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Everything posted by julesluvscavs

  1. I just found this in the health section, I'm going have a read of it myself because the poster says about their dog has liver problems too! http://www.dolforums..._1#entry5482790 Im sure there are a few other threads too on the subject, ive just done a quick search in here and in health section for a couple of them..
  2. Ive haven't read this thread but heres just one i quickly found http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/243028-vegan-pets/page__p__6003170__hl__%2Bvegetarian+%2Bdogs__fromsearch__1#entry6003170
  3. I'm a vego but my dogs aren't. im sure this question has been asked a few times on DOL. Perhaps do a search in here or in the health section :) One of our cavs has a liver problem atm because of some toxin buildup issue, now i'm paranoid that perhaps its her diet i've been giving her over the years. (Altho they think its come on recently). But who knows*sigh*. I've personally never particularly trusted any meat products at the best of times..
  4. I just looked up the new meds she's on. They are called Ursodiol. They are the very expensive ones! And the AB's shes on is metronidazol
  5. She's beautiful ! Congratulations !! and Thank you for giving her a new forever loving home
  6. The only one thing that doesn't seem to be common with other dogs with liver issues is that she is putting on weight, not losing it ! and shes always very hungry and seeking out food obsessively.. not just whats normal for a cavalier, but beyond that ! which is why they initially thought it could be cushings, and did the ultrasound to check that she didn't have any cancers..
  7. Yeah true WoofnHoof... we only took the Renae to the vets because of her shakes, which is then why they did an extensive blood test.. then recently an Ultrasound.. Had she not been shaking, I wouldnt have thought anything was wrong with her, and wouldn't have taken her to the vets.. They still not 100 percent sure if the shaking and trances are related to the liver problem.. I hope we have got it in the early stages then, time will tell... She is 10 and any extra time we get with her is a bonus now. If it gets real serious , I will not put her through a lot of suffering at her age..
  8. Yeah i think so, but i have heard of a few dogs locally here where we live that have just been diagnosed also, and they dogs heaps younger than Renae
  9. Don't you all think its strange that so many dogs are suffering with liver toxin problems lately? I seem to be hearing a lot about it atm ! I keep going over all the food ive given her and treats I give them. who knows !
  10. well the vets finally had Renae's special tablets made up, I can't remember what they are called atm, will look them up after. They for her bile or something, meant to break it down? very very expensive !!! she has to have one every 12 hours. I asked them is it really necessary for her to have them as she seemed to perk up heaps from her AB's shes on. They said what she has is very serious, and that she needs to be on them.. I guess I will find out in 6 weeks when they do another blood test if they are doing her any good or not .. I thought she seems perkier in herself from the AB's, but since going on the second lot of meds, she seems to be more off colour and shaking more She's not lost any weight or hasn't been vomiting, seems to be fine otherwise.. It seems confusing to me, and Ive worrying heaps now about her
  11. He has been a bit out of character the last few days (rocking and staring into space, restless and aggressive/agitated) That sounds like hepatic encephalopathy. See Renae has been doing that for a while now, only very mildy tho, shes not being aggressive or agitated tho. Just the rocking/ trances (but they only last for a few seconds) and staring into space, and the shakes (which are getting bit worse now)
  12. Did you get the L/D? I found this site has it: http://www.thevetshe...ay-of-12/HPCLDC no I haven't been able to get it yet ! they keep saying it will be in soon, so ive been hanging off trying to order it online, thank you for the link. if it doesn't come in next week, i will have to try to get it elsewhere !
  13. I have been trying to get some Hills L/D dry food from the vets for over a week now since Renae was diagnosed with a liver problem. I remember Jules P telling me it might be hard to get atm. I said to the vets when they ordered it what they had heard, and they said oh it will be ok.. Well they haven't got it in yet in all that time I will pop in early next week to ask again, but it sounds like it a problem everywhere ! My dog is meant to have this serious problem yet i cant get my hands on this food ! grrrrr
  14. Mine aren't really face lickers, but if they did occasionally I wouldn't care, long as it wasn't all the time and for too long :laugh: I would go wash myself after, as I am quite hygienic about things. Ive seen worse things with humans doing stuff to one another or themselves and not washing themselves afterwards
  15. Our cavaliers don't like other dogs sniffing their butts, altho they have made exceptions for their own kind :laugh:
  16. Joey occasionally suckles at my hair when im trying to get to sleep. It used to weird me out, but I've gotten used to it over the years. Might be a comfort thing. I let him do it for a few seconds, but if it goes on too long, I push him away. ps.. thats probably now grossing out some of you that don't like dogs licking their owners legs :laugh:
  17. Congratulations on your gorgeous Oliver, Enjoy !
  18. I haven't had it with a dog, but I have had a benign tumour removed from my pancreas many years ago. They almost had to remove it all (as they were thinking initially it might turn cancerous). If they had off, I would have had to go onto insulin straightaway Years later I am ok and now am on insulin. It was a huge operation for me as a person, and took ages to recover from. I'm not sure what is involved with a dog having to go through it tho. I guess my reply isn't really of any help just wanted to say I can kind of relate to it .. Thinking of you and your dog
  19. the other text message to me would be ''Did you buy us some more food'' ? lol
  20. That would be mine also stans mum if Renae and Joey could text me ! :laugh:
  21. Some of you might have already seen this getting around on fb, but its funny (Well I thought so anyway) :)
  22. Oh are you RalleyValley, hope its not too bad atm with your young kelpie??
  23. Ok thanks Jules, I'll check back on Monday at the vets about the situation..
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