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Everything posted by GomezAkita

  1. Excuse my ignorance what is no 7 shot? This snake went across about 15m of bare ground on gravel so it must have been on a mission somewhere. Unfortunatly we do have some mice the buggers are hard to get rid of and our dogs will catch them, so iam worried about poisoning them incase they eat the mice. No 7 shot comes out the end of a shotgun at great velocity with lots of small lead balls it tends to cut the snakes in half.
  2. The best thing for getting rid of snakes is no 7 shot Failing that get rid of any cover they can use to approach the house, get rid of rodents as these are a staple diet for snakes.
  3. You can give them a little pinapple juice, this seems to stop them doing it. It is a bit of a wives tale solution but it does seem to work. P.S. Picking it up before they can do it though is only guarantee
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