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Everything posted by dogdude

  1. The morning before the trial and we just completed our laziest training drill ever! Done all the work correctly, but looked like he was sleep walking There was absolutely nothing I could do to get him anything near exited to work. I was soooo disappointed because the forecast is for the same conditions tommorrow morning. No wind + heat over 23 degrees = Oscar nap. I still plan to show up though.......I will try a shower of cool water just before I enter. That improved him a little bit last trial. I wish they held night time trials in Melbourne!!!!!
  2. How do you plan to "train" a dog while it is romping around uncontrolled? Its fine if you have great off lead control..............but what about the other dogs??? Will they run back to their owners when you call yours? How many dogs do you think it takes for yours to meet till its "socialised"?????? Your dog only needs to meet a few friendly dogs for it to remain socialised. No point in making it a numbers game because eventually you will lose. Its not neccesarilly your dog that you have to worry about at those places. Those places are visited by morons like everywhere else!!!!!!! I can tell you by experience that nobody wants a BT running up to them uninvited. Being a BT "DOES" make a difference. It sounds like you have never tried to physically break up fight involving a BT? It is not usually a pretty sight. Please dont take offence to my post...........Just hate seeing people taking the wrong path........particulary when they own my favorite breeds. ETA: That frequent meetings with many strange dogs (even friendly ones) can actually become obsessive, especially if she is your only dog. Its your job to be more exiting to be with around other dogs. You should aim for a dog that is not all that interested in strange dogs, but has not had a reason to want to kill one upon meeting one. That is what I class as a dog socialised pet. Putting up with strange dogs is only a small slice of the socialisation pie. There is a whole world of strange sights and sounds out there for her to experience.
  3. IMO you should look at off-lead dog parks as areas that you can interact with your dog. If you treat them as a free for all dog romp then you will eventually get trouble. The thing is that you "DONT" know which dogs are safe to approach, that is why it's a gamble every time you do it. Your dog dosn't need it, and you don't need to risk ruining her good temperment with unknown dogs. To get off lead control you need to train her regulary. Socialisation should be done on lead in a controlled situation IMO. As an owner of 4 Bull Terriers in the past, I can tell you that it only takes one bad experience to turn your dog into a dog aggressive pain in the but. Nothing more embarrasing and the breed can do without the image.
  4. Associate registered dogs compete for the same titles and prizes in all dog sports competing under the ANKC banner, other than organised restricted to breed events held by breed clubs.
  5. NAHHHHHHHHH..............Agility's for girls!!!!!!!!! Have you noticed a distinct lack of the male gender in agility?????? All you single guys need to get into dog sports!! :rolleyes:
  6. Most dogs of any size hate being picked up. It is quite normal. Try starting off with food treats when you pick her up, or .........don't pick her up. Personally, I would refrain from letting the dog sleep in your bed. It "can" start behavioral problems.
  7. Yeah Jules..........Oscar is going ok, not him i'm nervy about. It seems that nearly everyone that I know in the trialling world is going to be at Croydon, even the family this time. I prefer to slip under the radar if I can
  8. Hi BC Yep! Keep my eye open for you. There was a lovely choc BC at the Portland Double trial that missed out on the H.I.T by one point (was competing in Open) Think the same lady had a B&W one too. Both were scoring in the 190s.
  9. So how many entries did you get Leopuppy04?? Open?? For some funny reason i'm a bit nervy this week :D Don't usually suffer nerves at all!! Oh well.......i'm sure I will click back into gear on the day.
  10. There are many ideal criteria that you could dream up in the ideal world but that won't solve the real problem................not enough people wanting to become instructors in the first place. Who wants to give up half a Sunday every week and let your own dogs training wain to boot?? That problem is the one that really needs to be soughted. One club that I was a member of when I enquired about becoming an instructor at told me that they are really choosey in who they train because past instructors had left their club after training!!!?? I was already an experienced instructor anyway.............and it annoys me that some of these clubs (including that one) are very well off financially, and could well afford to send new instructors to do the NDTF or similar, but choose not to for the sake of the clubs bottom line looking strong at the end of the year. A bit of investment in the instructors would be paid multiple times over by keeping members longer. There is just no reason whatsoever that someone would really want to become one from where I sit. I am really just enjoying being a member atm.
  11. Unfortunately I won't be coming to the next one due to working a shift that includes weekends. I will however have Tuesdays and Wednesdays free if anyone wants to meet up some time.
  12. I had a great time too. Had a big scare on the way home though..............Brydee jumped out of the car window and Oscar thought that he would "go and rescue her"!!!! This happend in the merging lane of the Moroondah Hwy!! Lucky I could quickly stop and do a quick count of limbs and broken bones, but all is ok.
  13. Congrats Kelpiesrule!!! Sounds like you done great!!!! Good luck for Maryborough.
  14. I would put a peice of white tape a few inches above the jump height (accross the jump) and slowly fade it to a black string to get the dog used to the idea that he always needs to allow an inch or two for clearance. I do this when teaching broad jump and high jump in obedience
  15. Yeah...last time we probably spent more time talking (about training problems) than actual training, but we also did run throughs for those that wanted to and a little bit of vid making etc. Those that had training problems threw them up for group discussion and experiences were shared etc. Appart from meeting some of the dolers that I have not yet met........my main goal is to familiarise Oscar to the train (and grounds) and use it to proof focus in heeling in preperation for the Croydon trial the following weekend. Anyone is welcome Haven.
  16. They have forecast a rainy day as well Maybe another day might be better anyway? The following Sat is the day before the trial.
  17. One magazine shoot and you wanta be Naome Campbell :D Just joking....very nice pic of you and Kinta. I see a kennel relo also appears near the front of VicDog.
  18. I think the best DogsVictoria affiliated one would be Geelong Obedience Dog Club at Belmont Common. They always bring in the top trainers for seminars etc and I have only heard good things about the club (besides being flood prone lol). Not a member but have visited a few times and trialled there.
  19. Ok...........KCC it is. I can go down near the local train station to introduce him to a big metal monster. Should I bring the High Jump?
  20. I'm happy to meet at KCC but anybody that is planning on entering the Croydon trial coming up should start proofing their dogs around trains. If I remember rightly LP, on one of your video clips from Croydon I saw a train roaring past in very close proximity to the grounds? For that reason I would prefer there, but I will go with the flow in any case.
  21. Sadly just a figure of speach now From this To this...........in just 6 months!!!!!!!
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