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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Thanks ness - yes of course you're right - I have to recognise that having four dogs and just me here is too many (in fact three westies is too many but that's another story...) -- once a westie falls off their twig I'll leave it a two so I can easily foster another one...
  2. Agree entirely with Juice. Pando Pupp I've only had a quick skim through the thread and a couple of things crossed my mind... you say you've tried 'everything' and I'm sure you have - but is that the problem? Have you stuck really well and consistently to a composite solution many have been suggested) over a long enough period of time? Chopping and changing all the time will confuse the dog and lead you to beleive nothing works when its time and consistency you might need. Just a thought. Also to follow-up on Juice's comments about leadership - I must admit I got the same feeling skimming through the thread - so the question occurred to me does this littel dog have a clearly defined leader? Your posts read as if this might be an area for further work. There has been a similar thread on DOL recently with a severe SA dog who only started to turn the corner when a behaviourist got involved over a reasonable amount of time. I genuinely think its time for a really good behaviourist as Corvus suggests. Lastly, please forgive me for saying this bluntly - but the destruction the dog has wrought around the house may have paid for the behaviourists that Corvus suggested. So it seems to me either pay for the behaviourist or pay for the ongoing damage. And in my view, the longer you leave this, the harder and more expensive it is going to be to fix - either through damage or vet behaviourist fees. So very kindly, I strongly recommend you persuade your husband to reconsider a behaviourist through having him deal with the dog for a couple of weeks and cleaning up the mess and damage and then have the conversation with him again. Otherwise I think you seriously have to consider whether this level of misery is fair to the dog and fair to you. Again my apologies if I've come across a bit curtly or a bit bluntly - I'm rattling this off fairly quickly between other committments. Best of luck. ETA Here's a link I found years ago as a new dog owner which I found really helpful - while not the same problem I found the description of the leadership behaviours and strategies useful. Hope it helps.
  3. Thanks everyone - its starting to sink in that he's moving on... I just keep telling myself he needs his own home and this is perfect for him. Yes its a really good match - just going to be hard to see the little munchkin leave late Saturday morning.
  4. yes. No special treatment here ... we go out ... simple . Same as we have done since they were babies ..no fuss, no conversation ..just "C'mon, time for 'quick - quicks' ..and they know that there is no dinner/bed until they actually toilet. Pers i can't imagine anything else from you! I need to employ you here for the precious westies who hate getting their tooties wet! (And no I didn't teach them to be precious... Sarah in particular - I think here its a girl thing!)
  5. Yep sure is DD - and he'll be an only dog which I think will be ideal - and he'll be going out with her quite a lot during the day - she specifically asked how good he is in the car!! These people have a lot of dog experience (their last dog was incredibly difficult) so I'm sooo hoping the trial goes well. ETA: And I admit I'm looking forward to be able to pay more attention to the westies. Olly can be very demanding!
  6. Well this has to be some sort of record. Only 22 hours after sending the original rehoming email for Oliver, I'm here to let everyone that tonight Olly passed his first 'meet and greet' with flying colours and will go to a very dog savvy retired couple who I've known since childhood for a two week trial on Saturday. WooHoo! Unbeknownst to me they lost their beloved old dog a month ago so the timing is incredible. They enquired about him this morning after their daughter forwarded my email to them - just as I'd hoped. So for the moment, fingers crossed Olly is off the market!
  7. I'm so sorry to hear that Krislin. Did they autopsy the puppy? Might be helpful for your breeder friends.
  8. Ha! Human Food! Although seriously, Diva's post about lean animals living longer reminded me of something that my long gone father said thirty years ago - 'You're reducing that cats lifespan by overfeeding him' - I didn't think I was and he lived to 14 but I'm certainly coming around to your way of thinking Diva and that there is probably something in keeping them lean. Certainly my vet is a huge believer in lean pets and weight control as he says our pets are getting fatter as we are and developing similar health problems.
  9. Good list Raineth - and I add human grade unprocessed food.
  10. The only other thing I know of that's more common in puppies than older dogs and has progressive paralysis starting in the back legs is neosporosis. And hell I hope not...
