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  1. easy, depends on the coat sometimes to what blade we use. And also if the coat is that soft you can wash, blowdry the dog first and you will find it easy to get the blade through. I dont like combs on poodles, prefer to scissor. I must admit when I get stuck - like when our groomers away - I just scissor him, it is much easier for me.
  2. My mother in law has the Osters and I tried to clip Mac -my very curly poodle - and buggered if I could get them to cut at all? They were sharp as they were new - and they work okay on her dogs - but for me I just couldn't get them through Mac's coat at all - not even without the comb (I know that would have been such a bad look - I am so glad it didn't work!) Mac has the sort of coat where if you try and brush it it actually knots more - like it is being teased. I just have him clipped regularly and keep him fairly short - I don't know how you guys do it!
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