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Everything posted by SEQ ACO

  1. Out of curiosity how old is the dog? What are her past life experiences? Perhaps this is her first experience with excitement and maybe as her fitness levels are increasing she has more go during the day? Does this lead to more boredom potential? Just an observation I am no expert.
  2. No because the law doesn't say your dog cant attack a ball, or rope or toy, it specifies person or animal!! If the sleeve is attached to a person the dog is attacking a person. BTW Police / Defence / Licensed security providers have approval in writing to conduct this type of activity.
  3. At the risk of arguing pedantics Our local law states; A person must not cause, encourage or permit a dog to attack or worry another person or an animal. The definition of attack is also stated in the law; "the act of an animal holding any part of a person, animal, or thing in it's mouth whether or not the holding is accompanied by shaking, pulling, or pushing and whether or not such person, animal or thing suffers any injury. So technically you are encouraging and permitting your dog to attack a person. I wonder what your clubs PLI provider has to say about it?
  4. So SCH includes publicly encouraging / permitting a dog to attack a person? Where I work this type of training would automatically qualify you for prosecution and possibly a DD order for the dog?
  5. A friend of mine (yes i have friends) used human zinc on their dogs red nose (red pigment not sunburn) and it seemed the zinc actually took the color out of the red making it go pink and even more susceptible to sunburn, so watch out for the zinc. Aside from that I do use human zinc on my horses pink nose and lips works well and stays on all day.
  6. Be bloody thankful for that!
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