  11. Yes the Easotic worked extremely well here too. And given how putrid and painful poor Olly's ears were I switched him to a ccompletely grain-free diet as well - same as the westies - and he hasnt looked back. What I think were allergy rings around his eyes are growing out too and his coat has improved out if all sight. So all good here too. :)
  12. Thanks everyone. Yes he is an absolute honey. But I do need to find a home for him as I'm becoming far too attached to him. So if anyone hears of anyone... preferably an experienced dog person... that would be good! Rosetta yes from some angles he does look a bit westie or cairn... but if I had to take a punt, judging by his head shape and his coat I'd say he has a lot of silky terrier in him.
  13. Thanks DD. I'm really thrilled with how he's come on. He will make a lucky someone a fantastic little man.
  14. Olly had an ear flush while he was under for his de-sexing back on 25 March. His ears were so bad and so smelly and sore (left one had a benign polyp from chronic infection) that the vet said he got out most of the copious amounts of pus but particularly in the left ear with the polyp there might still be some there. At his next vet check they were still infected and sore to the point I had difficulty getting the ear drops down them - so we decided on a course of cortisone. Then at the next check we started on a new ear solution Easotic, and then finally at his last check his ears were completely clear and healed. So with Olly, I think the flush was to get them to a point where they were treatable with ear solution and clinically manageable at home. I didn't expect the flush to completely fix them.
  15. Hi Everyone, Well we've made it! Olly has had his makeover, his ears are completely healed, his coat has improved out of all sight, he walks well on a lead, now eats out of a bowl, he loves his food and his toys, plays a great game of ball, sleeps like the dead and he's blossoming... so he's ready for a home of his own where he doesn't have to compete with three westies. The family who met him a few weeks ago didn't come off... it didn't feel right for them or for me (they still made a great choice though of an adult poodle the following week ! ). So I think we're preferably looking for a home where he can be an only dog and the centre of attention who will continue some minor boundary setting ... So if anyone knows of a great home for a cracker of a little terrier mix, 6 years, please could you let me know? SA would be best but certainly would consider a great home interstate. If anyone knows of anyone please could you pm me and I'll send on his information email and we can go from there... In the meantime here are his photos from his makeover last Saturday (and a shameless plug for the Spoilt Dog on Fullarton Road - he has their bandana on! )
  16. Another vote for the VIP grainfree. I only use it as a supplement as my guys get human grade raw - but I find its useful to have some on hand when I forget to defrost their stuff.
  17. Don't worry SM - we love DD - no defence required.
  18. I had dorper lamb at McLaren Vale late last year and thought it tasted funny... almost 'off' (it wasn't). Is it an acquired taste or was the piece I had just poorer quality?
  19. Ah yessss!! Grumpette thats hysterical!!! It brings back memories of Sarah just after I got her rolling around in fox poo at McLaren Vale immediately after her second clip!!! Joy!! And yes I could see them too Perse - and of course partaking of a Perse bath afterwards!!!!
  20. Believe me they would love it and we wouldn't see them for hours!! Which might be a good thing!!! EEEEEWWWWW!!!!
  21. You know I was thinking about these collars and leads this morning - and its a really good way of emphasising behaviours not breeds, and they create a talking point and opportunity to gently educate joe public. I'm really looking forward to using mine tomorrow in public. Will report back and see if i can get some opinions. We really should get some data on their success, I think. Someone out there looking for a research project?
  22. I know for sure that if any animal is in trouble Perse will be the first one there and will do the right thing. She's done it consistently before and will continue to do it. And she does it much more bravely and compassionately than many of us city slickers. On a property its not possible to keep a close eye on every animal. And as much as I personally would love animals to live for ever, they don't, And some will die of old age - which is far preferable to the fear, pain and distress of an abattoir . People suddenly drop dead - animals do too sadly. I have no doubt this old sheep had a great life with Perse and her family. Her time had come. Now back to Callie. Callie I have four dogs who would like to join you for dinner? What time please? (Although you will have to show them the ropes - they are city slickers after all but do very well with bones!).
  23. Thanks Rosetta - have a couple coming to meet him on Sunday too! So I soooo hope he behaves. His photo spread () went to them on Wednesday night. So fingers and paws crossed.
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