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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Wow! What beautiful dogs! And thats from a westie owner!
  2. And they are pretty colours, with small writing, so you have to get up close to see what they say, which kind of defeats the purpose :laugh: Mine aren't - the writing is big and black on bright yellow and the width of the harness and lead?? IMO its really readable.
  3. I've just bought the 'adopt me' harness and lead - and am really pleased with them - really good quality and the harness is highly adjustable. Jacki from friendly dog collars is really helpful and some of them on the website were on special last time I looked. Oliver my foster will be properly dressed on Sunday with his harness, lead and bandana!
  4. Thanks Rosetta and Boronia. Yes I'm so pleased with the way he is coming along - he will reward a patient new family a hundred-fold if they continue his training and give him strong pack leadership. I was so thrilled this morning to see him tucking into a grubby bone like he should - where a couple of weeks ago he had absolutely no idea what to do with them. In fact I think Sarah is going to discover the bone she buried yesterday is gone! He's an amazing little guy.
  5. . All my thoughts too, Rosetta :laugh: I approve of his going to a new home only because that makes room for another little needy one at your place, Westiemum :D :D Bad girl DD!! Once I get this building project finished, (hopefully this time next year), then it will be much easier - but genuinely can't afford anymore just at the moment. (without arm twisting...) But I'm going to miss him - he's such a character - but a home of his own where he isn't competing with three westies for time, attention and dirty bones will be much better for him.
  6. Hi All, Just wanted to do a quick update on the munchkin. His coat is growing at a rate of knots and is fine and silky except around his tail area where its quite wirey at the moment. But i suspect it will soften up as it grows. And his ears are much better - they don't smell but still have a little infection in them - but much better. The polyp in his left ear turned out to be inflammatory not cancerous So overall he's blossoming. And a couple of photos went off to a potential new family for him tonight. They will meet him on Sunday and we'll go from there. Here's a photo of him from earlier this evening. Note the blur of a tail!!
  7. Thanks Rosetta and Stans Mum - yes I'll get some photos tomorrow night when we have a trial run! Rosetta he's going really well. Will update his thread tomorrow night with some more photos - if anything he's even cuter now his coat is growing and he was perfectly behaved at the groomers where he had a bath and blow dry on the weekend. They gave him '10/10 for temperament' and one of the girls had him cradled like a baby when I arrived to pick the four of them up! So I'm hopeful I won't haveany trouble finding him a rally good home.
  8. Welcome home Panto!! Fantastic pics. Looks like you had a wonderful time and made some friends - the cat chat is a real crack-up!! Ready to go back yet??!!
  9. DOL to the rescue again!! Just picked up the perfect 'adopt me' bandana. Thank you sooooo much Miss Squish.
  10. SG is it online? Can you please post a link? I might be able to use it on the 3rd. TIA
  11. Yep. Fingers crossed the building owner allows an hour 4-legged visit!!
  12. Thanks everyone for your helpful suggestions. Search is over. Oliver will be appropriately dressed next Sunday! Miss Squish to the rescue!! Thanks so much H.
  13. Thanks SG - yes its such as easy way to increase awareness - I'm even thinking of a 'live 4-legged prop' for the presentation - but will depend on the building owner!
  14. At my workplace we have end of month drinks where a chosen charity is supported through donations, raffles etc. We usually end up making a donation of between 200 and 300 dollars to a chosen charity. Its also an opportunity to showcase a charity, particularly the smaller less well known ones. And of course I've nominated Petrescue for our next drinks (cos of Anzac day it will be on 3 May). I'll be doing a Petrescue website tour as part of a presentation on 3 May - so just wanted to give particularly SA rescue groups (but other interstate groups as well) the heads up - as its an opportunity to showcase a few worthies to quite a big workgroup and spread the word and increase awareness of pet adoption. We sent out the initial email invitation for 3 May to all staff last Friday with a little blurb on Petrescue and a link to the website and that afternoon I got an email from someone saying they had lined up a kitty cat to meet that evening with a view to adoption on the basis of our email - completely unexpected but I was thrilled. So would be lovely to see even more SA and interstate lovelies on Petrescue and maybe find homes for a couple more!
  15. Hi Panto, Glad you got to Esther Honey. Its such a wonderful place and I'm sure its grown since I was there a couple of years ago. I'm sure your timing was amazing too - when we walked in they were wondering where that nights meal for their animals would come from - they were completely out of cat food - and in we walked with as many big bags as we could carry!! Can't wait to see your pics!!
  16. Thanks Burkes - yes that was going to be the Plan C - lucky for Oliver it won't be needed Thanks Miss Squish - have pm'd you.
  17. Thanks SM. I have sent yellowgirl a PM - so hope she might be able to help. Anyone else with any suggestions please?
  18. Hi All, I've suddenly realised a great opportunity for Oliver, my silky/jr/something else to find a new home is on Sunday week and he doesn't have an adopt me bandana vest or coat! Can anyone tell me where I can buy a bandana or vest/coat quickly - happy to pay for express post? Or failing that, does anyone have a small one they would lend me? Happy to reimburse postage, return promptly and make it worth your while! TIA
  19. Same here Ausise - except it was me!! Got into bed one night and my arse hit the smelliest dirtiest bone I've ever seen! No idea how it got under the blankets like that... if I had to guess I'd say Sarah was the gift giver... Now I check before crawling into bed...
  20. jipsi do have a look at the pups that T and NSWAR have. They have some fantastic dogs at the moment - I don't dare look to see if Elliot is still there....
  21. No probs PS. I do recognise just how lucky I am to have easy access to Yellowgirls formula. It makes the westies raw regime so much easier and would be very hard without it. :)
  22. Thanks so much dogmad. Esther Honey will be so grateful. Yes its such a thrill to finally meet Dolers in person. I'd love to meet you two as well. Maybe next time I'm in Sydney. I met the wonderful Persephone when she was here a month ago - we had the best time - coffee the first day and then fish and chips with the westies (they were in heaven and I thought Andy was going to go home with her!) DOlers are so special.
  23. Have the best trip Panto!!! And don't forget the pics!!!! ETA Oh and you need to check the Thermomix thread as well!!
  24. Thanks dyzney. I'm sure we can fill in the blanks...
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