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Everything posted by MsDani

  1. Nikki had the operation today - I called the vet and they said it was definately the cruciate ligament. Will find out more information tomorrow. They did tell me that they removed it, but didn't have to remove the meniscus as that wasn't damaged. I have to call about 3pm tomorrow to double check that she is still ok to take home. They don't think they'll be a problem.
  2. I will be taking her in on Wednesday morning and will pick her up Thursday afternoon. It will be the first time she's been away from her brother, but I'm thinking that the amount of drugs she'll be having, I don't think she'll notice. As for her brother, he will mop around like he did on Saturday when she was down at the vet being sedated for xrays. So I will have to give him the extra cuddles I think. I'm such a sooky-la-la with my dogs, I guess I'm just stressing and trying to get as much info to make it as easy as possible for her.... and him.... and me
  3. My girl, Nikki, is having an operation on Wednesday morning to have her cruciate ligament removed and an artificial one put in. I just need to know what to expect afterwards?? It's the first operation (besides them being desexed) that both my dogs have had. I'm so nervous of not knowing what to do for her. The vet has told me I have to keep her quiet, especially in the first two weeks (and we know how hard that will be with a JRx) so I've organised a play pen to keep her in whilst I'm at work and my sister will come over (she lives next door) every couple of hours to take her out the back for her to relieve herself. After the vet has given the ok, I will take her down to the doggy beach for a swim. But I can only do that on the weekends as the beach is about a 45 min drive to get there. Can anyone suggest anything else to keep her 'entertained' whilst she's confined?? and what other gentle exercises that I can do with her?? I was thinking of getting her a kong, but the vet wants her to loose a little bit of weight, so I'm not too sure if the kong will be a good idea! TIA
  4. First off I would like to Thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to reply to my post. In the pic, my nephew actually has a biccie in his hand. ATM When Nikki starts to lick, I say 'Ahh' and make her come sit next to me. On Sunday morning when she first saw him, she gave him a couple of licks, but after about 10 mins she would just go and stand next to him. But then Monday, we had to start all over again. Also another thing I have picked up on is that she is becoming very protective of my nephew. Which suprises me as I thought it would have been AJ, being the male and dominate dog and Nikki being the timid one. Eg. My nephew took a step back and accidently trod on AJ's paw, which made him yelp. Next thing I know is that it was on for young and old with Nikki and AJ. There were no injuries or anything, but I could tell that Nikki was not happy at all. Then when AJ went to go near nephew again, Nikki would place herself in between AJ and my nephew!! The only time I've ever seen them behave like this is when they have been play fighting and one of them has accidently gotten hurt. It's like they are warning the other one that they are definately not happy about it. Is that because Nikki, being female, is 'mothering' my nephew?? She's never had a litter.
  5. BC Lover - No I didn't teach her to refuse food. She will accept food from anyone if it's handed to her. She just does it when it's on her plate! Does that make sense?? Edited to add: I think I need to explain something so that you are better able to know how Nikki is! My XH was very heavy handed with her, actually with both the dogs. We had major agruments about it, I thought he finally realised that a dog doesn't need to be treated this way, until I found out that he was actually doing it when I wasn't home. Both a completely different vent. So now when I growl at Nikki, she will actually roll over and expose her stomach and it breaks my heart. So basically I've got to teach her, somehow, that what she is doing is wrong and not to do it, but also at the same time, let her no that I am not going to hit her!! Does that make sense??
  6. Oh just wanted to add on the feeding side of it. I also have two older nephews as well. I get them to feed the dogs their main meal, but Nikki won't go near the food until I encourage her over. Usually when I feed them, she will only start eating once she see's that AJ is eating his. Is that because AJ is the dominant dog?? But won't touch hers, even if AJ is eating, if the boys do the feed!
  7. Here is the Pic of the Three of them. My nephew, AJ (Male Tan & White) and the licker Nikki (Female Brown) I don't know if I'm doing this right, but I don't discourage my nephew from feeding the dogs biscuits. ATM he's at the age where he is putting everything in his mouth. One for you, and You and one for me, kinda thing. Because of this, I will wait until he is out of this stage before I let him start feeding them their main meal of chicken necks, don't know about you, but the thought of my nephew trying out the chicken necks makes me a little lol Should I be discouraging it?? BC Lover: thanks for that. When I tell her no, I actually say 'No Kisses'. Nikki is completely different dog compared to AJ. AJ only has to be taught something a couple of times before he gets the hang of it. Nikki, Well......... She's gorgeous, but a little dopey sometimes LOL
  8. Cosmolo - that's what I'm really worried about. She does it everytime she goes near him. Yesterday when she went to go lick him, I told her to sit, but then my nephew would reach out his hand and she'd start licking like crazy again. So not only was I telling the dog to stop, but I have to tell my nephew to as well. I'm worried that I'll push them apart and they will be to scared to interact with one another. It's driving me barmey!!
