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Everything posted by BJean

  1. Unless the rescue know the breeds or breed mixes they rehome to a t I think you'd be better buying from a breeder or a breed specific rescue - who knows the nuances of the breed(s) they rehome. fwiw some LGD breeds fulfill your requirements but I would be sourcing such dogs from a reputable breeder or a LGD specialised rescue - L:)
  2. define General Public. what is the 'GP' - those that own a dog and dont breed, and are not members of DOL? what is it that makes the GP so incapacitated for you to deem them incapable of making a decision or less informed so as to know what is best for their pet? pound stats? ... a rockudocumentary? Like I previously stated. You don't know me. You don't know anything about me. So don't make conclusions based on YOUR assumptions. You've just surmised the collective intelligence of the General Public to equate to that of a peanut. ....
  3. oooh well it must be true then. Perhaps best to check your Australian stats and facts about overpopulation Vs the unwanted problem do a search you'll find facts stats and discussions in the resuce and news forum. its a popular theme of late. well that's your perogative. if you want to react to emotive docs of all kinds and not check your facts before you go into cause and effect you're likely to be a yayster and vote in anything.
  4. Yes restricted breeds because Council can differentiate between a staffy and a PB? or a labxridgeback and a PB? I remember one SE ranger telling me: "if it has yellow eyes it's part PB." (Because Kangals/Anatolians are PitBulls x mastiff, didn't ya know?)
  5. And with this new legislative gem from Victoria, I rest my case http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=195414
  6. i dont agree. once the legislators get their hands on anything we have little chance of it making sense or staying true to the original intent. I agree! Things can get out of hand. Ideally it sounds great, it would eradicate the number of poor animals that are put down due to overbreeding but I wouldn't want australia to resemble Russia more and more every day. Er excuse me but I think Russia today has more freedom for the individual than in Australia. There is no such thing as rules about what breed you can own and when to desex even speeding cameras are considered undemocratic. You can do whatever you like as long as (you're not a journalist) and you dont upset Lord Putin :p And not to mention Russia has many kennels full of gawgeous dogs - for Australia to resemble Russia's choice of dogs - I wouldn't mind that!
  7. Thankyou I will contact them now and ask for a quote. Though I have found that quotes from Australian based companies are more expensive than companies in the country of origin. But I will give pet carriers a try and see what they come up with for Finland - Australia. If anyone knows of any others please let me know as I am sourcing quotes atm. cheers
  8. Can anyone recommend a transport company operating from Finland? Thankyou
  9. Exactly! and are registered breeders always breeding in benefit for the breed? For me a nest or 2 every year is more pups in the world as well, but because it's done under "registered breeding" it should all be alright! And wouldn't more people just become "Registered Breeders". The rules don't seem to be controlled very well at present so what would be stopping people from becoming registered and producing pups and charging more for them. Well diddley yes you could probably push for Goverment sanctioned puppy farms? That would keep the the puppy numbers up there give the farms a big goverment accredited logo too that'l make the process slick and clean as a whistle.
  10. learn to raise/train the dog properly. Realise that desexing pups early can have health problems and imo desexing a large giant breed early is irresponsible - and is putting fear over sexual organs over and above the health of the animal.
  11. Banning entires is a lot different to restrictions on a breed. PBs are not condemmed and banned in all AU states. Banning entires means you cant import a dog that is not recognised by the ANKC. Banning entires means you can only import dogs from a set group of countries and with pedigree protocols the same as Australia. as if
  12. As a proponent of Liberty I voted No.
  13. Importer declaration: I declare that this animal is not a Pitbull Terrier or American Pitbull Terrier or Fila Brasileiro or Dogo Argentino or Japanese Tosa or Presa Canaria. Also, the animal is not a domestic animal hybrid, such as a wolf, having any pure-bred ancestor less than 5 generations away.
  14. Yes thankyou I have sent you a reply email re the prefix/suffix requirement for recognition - did you get past that with the Xolos?
