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Everything posted by julesluvscavs

  1. You were lucky stormie you were able to spend the night with Orbit.. When Renae was in overnight, I wasn't allowed to spend any time with her. The vet only checked on her once at 10pm, and after he left she took her IV drip out and got out her cage because they didn't shut it properly! Least Orbit was able to get your full time care (I guess it helped because its where u work) Hows Lottie going Beth???
  2. I gave up a long time ago about mine sleeping on the lounge, if that's what they prefer ! I just deal with the hair after LOL Mind you they sleep on/in our bed at night
  3. Our Renae was quite sick recently too, and had to stay overnight at the vets. They just put it down to a tummy bug. She's a lot better now, but boy did she vomit heaps ! Her son Joey was a bit off colour also not long before she got sick. Hope Lottie's on the mend real soon! She's beautiful!
  4. Joey loves chasing and yapping at birds, and hunting mice, he lives for it !
  5. Hmmm don't know? Our two would never skip a meal LOL.. except when Renae was recently sick (well that's different) I've read on here in food threads that some people skip a meal with their dog/s every week for a particular reason. So I'm guessing unless Charlie is doing it too often, and for too long, then it might not be an issue
  6. ps.. well secured fencing is a must with Cavaliers, as they can be escape artists, and they are known for not having good road sense .. They love being around people, and do not do well if left alone for too many hours. They are a indoor type dog, that will take over your bed, lounge, heart etc LOL
  7. Hi Abigail and welcome to DOL We own 2 Cavs, Renae and her son Joey. Joey being young still is quite active, and enjoys long walks with my Husband, however his Mother prefers to slow short walks and tends to sleep a fair bit these days (bit like me!) lol You have to watch they don't over eat, even when they are pleading with their beautiful big brown eyes! They can develop a few known genetic issues, so you will need to do your research carefully with the breed itself, and the breeders. Very important ! You can find more info in this section on both breeds u are interested in (and other breeds) .. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showforum=62 Most Cavs have a very gentle, friendly and loving nature, altho our Renae can get territorial around kids and people she doesn't know.. Joey has a brilliant temperament and loves everyone, and is such a happy go lucky Cav! All the best with your research, and whatever breed you end up getting !
  8. Joey and Renae both get a doggy biscuit each for breaky around 5-6am, and their tea at around 5pm. Their weight is in the healthy range for their ages
  9. Our Joey sleeps like that most of time at night with my DH .I have gone to hug my hubby and I keep getting Joey instead ! lol I think it's both things you mentioned in our Joey's case
  10. I have never bought a dog/cat from a pet shop. My parents were registered GSD breeder when I was growing up, so that was installed in me from a very early age about supporting breeders (the right ones of course). They even bought my first dog from the AWL (as they supported shelters too). So all my dogs have been from shelters, except our Cavs which we bought from a registered (and ethical) breeder. Not to say I haven't been tempted in the past when I have gone into a pet shop 'out of curiosity' Before we got Joey, I did come very close to actually buying a cute puppy from a pet shop while out and about once in a large shopping center. However my DH (who is very anti pet shops!) managed to get me out there without one ! Thank God! We generally won't get our pet stuff from ones where they sell dogs and cats, but where we live it's hard to find such a pet shop (there's only the one here anyway). I have been in it once I admit to grab something (but I usually have a bit of whinge to people around me about my dislake of such places!) I'm disappointed tho that my brother was brought up with strong pet owning ethics as well, but a year ago he and his now ex wife went and bought 2 Cavalier x's , more because of the wife insisting, which she has since left my brother, who didn't really want them at the time, but is stuck with them now. Most of my friends have had no idea what goes on behind the scenes with pet shops and puppy farms. I think now they do know (from me), some of them just prefer to turn a blind eye to it..
  11. Thanks! How's your little one going? Feeling better? Thanks for asking Yeah still very sleepy (but that could be the meds she's on atm too for it), but she's defiantly on the mend! Even took them both out for a little drive yesterday
  12. Oh thats good to hear, hope things will be ok for Charlie as much as it can be .. thinking of u both *hugs*
  13. That's true !!!! Luckily they are letting us pay it off over a couple weeks !
  14. Yeah thats a typical Cav personality ! :p Thanks for the editing tip ! Yeah Renae is much better, just had a bit of a tummy bug we think ! (There's a thread about her over the next page about her going to the vets)
  15. I've been cav puppy clucky for over a year now, this isn't helping !!! LOL With the vet bill we got the other day for Renae, I could have almost bought another one ! ;-)
