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Everything posted by Andoria1

  1. hi tony, My dog is almost 1 year and 4 months old he seems to still want to run around. Ill do what you say and see if he is still limping tommorow . Then ill take him to the vet. Thanks for your help
  2. I was playing towel chase game with my dog this afternoon and somehow the towel wraped around my legs and got caught with my dog too. When i stopped the game i then realized my dog is limping. He runs around with his left foot in the air. So i watched him for a bit and he still runs around chasing birds and wanting to play chase. But still halfway through his running he puts his leg in the air and trys to run with three legs. Also he can stand on the sore foot to take a pee. I had a look at the foot and pressed gently and firmly on his foot which hes limping on and he does not yelp when i press anywhere on it. Should i take him to the vet to have it looked at ? Im a bit worried that i hurt him playing this stupid game, and i hope i didnt fracture anything for him
  3. I went to the shops today and was told that Advantage Flea Treatment was the best flea treatment so far , and was told that for 3 tubes would cost $75 dollars for 3 months. Has anyone used this product on their dogs ? Or is there a cheaper product thats better than advantage ?
  4. ok new update !! My dog started to use his kennel !!! The kennel used to be facing the backdoor of my house so that my dog could see us in the house when hes in his kennel (undercover). So because it was rainning alot last week i decided to move the kennel around so that it is near the back door again but this time it is facing the backyard. Even though its under the same tarp cover. I noticed because i did this, my dog uses kennel now. I think he felt that he couldnt keep a watch on the backyard when he was facing the back door. So now he has full view of the backyard to keep an eye on it from his kennel. LOL Hes a werid one this dog lol
  5. when my dog was 6 months i was worried that my dog was gay, cause he didn't lift his leg up when he peed. He is 1yr and 3 months old now, and noticed that he lifts his leg to mark trees and brick walls. And he squats when he is actually peeing to relieve him self. So he still squats, but i assume lifting the leg is for marking territory.
  6. I read in another post in DOL, that you could use hay as a dog bedding, but was wondering if i were to use hay, how can i get rid of the smell of hay. Is there another product that is similar to hay as i am allergic to hay as well ;/ My dog also have the problem of ripping up anything that is soft and fluffy. And i cant use the mat or towels that came with the plastic kennel that i bought from Bunings.
  7. well the kennel is right in front of the back yard door. And i have used a shirt that i have worn. Its one of those plastic kennels and its big enough that he can walk in and curl into a little ball if he does go in it. I even put towels that he lies on during the day time. But soon as he see the towels in the kennel he takes the towels out. Anything i put in there like toys, or treats or cloth he takes it out. As if hes saying "i like them better on the gound in the dirt" lol I just dont know how to make him stay there at night times. And i dont want to resort to him being locked in it.
  8. I have tried everything i can possibly think of to get my dog to use the kennel. But for some reason he just simply does not like it. I have tried putting treats inside the kennel, putting a cloth or sheets that i have used in the kennel, have tried putting his toys in the kennel. I was even thinking of camping outside with the dog near his kennel :rolleyes: I also tried to teach him "In" and point to the kennel and once he goes inside i say "good boy" but straight away he runs out of the kennel, he dosent like to stay in the kennel longer than 5 seconds. Last night is was raining heavily and we have a tarp covering his kennel. But due to the heavy rain the grass underneath it, and all of his blankets that he likes to sleep on was all soaking wet. So this poor dog decided to stay under the tarp and sleep infront of the kennel getting soaked even though he can walk inside the kennel and stay dry. How do i teach this little boy that his kennel is for his sleeping and shelter.
  9. why dont you try placing wired mesh behind or infront of the fence so that he cant sqeeze through. Also buy a fence guard (like the ones they use in prisons except without barbed wire, just wire mesh) that kinda bends over at the top of the fence so that the guard bends inwards. And gives the fence extra height and prevents the dog from jumping making him fall inwards when trying to reach the top fence. Just ignore the barbed wires what i am refering too is the way the fence is kind of bent at the top. Might be a bit extrem or a stupid idea, but i think the bent shaped of the fence would prevent the dog from being able to grip on the fence at the top.