  9. I have a 4yo Female JR x and her licking is driving me mad. She's not licking me, but my 15 month old nephew. My sister and I have just bought a house together and this is the first time my dogs have been around children this age fulltime. I usually do a sharp and loud growl with my voice and she moves away only to go back and do the same thing again. Do you have any suggestions on what I can do to get her stop it?? If it's not his face she's licking, it will be his hand or whatever body part her tongue can get to. Is she doing it because she is such a timid dog?? TIA
  10. Just needed to clarify that my dog AJ (he's a Jack Russell) only had on injection and isn't on any forms of tablets.
  11. Update He's still drinking alot. Just called the vet as he seems to have lost a bit of weight, even tho he's eating ok. They said that the injection can last upto 3 months. It will make them thirsty and eat more, but shouldn't be affecting their weight. She said to keep an eye on his weight and if it keeps on going down to bring him in. So I'll try get him to sit on my digital scales at home to watch the weight . They also said if I bring him in to get a urine sample. That's goona be interesting Anyone got any idea's on how I'm gonna do this??
  12. Andrea My little girl started coming down with KC last thursday, a week after staying at the vets for a day to have a cyst removed. She started Coughing the Thursday morning, put onto anti-biotics and cough medicine Thursday night. Started coughing more on Friday and was aboslutely shocking on Saturday/Saturday Night. Sunday she started coming good. Now she only coughs if she gets overly excited. Touch wood! My male dog hasn't got it yet. Let us know how she goes. Dani
  13. Sorry it's me again Her coughing has changed. It's not so much a hacking noise now, it's like when they sniff something and they've got something stuck. If that makes sense!! She's trying to throw up - but nothings coming. She threw up some gunk this morning, but nothing since. It's been going on since 10.30 last night the only break she's had from it was at around 3am this morning for about 1 1/2. Is this the next stage of it??
  14. Thanks for that Jo I haven't had them around other dogs for a good couple of weeks, the only contact that they have had is at the Vets, which is where I'm thinking Nikki got it from. I've also called all my friends with Dogs and told them not to come over and that I won't be over for awhile. I'm worried about it being on my clothing and stuff like that. Wouldn't wish it on anybodies dog. Sorry about panicking. They've never been sick before and I haven't even seen a dog with KC. I think the problem is that I'm thinking the worst case scenario, but I think it's because that cough is shocking. I just managed to get a little handle full of water and a couple of bits of meat into her. But not much. I have no idea if I'm doing the right thing for her IYKWIM. She just looks so sad and won't let me out of her sight.
  15. Guess I'm not gonna live that one down hey LOL Nikki had a rough night last night. Everytime she coughs she panics. She keeps on looking at me as if to say "Mum stop the Ouchies!" Even my male dog, AJ, knows somethings up with her and tries to snuggle right up next to her. Gave her a little bit of honey in between the cough medicine, which seemed to work a little. How long will this last??
  16. Sorry have no idea what that is Edited to say: OMG I can't believe I just asked that LOL no i don't have 'skinkids' *slinking off totally embarrassed*
  17. Just got back from the Vets. Lungs sounded ok, but throat is really red and froffy. She's on Anti-biotics and Cough Medicine. What else can I do to make it better/easier for her?? I saw someone mention honey. Is that ok to give to her when she's taking cough medicine. Her coughing seemed to have settled down, then I gave her the cough medicine and she's coughing even more now. Will that settle down?? Sorry haven't had to give my dogs medicine before Sorry had to edit that it's Linctol which I'm assuming it's cough medicine!!
  18. Thanks for that Puggles. I didn't realise that it was like the flu, I thought it was something like the measels. You know you get injections to stop from getting it.
  19. Ok spoke to the vet and sounds like Kennel Cough. Have her booked in tonight. They told me to keep her in the car and they'll call me when they are ready for her. They don't want her around other dogs. Completely understand that, wouldn't want another dog to catch it. But she was fine until she went in there. Sorry just a bit upset as she's never been sick a day in her life and she is so NOT well. I thought the annual injections stopped this from happening??
  20. Thanks for that, I did look down her mouth this morning and couldn't see anything, well the best I could anyway. She actually hasn' coughed up anything atm, but the hocking sounds very wet. Does that makes sense?? I'm just waiting for the vets to open so I can ring them!
  21. My female dog woke me up at 5am this morning making a hocking noise. I thought she was going to hock something up, so took her outside. But she's still doing it and she's hiding behind my legs, which she only does when something has scared or upset her. She's ok when she's sitting quietly, but you can still see somethings wrong and won't let me out of her sight, but when she starts moving the hocking starts. Do you think she's got something stuck or do you think it might be kennel cough?? I don't know what would have gotten stuck as she sleeps on my bed. Does kennel cough come on this quick?? in other words, would there have been any other signs before the hocking started at 5am?? She was ok last night, but did notice that she didn't eat very much. She had a cyst removed last thursday and was at the vets for the day and due to have her stitches out on Saturday. TIA Yep the worry-wart Dani
  22. Thanks everyone!! He's drinking and pee'ing alot. It's like he can't get enough water into him atm. Also I've noticed his appetite has increased. Usually when we eat he goes to his bed and turns his back. But since the needle, he sits on the floor next to me hoping some might drop. Do you think it would be ok to increase his food intake atm or keep it the same?? He gets 4 chicken necks eat night and his biscuits (1 cup to share between the two dogs)
  23. My furbaby had an injection of Cortisone for his allergies about 10 days ago. Since then he's been drinking alot of water. Is this a side effect of the cortisone?? TIA Dani
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