  16. Awwww very cuteee! love how u did the loveheart shape around him.. gorgeous !
  17. There's a Doler's FB group (best to let people know u are tho on there, or if u add anyone:) http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=4710338461&ref=ts
  18. Thank you LMC, and everyone else that has left replies in here I have woken up with a very sore throat and feel crap, so will just be brief in here. Renae is a lot brighter today, but very sleepy. She seems quite settled. Hopefully she will back to her normal self over the next few days Hope all you all have a relaxing Sunday with your families and pets ! xxx
  19. Hi and thankyou Wazzat Xolo Yeah i know vets generally do their best, and I've been mostly impressed with this particular vet, and I know 'accidents' can happen, and I glad they were upfront about it (as most would probably not have said anything!) but I still feel a bit upset about it. I'm not blaming anyone. It would have been nice had they given me a reduced price because of it, but that's not the issue. Wonder what happens if there was ever a fire in those places that don't have a vet on the premises?? I was ok initially when they told me the vet would be checking in regularly, but it appears he only came in once at 10pm, so it seems from what I understood. She was frantic, thats why she was scratching at the doors and walls! I do go out sometimes, and leave them alone at home, but its usually only for a few hours at a time (and its in the comfort of their own home with music on etc). If we go out longer than that, I get my parents to dog sit them. Cavaliers especially, do need/require the extra attention.. I've had other dogs (and Joey) in the past that have been ok overnight at the vets, but then they have had procedures/op done, and have been sleeping it off most of the time because of the sedation they were given. Renae had nothing, so would have fairly fully aware of being alone for all those hours. Anyway she's on medication, is drinking some water, and eating tiny bits, and is sleeping again close by me Thanks for the hug too xxx
  20. Oh that is so very sad tlc, I am so sorry to hear your that your Cocker Spaniel died all alone That is my worse fear .. Thank you also for your caring messages xxx Be back later to acknowledge other comments
  21. Goldengirl, just did an update.. she would have gotten out soon after 10pm and they only found her this morning about 8 am ish? She had scratched up their walls/doors, which meant she wasn't that settled being there.. She's mostly deaf as well, so she gets a bit frightened at times.. Plus when we first was given her, she fretted heaps, especially the first few night nights and was going around to all the doors and scratching them and crying ... so I know she would have been upset until she saw someone.. ps.. They did all say she was very well behaved otherwise.
  22. I meant to come back and reply, but I ended up having a big nap after lunch lol. The last couple nights have taken a bit of a toll on me I had to wait ages for the vet, who by the way we have had many times for all our pets, and he is decent vet I must say, but I guess I am just feeling the level of service wasn't the best this time (imo). He was honest at least, and did say he checked on her at 10pm, and I think he said he took her out for a walk for a wee, and to give her a pat and she was excited to see someone (she would have been!), then he must've have clipped her cage back up properly. He did say she was perky and had enough fluids needed to make her better. He said that she probably has a tummy bug, since Joey had it very mildly also. She did have an injection last night, I think antibiotics? He gave me some pink liquid stuff, some clavax AB (sp?) and a tin of hills id canned food, which is to be slowly given to her over at least 2 days, then bland small amounts of normal food after.(Fifi, they told me about the hot water too that can be mixed with it). I doubt i will have any trouble giving it to her tho lol I did make it known (not in front of anyone of course) that I wished I hadn't left her overnight there, but they said she got enough of the drip to have gotten her better, and it was still important she had stayed. A young girl who works there said to me while i was waiting that Renae had scratched up the clinic's walls (she was only in the back part, not the reception) I also asked which cage she had been in, as there's 2 levels, and they had said the bottom one (thank god!). It was just her and a cat that stayed overnight, if I heard right. Glad she wasn't on the top row then! not sure how they do it, maybe the cats go in the top ones? It doesn't appear they have given us any real discount on the bill. They were ok to let us pay half now, and the remainder over the next week or two. I am generally happy with them, but this has just irked me a bit. I know nothing really bad happened to her, but still.. I do feel bad. Where we live it would be hard to travel too far for another one, especially in an emergency situation. Below is a pic of Renae. Their wonderful breeder has entrusted her with us (I think she was her foundation bitch), and I would hate to ever let her down as well (she knows about this, and has given me some good advice, and said if she wasn't busy with prior commitments this weekend, would have come down to help us with Renae!!!) ATM Renae is sleeping soundly with her son Joey. It's good to have her home, and hopefully she will be ok! She normally never gets sick, she's one very tough Cavalier ! My apologies for not answering every comment personally, but thank you to those of you who have I may have overreacted a bit, but she means the world to me/us !!! BTW, both her and Joey are crate trained, and altho I generally don't lock them in it, they have been in the past, and have never escaped out of it when it's been shut properly ..
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