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Everything posted by samoyedman

  1. Another cupcake one just for Golden Rules
  2. soz...I searched 'bowl' to see if it had been posted. Needless to say I got 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 posts about 'bowls' and couldnt find it
  3. oops, double posted.
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/20100507/ts_ynews/ynews_ts1963
  5. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw-...i-1225856892292
  6. Gallery here: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/gall...53743185?page=1
  7. samoyedman


    Here's my ball of fluff. Loki is his name. He turns 4 this year and is still incredibly puppyish.
  8. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/dog-attack-girl-...00415-sefq.html
  9. samoyedman


    soz wrong forum pls delete
  10. samoyedman


    Unbelievable! Best multiple-sammy photos I've seen
  11. samoyedman


    Congrats finalflash! I definitely am glad I picked a sammy, he's utterly gorgeous and so mild mannered! We are currently working through our obedience training, and seems to be going ok so far! Welcome as new samoyed owners. I only have 2 pieces of advice. 1. Give all black clothing to St.Vinnies. 2. Buy a Dyson These are wonderful dogs. I hope they give you many happy years.
  12. If people want to desex their pets, that's great - if they feel it is the best thing for their pet and their circumstance. Emotional black mail should not be used to push people into making a decision about their pet (s). The cold hard facts are that over 250000 companion animals are PTS every year because their aren't enough good homes but people just keep producing puppies and kittens. If it stops people thinking that they'll have a litter to "calm their dog down", "let their children experience the wonders of life" or just because "she's such a nice dog" then that's good enough for me. People need to know and accept that if they bring more kittens and puppies into the world then they are responsible for them. I don't see it as emotional blackmail - dog savvy people that choose not to desex their pet but keep them contained and don't add to the unwanted pet population probably wouldn't feel "emotionally blackmailed" as they do the right thing. I have heard people suggest that people dropping their pet off to an animal shelter should be made to watch them be PTS - is that emotional black mail or making them accept the consequences of their actions? If we don't do anything because we might make the poor humans feel bad then what hope is there? Yep. We have a massive over-supply of pets available so its common sense to get them desexed. If the advertising/promotion of this fact has to be sensationalised a little to reinforce this point, I don't really consider that 'emotional blackmail'.
  13. If anyone missed it I added the video link and transcript in the first post.
  14. Windows Media: http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/201003/r540633_3139973.asx Transcript here: http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2010/s2860605.htm
  15. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle7063359.ece Two members of the Austrian special forces join Nato’s Operation Cold Response, one of Europe’s biggest military exercises, in Narvik, Norway. Dropping from 10,000ft, they glide in order to land unnoticed. The dogs often carry cameras and are trained to attack anyone carrying a weapon. “Dogs don’t perceive height difference, so that doesn’t worry them. They’re more likely to be bothered by the roar of the engines, but once we’re on the way down, that doesn’t matter and they just enjoy the view,” said the dog handler. “It’s something he does a lot. He has a much cooler head than most recruits.” Commandos from 14 countries, including British special forces and Royal Marines, took part in the Nato exercise. The use of dogs in High Altitude High Opening missions was pioneered by America’s Delta Force, which trained the animals to breathe through oxygen masks during the jump. The SAS has adapted similar techniques and, according to special forces sources, bought a number of American-trained dogs for use in Iraq and Afghanistan. The dogs used by the British are fitted with a head camera, allowing special forces to see inside insurgent compounds, and Kevlar body armour. As well as reconnaissance, the animals are trained to attack anyone carrying a weapon, although it is claimed that they will not attack those who are unarmed. Two SAS dogs are reported to have died on raids in Iraq. Thor and Scotty were killed in 2008 when British special forces waged a successful campaign to destroy al-Qaeda’s bombing networks in Baghdad. Both animals are remembered on a stone memorial at the SAS headquarters in Hereford.
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/03/0...x.html?hpt=Sbin (video at above link).
  17. Yep, already doing that now. There's a dedicated fenced dog park within 10 minutes walk of this place.
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