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Everything posted by Runter'n'Puby

  1. what kind of raw meat do you recommend peibe? and would you encourage mixing in rice/pasta to fill it out?
  2. Thanks for that lillysmum. I was feeding my dogs Hill Science Diet up until nine months ago (i was getting a staff discount at my work so it was heaps cheaper) but then I left that work and so I put them onto canned food. My labradorx Punter has lost weight while on the canned food diet (he needed to lose some but not as much as he has and now he's too skinny) and my beagle Ruby has put on weight since they moved to canned food (she's fat and needs to lose it .... ) Think I'll change to a better quality diet. Hill Science was good but quite expensive. Might look into some of those you suggested...
  3. thankyou. am looking up eagle pack holistic food on the net now. when you say "BARF", that's bones and raw food right? Are you referring to things like chicken necks and wings, or does it include raw vegies too?
  4. Koilz - when I initially read that, i thought you meant you like Aldi Dog Food for yourself!!!!!!
  5. CavNrott what do you feed your dogs instead of canned?
  6. Just wondering if anyone has bought Aldi canned dog food and has an opinion on whether it's crap or is it equivalent to Pal/Bush's/Lucky Dog etc (i realise some people think they are crap too)
  7. Gee those photos made me laugh. My beagle Ruby is 5 and a half years old now, but I'll never forget the joys of the puppy years (they seemed to last forever). She and my other dog Punter, a lab x something, got up to so much mischief in the first couple of years I had them. That photo of the buried remoted brought back similar memories. Back when the dogs were about 9 months old, my tv remote went missing, just completely vanished. It was a mystery. It wasn't until months later when I was doing some gardening that I found it buried in the backyard. It didn't work anymore! When I first got my dogs, when they were little babies, they slept in the bathroom. I would get up in the morning and find little paw prints in the bathroom sink! I have no idea how they got up so high, I think maybe one gave the other a boost up! After a few bars of soap were consumed, and countless toilet rolls, I started to lock everything away at night in the cupboards. When Ruby was a one year old beagle, I came home from work one day to find her sitting very forlorn in the backyard, which was strange because she is usually a bundle of energy. I then found the remains of a box of grass seed. But no grass seed to be found. She ate the entire kilogram of grass seed! I took her to the vet who said I would just have to wait for it to pass. For the next week she was doing little grass seed patty poos all over the garden.
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