, but at puppy school last night the trainer said it's really important for him to get out and about and socialise, as that is more important, so I took him for a little walk this morning and he seems to have burned off some of his energy.
Thanks for your replies. I was worried his biting was getting to be a dominance thing. He was doing wonderfully with his sit, stay, drop, give and come but now when I ask him to follow me he just lays on the floor with his chin on the ground and looks at me - I think he's starting to rebel a bit? He will continue to have some play on his own outside then, but his growling and biting seems to be uncontrollable. He's responding a bit to "time out" in the laundry.
We've had our retriever for 4 weeks now and is 80% of the time a wonderfully behaved dog. We're taking him to puppy school. Over the past week he has developed his "witching hour" when he runs around the house/garden doing the "Puppy 500" and his eyes roll back and he growls and bites, which includes our legs! We've said "no" loudly and replaced our legs with toys in his mouth, but he is now growling whilst chasing us. We know we are supposed to stand still and ignore him and we do when we can but sometimes it hurts too much to wait for him to lose interest! He has recently been let out in the garden without a leash to pee so I am suspecting maybe we have given him too much freedom too soon ??? Any help much appreciated.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I was hoping the pup would poop in the tray IN the garden, but maybe I'm being a bit ambitious. I've done some reading since and it appears training the pup to go in the same place on the lawn itself is the best option long term. thanks
Hi - I have my crate ready for when we get a GR puppy in the next few months. I also wondered, is it possible to get your dog to go to the toilet in a big plastic tray? I have trained my pet bunnies to use a tray very easily, and just wondered if you could put a tray inside and outside and prevent the dog from leaving pressies all over the garden??!! Thanks Liz.
Hi - congrats on your new golden puppies!! I'm getting one in the next couple of months too, so am reading your post with interest! Where did you get them from? I'm going to be working full time, so wonder how I can feed my puppy (when I get him) three meals a day. Does anyone have any advice please? Are those timer pet feeders worth investing in for my pup's lunch time snack ? (spoilt or what!!)