  15. Just goes to show never assume anything on DOL - a few pages back on 1 or 2, I thought shall I ask if the OP is a registered breeder? but then thought nah must be there are all these DOL groupies probably someone knows the OP and the OP just doesn't know how to post on the breeder's forum ........... but anyway here we are and yes Jamieson you are welcome to post but you will find that unreg breeders are not encouraged and generally get less groupies not because they are inherently bad or care for their dogs less but because there is an unwritten DOL ethos that is about improving the standards of dog breeding and dog ownerhsip. As an unregisterd breeder, you counter that. HOWEVER there is no need to go screaming into the night An unregistered breeder can become a registered breeder and there are always direct ways of doing thigns as well as the long wayward way; Im not against the latter, I seem to be prone to it. What state are you in? If you enjoy learning about dog breeding, then I think you will find being a registered breeder and the knowledge circles this can impart - to be beneficial and of long standing interest. whilst i agree with this in part lilli, i have asked the OP several questions regarding the health of the sire and bitch and again the OP has omitted to answer. so here we have an unplanned litter with dubious genetics and a potential litter of puppies that will go to owners with no desexing policy....now where in all of that is responsible breeding? the bitch could have been desexed after the mating, the sire could have been desexed. there are many things that could have been done to ensure this "accident" doesn't happen again but i suspect another accident may happen. i have also asked what is it about both those dogs that adds to the betterment of the breed, apart from proximity to each other? ETS whilst the OP does not need to answer those questions, they cannot have it both ways, either start on the path to being a responsible breeder and get support from members of this forum, or dont answer the questions and look like a BYB. Probably (I assume) the OP didn't know or wasn't aware of their importance. Ultimately you can only do what you are aware of and this is dependent on your current knowledge and exposure and future learning (irrespective whether this is right or not). To breeding 'responsbily' isn't automatic but comes through knowledge. A few years ago I came across a BYB in Vic - dogs were kept in appaling conditions and not administered the vet treatment when needed - there was a language and culture barrier. So I would come past and bring ABs for the dogs, fox mange treatmenr etc and then we would discuss what the best dogs look like, the lineage of their dogs and where they came from; phyiscal traits and the bloodlines these came from ... now they are a very good breeder and registered. I dont know what the OP intends or cares for but I figure to take your dog to the vet three times, shows a genuine concern for their dogs health and welfare. From concern for the health and welfare of your dog, can grow concern for the long term heath and welfare of your puppies, and from there concern and welfare for the health and welfare of your breed. Once you see your dogs as part of a breed, and breed these dogs as an important part of the breed's continuam, everything else falls into place.
  16. I think a good vet would tell a client to stay home, to relax and leave the bitch be. I've been told that before If you are anxious about your dog and dont know what is the best thing for them, it is only natural to consult a veterinarian, particularly if you dont have any other knowledge source to call upon. So to an extent "bitch / pregnancy management" is dependent on the skill and experience of the consulting vet. Ultimately it was the OPs vet's duty to advise the OP to leave the bitch alone until she was in 1st stage or there was an actual problem. :D
  17. Just goes to show never assume anything on DOL - a few pages back on 1 or 2, I thought shall I ask if the OP is a registered breeder? but then thought nah must be there are all these DOL groupies probably someone knows the OP and the OP just doesn't know how to post on the breeder's forum ........... but anyway here we are and yes Jamieson you are welcome to post but you will find that unreg breeders are not encouraged and generally get less groupies not because they are inherently bad or care for their dogs less but because there is an unwritten DOL ethos that is about improving the standards of dog breeding and dog ownerhsip. As an unregisterd breeder, you counter that. HOWEVER there is no need to go screaming into the night An unregistered breeder can become a registered breeder and there are always direct ways of doing thigns as well as the long wayward way; Im not against the latter, I seem to be prone to it. What state are you in? If you enjoy learning about dog breeding, then I think you will find being a registered breeder and the knowledge circles this can impart - to be beneficial and of long standing interest.
  18. Yes that is what I thought and was hoping for From memory I didn't think there were any specific requirements wrt temp restrictions/requriements but I was not 100% certain. Yes I was considering the above and thought, hmm I'm not sure if this guy will like very much all the change and different handlers. But similarly any behaviour deemed to be 'aberration' by AQIS, could be countered by proper environment and then raising, so given there is no official specification then all is okay.
  19. okay thankyou dog would be from security lineage, and travelling Ukraine, Romania/Croatia, Australia so approx 12 - 14 months old on arrival and because it would not be untypical of breed character/lineage to stand up to affront if dog felt trapped or pushed I was querying if there were any temperament parameters for dogs in quarantine. But I think my question has been answered so thankyou
  20. Was wondering if anyone had encountered problems with the AQIS Quarantine process / stay due to a dog that was difficult to handle in some situations (ie HA if not handled correctly). And if a dog can be refused release from quarantine based on temperament reasons? ta
  21. Yep I had a vet come out to shoot one of my horses and when they "couldn't find" the vet inhouse gun I offered them one of mine (shotgun or .303) - and then I had to show them how to use it Vet needed two .303 shots to bring the foal down (dont want to know .......................)
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