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Everything posted by Beagle-mum

  1. We have two Beagles, male & female, both 6 years old. Both are house trained ages ago. We have moved house just over a month ago and the male is just driving us bonkers at this stage with his constant urinating everywhere in the house. The doggy door is open or sometimes even the sliding door and still he will do it inside. He hasn't been neutered, yet, but strongly thinking about it now, but this late in the game probably won't change much. Are there any tips/recommendations of things to try? Cheers D
  2. Thanks so much for all the replies. We have bought an electric fence system, will be installing it this week. Just waiting for it in the mail.
  3. So does it all come in a kit already or do you just get the Speedrite engergiser from the shop and then set up your own ping string. My apologies for all the questions. Just wanna make sure I get everything. Going to have a look during mylunch and see what I can find.
  4. Thanks Nekhbet. Any idea where I can buy such a system? Being in Cairns, has it's downside, don't have access to a whole lot of stuff in the shops.
  5. Any ideas for a fencing system? My hubby will probably want to make one, he is a tradie and loves to make things and will save some money as well. Just worried, that if he is like this now with not getting enough attention, what is he going to be like once bubs is here? I don't even want to think about it
  6. He is pretty obedient regarding the couch thing. Took him about a day, and he is rarely on the couch. If he is, then it's just a quick "off" then he is on the floor again. I probably just need some patience and get him desexed anyways.
  7. Only issue is the digging at this stage, he is good otherwise. Thinking that's why it is company that he wants, even though we have another beagle, go figures really?
  8. We spoke to the neighbours and her bitch is desexed as well. The dogs might be spending a tiny bit less with me of late, since we aren't allowing them on the furniture and stuff any more, but I still give them lots of cuddles and attention when I can. I am wondering if he is feeling leftout wanting attention maybe, with us shouting at him when he jumps on the couch to get off, on the odd occassion if he is on the couch. Because normally we are all on the couch pretty much and he'll always be the one close to one of us or on one of our laps, he is a lot more attention driven than my Ruby, now that I think about it. Always coming up to you and demanding to be loved. Maybe we have been spending less time with him, and not really realising it.
  9. We have now looked at desexing him, hoping it will fix some of the issues, but him already being almost being 5 years old, would it help?
  10. When hubby gets home in the arvie he takes them for a walk and sometimes even a swim in the creek we have at the back of our house. Probably a good 20-30min walk. Toys range from chewies, that I just got a new pack for them and a range of balls, soft toys etc. I am sensing this is more than likely boredom, but why now, he has never been like this? Is he looking for more company, don't know. Another thing we started doing from about 2 weeks ago is to not let them on the couches or in the rooms any more. They are to stay on the floor or in their bed that we got them, which they have been using pretty well.
  11. Hi guys I am tired of struggling with my male beagle. I have two, male and female and both 4 years old. Female has been desexed not the male. I have had no issues with him, but lately he is driving me up the walls and I am sure it is something to do with the arrival of our first bub in a month, that is causing all of this. Don't know. I am at wits end. He gets walked daily and has many toys. The issue started last week, he is digging his way under neath our fencing to the neighbours two dogs and then plays with them. They have a boxer & labrador, luckily good tempered dogs. My husband has dug up the grass on the mutual fence and placed sold wood planks underneath the fencing, to stop him from getting through, in effect just making the fencing run a bit deeper into the grass. He still finds a spot to dig. He was good for a few days and then today we come home and he's playiing next door with his friends. My husband and I are very very frustrated and not sure what to do. He's never been like this, except when he was a puppy. Beagles will be beagles of course, but Leo's timing is just so perfect. I have a baby to think of at this stage and he is causing all this nonsense. Any tips advise, would be greatly appreciated!! Cheers D
  12. Rudie you have the cutest beagles. Awh sweet!!
  13. Holy crap that is expensive. No point in gettin the test then if we already know it is the grass that is the problem.
  14. Mine seems to be allergic to grass/pollen of sorts. Has it pretty bad at the moment, has some blisters on his under belly. Just wondering, what the costs involved are with getting the allergy test?
  15. Hi guys Vets are closed already, just wondered if some of you might help or give some advice if there is anything I can do. My beagle has an alergy to grass, normally starts from September and runs for a few months. I have him on his second script of Macrolone 20mg. Today when I got home, he has this horrible and I mean horrible rash on his tummy and around the groin area. Totally red and there are these blisters all over. Some big ones and then some small ones. It seems to be real itchy for him and doesn't like lying on his tummy, when you see him he will be on his back. Not sure if it is because we had him in the pool for a minute to cool down though? Any ideas for some home remedies or something to help relieve some of this, will take him to the vet first thing tomorrow morning if it is not better. Thanks in advance
  16. Good news, found the freaking balloon on the lawn yesterday morning.
  17. And I am still waiting for the balloon to appear. Been checking around the garden and on our walks every day.
  18. Hi Guys Thanks for all the support. Yeah it is pretty funny what she does. She's a real monster. My male is the destroyer of the two and she is the swallow-it-before-you-can-even-taste-it one. Just a bit worried as the balloon was still in tact, wasn't one that was blown up or anything. Just scared something might just go into the balloon while in her intestines and then it gets stuck or something. Thanks for the tip with the oil. Will definitely try that with her food tonight. Cheers
  19. Hi guys Yes my Ruby eats just about everything, her nic name is Hoover. Well this morning she was too quick for me and grabbed a balloon (has not been blown up yet) and just swallowed it. Yes swallowed it. What do I do, do I just wait for it to pass through? I am just worrying a little about this Cheers Dedrei (She's the one in my pics)
  20. Hi Guys Thanks for the responses. Vet says she has Fungal infection and gave me some drops to apply 3 times a day. Need to visit him in a week and if it hasn't cleared he will need to do a biopsy. Cheers Dedrei
  21. Hi Guys Just need some help, don't know if some of you might just know what's wrong or how I can help them heal? (Some backround, we live in Cairns, originally from South Africa as well as our beagles) Fristly, Ruby. Today she developed the biggest sore on her nose, out of nowhere. I can only get her to the Vet on Saturday morning and was just wondering if any of you might know what is wrong? I have attached a photo so you can see what I mean. Secondly, and unrelated. My dear old Leo. He start developing these white spots in the last couple of weeks. Any ideas what this can be? Thanks guys any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  22. My beagles don't eat raw at all, I tried giving them some and they just looked at me and said "Mum, what are we supposed to do with this???" So I cook their mince and they just love it mixed with some of their Advance kibble.
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