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Everything posted by neorotic

  1. I have just been told that they are recalling ALL orijen, cat and dog now.
  2. All answers are on the FAQ page Thanks Did it help? Iv'e had very little feedback on that page, just want to make sure i have covered all the questions Yes it did answer my question thankyou. I do have another question though, if i saw a prefix under say Neos and i wanted to contact them, if i rang the canine control and said im interested in contacting "such and such prefix" to see if they have any pups available, would canine control give me their contact details. I only ask this because there is ALOT of puppy farmers listed under my breed and i imagine others breeds as well. I would hate to see them get exposure. I think your site is very well put together and think its an awesome idea to see what prefix's are already taken
  3. Can I ask what you hope to acheive by doing this, this is not a negative question im just curious
  4. Tony Smith is great. I have used the specialist centre at albany creek for Frozen AIs and they were fantastic and friendly. Maybe just take your pup to another vet for a second opinion or to one of the chiropractors shoelace has suggested before involving a specialist as they are costly and you may not even need them.
  5. Will defiantly agree, they are awesome people and know their stuff
  6. I had a dogue pup that bunny hopped, he was PTS at 5mths with server HD, unfortunately his breeder just said oh well, i would definitely be getting him xrayed. Do you have a pic of your pup standing up?
  7. I had a pup do exactly the same thing, wouldnt eat for days, had it vet checked and they couldnt find anything wrong but gave him an injection of something that was supose to stimulate his appetite (it didnt) and then i had a foster pup come and stay for a week, my god there was competition now and he has never missed a meal since. I was concerned that once the foster pup left he would go back to not eating but he didnt thankfully.
  8. You could bring your baby to my class Did you get to speak to Jo at the vets fun day at Jimboomba? They have 26wk or 12 month memberships and she has grounds at Jimboomba and Mabel park which would be closer to you. Mabel Park is held on Sunday mornings at 8.30. You should bring your baby down and check my teaching skills out
  9. Will that damage the eye opening it too soon?
  10. One of my 9 day old pups has an eye with alot of pus coming out, her eyes are not open yet and i think what may have happened is a few days ago they had the runs and when fighting over the teats another pup may have scratched her in the eye with poo on its foot. Can i bathe it in salt water or will this effect the pups unopened eye? She will be going to the vets in the morning but is there anything i can do now for her? What a battle this litter has been so far
  11. Wow thats a good price for an after hours c section, i pay around $1200 for an elective, but my dogs are just a bit bigger than yours I do get breeders rates for vaccinations and anything i have done which is great and if my vets dont know something they will research and research for me
  12. I pay around the $150 for male dogs and about $170 for females.
  13. Thankyou, i will email tonight as i have to look through all my pics to find the best ones of her.
  14. That is absolutly gorgeous. I cant work out how to post pics up so could i email you my pics by any chance?
  15. I find Science Diet makes my breed grow like greyhounds, tall and lanky. I feed eagle pack and orijen and when i did the switch to those brands you could actually notice a difference in 2wks. I have converted so many people and havent heard one bad thing back. Orijen doesnt have any fillers either.
  16. You were taken too soon and im missing you terribly especially your annoying little habits like taking my shoes so i have to search for them for hours, my big slobbery kisses when im in my good clothes, blocking my way so id have to move you. I miss our wrestling matches and im really missing seeing your happy face when i come home. Princess by name and Princess by nature. Run free baby girl.
  17. Thanks for everyones experiences and advice! My rescue dog arrived today, she is still bleeding but due to her poor condition (very underweight) i will be waiting untill the end of her season so then she will be much healthier before getting the op. Here is her pic and updates on her will be in the rescue section if anyone is interested
  18. I have spoken to my vet and he said he would do it. I dont have any problems keeping her safe, i am just wanting to see what other peoples opinions on it are.
  19. Ive just been told she is bleeding so coming from a pound you wouldnt expect to know how long she has been on for.
  20. I have a rescue girl coming to me this week and have just been told she is on heat. Is it best to wait untill she goes off or can i do it now. I have had a bad experience desexing a bitch who was on heat before but she was a large girl and there could have been other factors contributing to that op. I know alot of vets wont desex them and out of the 4 vets where i go only 1 will do the procedure. Just looking to get some thoughts on this from other people.
  21. Name: Kylie Age (optional): 30 Location: Brisbane Area Rescue Group: Save a pound Dog QLD Time in Rescue: 1 year Who can vouch for: Varicool Preferred Breed: Neapolitan Mastiffs, anything that drools. Experience (if any):Breeder and Exhibitor Microchip Yes Vaccination Yes Desexing Yes Heartworm test Yes worming Yes flea treatment Yes vet work if required Yes basic training/teach manners. Yes house train dogs If needed Dogs inside the home or outside. Mostly outside but have facilities/kennels/whelping room etc... Are you prepared to give extra care for a submissive nervous dog. Yes
  22. neorotic


    Im so sorry to hear about Jimmy Santa cant believe it either
  23. Bella came home today She has to walk real slow or she loses balance and her foot still knuckles over a bit but she will get there :rolleyes:
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