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Everything posted by frufru

  1. Never had a CC brush but have had several Hindes a PSI over the years - I have standard poodles so the brushes were used on wet coats and I have never had one rust. At that price I would not be happy.
  2. The ezycoat barrel and oldfield barrel are both powerful and good value for money. I have a Liberty double hose and have never had a problem. A stand dryer is very nice when you are drying long show coats that need brushing.
  3. Hopefully DOL is a place to ask questions and there will always be many answers. Choose what suits you and your dog and circumstances. For example: I totally disagree with "doggrooma" If you have a breed that will be clipped and scissored all its life then I hope it would have had several proffessional grooms by 5 months. Poodle puppies have generally had up to 3 face, feet and tails by the time they go to their new homes at 8 -10 weeks. Why? To accustom them to the noise and processes of shaving so that they will be well on their way to happily acceting grooming. Having clippers on your face for the first time at 5 months could be very frightening and traumatic IMO
  4. For a standard poodle you need 10 inch scissors (curved and straights) I also have several pairs of Jags I like - you could also look at Geib. My first pair of scissors were Whal and I quickly passed them on to a learner. The more you pay the better they are.
  5. Brown standard poodle allergic to lamb, beef, chicken and all grains (appears to be able to tolerate the meats in very small amounts if they have been cooked) fleas. She is treated with diet ( fish based dry food, turkey necks and tinned mackerel). She has been supplemented with omega oils all her life (she is 10 years old today)
  6. 15 on a long haired dachi with a very thick coat and it didn't look too short at all (did a test patch first though as I was hesitant).
  7. If you are going to show you need to speak to your breeder about grooming a show coat - entirely different to a pet.
  8. They aren't necessarily rashed - sometimes its just prickly - put a little powder on and see if this helps. If you can see that the dog has clipper burn why not mention it to the groomer next time so that they can use a longer blade or shave with the hair rather than against.
  9. I have to say that shaving the coats of some breeds definitely changes them and while I agree that the number of hair follicles probably doesnt change perhaps the way the hair grows does. A weird thing I have observed having waxed my legs for 25 years and shaved for the first 5 is that the hair regrowth due to shaving seemed thicker because each hair grew back coarser and longer - with waxing the hair becomes much finer to the point that I no longer wax the back of my legs - hair is too fine. I have also observed that desexing can change a coat - what is going on there does the dog get more hair follicles???
  10. As Puggles said to you in your other thread there are many things that can cause seizures. If seizures have no known cause this is referred to as idiopathic or primary epilepsy and is probably inherited (usually develops between 1-5 years ) Seizures that have an identifiable cause are called secondary epilepsy. Causes include (but not limited to): * toxic poisoning (eg lead but lots of other things) * infection (eg distemper) * degenerative diseases * metabolism * traumatic (eg blow to the head) * brain tumour I have a friend whose dog (6yrs) started having seizures after a brown snake bite - she is medicated I have another friend whose dog developed Cushings disease at around 10 and as the disease progressed she started having seizures. There is lots of info on the net about canine epilepsy - do a search: www.canine-epilepsy.com is excellent I have a whole file and am always looking for new info My boy has not had a seizure for 12 months (he is not medicated) and turns 5 in Dec. Yeah
  11. Is this the diet your breeder recommended? What has your breeder said about taking care of the skin? I would get rid of the wheat-bix as wheat is a common allergen for dogs. Shampoos for relieving itchy skin are available from the vet or on-line eg Aloveen, Resi-soothe, Epi-soothe. Good luck!
  12. Just wanted to bump this as there was an enquiry on the health forum by Amy Rose and I don't know how to do that link thing.
  13. Amy Rose - it is possible this was a seizure. Don't panic your dog may never have another episode and if he does you can deal with it. If you google canine epilepsy you will get some great info - there is also a thread on this forum which is great and contains a video and some knowledgeable people. Will see if I can find it and give it a bump.
  14. What showdog said - I would not use coloured shampoos on boarders as they can upset the skin - I only ever used them (black, bronze and white) on my showdogs during their show careers - switched to aloveen as soon as they were clipped off. Dyes and chemicals are used to achieve these colours - oh and by the way - just because something is "natural" does not mean it is not harsh or toxic. Eg tea-tree oil can be toxic for dogs.
  15. Used clipperworld via ebay - excellent price (Whal KM-2)
  16. Do the body with the 7f and the legs with a 3f or scissor quite short otherwise he will look like a plucked chook
  17. Read something a couple of months ago which might be helpful since you said your dog is a poodle cross. It was suggested that whiskers (vibrassae) are very important for sight impaired dogs - so if you trim or shave his whiskers stop doing this. The book was How Dogs Think by Stanley Coren and it stuck in my mind as I have 2 poodles who are getting on. Good luck with your dog who definitely is not elderly at 7 years of age.
  18. Great news for Monte - hope all goes well with the new regime.
  19. Perhaps she was keen to get her dinner.
  20. Sending best wishes to Monte and his family.
  21. The cheapest that doesn't crumble - woolworths select colby
  22. I would worry that a dog that has been done with a 10 and is in the sun a lot would get sunburn - use 5f. Just out of curiosity where have you sent Blade to be trained?
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