  10. I just dont like it when people make things up as they go along and then state it as fact. Thats all.
  11. tramissa " I do wish you could view the post that started all of this. It was about kicking the dog down the stairs to land on its back, slamming the dog in a door and performing a very aggressive alpha roll on the dog. Certainly not what you, nor Chris, have described. " "Perhaps if the truth was given in the first place, instead of a mess of exaggeration and mistruths, none of this would have occurred." Haven "She said you were rough on the dog, sat on it, pushed it down the stairs, slammed the door on it etc etc." What a load of crap did you actually read my first post? I never did say she kicked the dog down the stairs, i never said she sat on the dog and i never said she slammed the door on the dog. Maybe you should post exactly what i wrote instead of posting crap that both of you make up. That was not my post that started this, so dont state it as it was. I think you guys are exaggerating it a bit ?
  12. My trainer dosn't have to defend herself. And i will not suggest anything like that to her as my intention of the original post was to ask for advice. Sorry if i have offened anyone who offered good advice. But my post was more directed at the people who played a part in the harrasment. In relation to the topic that i had started and due to me posting her website. It is up to me to fix situation not her.
  13. Trainer tells me she received hate mail because of the method that was described in my post and for me posting the website. They mentioned the post was on DOL.
  14. also i forgot to mention that my dog will do anything for food, he will drop on command, and do anything you ask him too. But soon as food is out of the equation. Thats when hell starts lol..
  15. Poodlefan said Quote: " Ya know what folks.. I reckon Andoria gave the trainer as clear a picture of what happened on DOL as she gave us of the training methods used. The trainer's jumped on DOL, read comments about baseball bats, ACA and Fair Trading. She's been upset... and somehow Andoria's interpreted that as the trainer got hate emails. Whaddya say Andoria.. is that what happened?? Not its not what happened .I asked for advice on DOL. Then Posted a website hoping to get some advice. Trainer tells me she received hate mail because of the method that was described in my post and for me posting the website. She calls me crying on phone worried about people attacking her, due to her email software flooded with hate mail, with threats to calling fair trading, ACA, people threatning to attack her as her photo was on the website. That is what happened .
  16. yes i did mis read the post sorry lol . Thanks jeff for doing so. I read it as something else as i am always expecting the worst lol But i still think that is she is extremly threatend that she would have made the call her self.
  17. I suggest you leave this problem with me as she is my trainner.A visit from police will only make situations worse for myself, my dog and the trainner which shouldnt have come to this. Let her solve the emails her way. And leave it up to her.
  18. i give up *rolls eyes* i think you guys should appologise to the OP for turning this topic about me again ... I apologies to topic starter for this thread is hijacked as i was only trying to help ...
  19. i would love to put up a video or dog walking but i dont have a video cam ... only web cam
  20. Omg for freaking sake . i never said it was normal for a dog to be frigtened of me he has never been UNTIL STRAINED THEREAPY WAS USED ON HIM. FOR ONLY ! DAY WHICH WAS 30 MIN byMY trainner . AFTER THAT my dog thinks when he comes near me or OH will do this to him ALL THE TIME. SO .... my OH and i DONT like this trainng method and will never use it. What i am doing is getting dog use to me touching the collar because i cant put lead on... because of destraint therapy (*which i dislike) So im getting him to trust me again by letting him come to me and touching his collar which has been going ok so far. I give up on you people becasue you people obviously dont read the posts. My dog has always been a biter he is an ACD he likes to bite all the time. Poodlefan are you reading what i am writing or are you reading what you want to read ?
  21. Thats what i said before it worked for my dog . It may or may not work for for this persons dog ........ How is giving a dog a quick tug harsh and cruel ? Please answer me this . I find that my dog is chocking more when hes pulling on the lead and is almost out of breath. I would like your opinion ? As so that the other thread was supossedly about right ... asking for advice ?
  22. thats becasue of the detraint therapy , yesterday he came near me like normal but when i put my hand near his collar he doee try to bite me ... becasue he thinks im going to push him into the destrained. What i have been doing the in last 3 days was to get rid of this frightness from this detrained method (not using trainner method ) My own method So i have treats and ask him to come and he did come to me . And soon as i touch him on the collar when he is sitting i say "its ok" and give him a treat. And kept repeating this and the dog has gained his trust in me again. But i didnt push him on the side as i dont liike that method at all. I dont like to see my dog struggling. My dog understands "its ok " as a sign as nothing is going to happen to him.
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