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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Thanks kayla1 - its only day 2 on the melatonin so I'll give it some time to kick in and report back late next week - by then I should have a better idea if its helping. Good luck! Hope it works for Mac.
  2. PD the thing that characterises barking caused by dementia is that its usually purposeless - 'barking into thin air at nothing' so to speak. It was this purposeless which first alerted me to Mac's early dementia - he was in the dark in my bedroom growling at nothing. He still occasionally does it but I think he's marginally better - he tends to bark at Andy these days rather than at nothing. And he certainly wasn't anxious. I think the combination of the vivitonin, the herb robert and his raw diet helped - but which exactly was the one which worked I don't know (or a combination of all of them?). The night-time pacing is also characteristic of the disease - and that's certainly got worse of late - hence the melatonin I've started him on - but it's early days. According to the research, over 60% of dogs over 10 years of age will have at least one dementia symptom. The problem you have is 'Is it dementia?', or "Is it anxiety' or both? I suspect it will be a bit of trial and error to try and work it out with your vet. Hope that helps.
  3. You guys are marvellous - thank you all so much - I really appreciate your help and advice. You know I have some melatonin so while I sort out the portacot or playpen issue I'm going to try him on it starting tonight - 1/2 a 3 mg tab three times a day - morning, late afternoon and 10.30 pm. Wish me luck. I've been surprised how cheaply you can buy these things - and yes you're right PD - a lot of ads say only used two or three times - now I know why! And PD you're welcome to pop in anytime. There's so little around to help these dogs its been quite a journey of discovery for a number of us. Suggest one day when you have time, get a coffee and sit down and read the thread from the beginning - there's probably more ideas in the thread here that's actually useful than you'll find on the net generally 'cos its been going for such a long time now. And yes I'll also find out where the local tip shop is B - I have no idea!!! Thanks tons everyone
  4. *- That's a really interesting idea - can you use melatonin with dogs?
  5. Thanks Marion - it's a good thought - which is why I'm thinking of the cheapest but still safest solution possibly to start with is the way to go, in case it doesn't work - I really don't need to get stuck with more new unusable dog paraphernalia at the moment. So a $20 Portacot, Steelcraft (which has good reviews) from Gumtree is winning at the moment. But I have to do something - the pacing is killing my sleep and I have to work... but I so don't want to banish him from the bedroom if I can find another solution... It's so hard, trying to think of ways to keep them safe and comfortable at the same time. Is there another med other than vivitonin that would help his pacing. You're right - it is hard to know what to do - maybe some sedation... but that has side effects - I think I'd rather try the portacot first...
  6. Thanks Marion - it's a good thought - which is why I'm thinking of the cheapest but still safest solution possibly to start with is the way to go, in case it doesn't work - I really don't need to get stuck with more new unusable dog paraphernalia at the moment. So a $20 Portacot, Steelcraft (which has good reviews) with see-through mesh all around from Gumtree, is winning at the moment. But I have to do something - the pacing is killing my sleep and I have to work... but I so don't want to banish him from the bedroom if I can find another solution... ETA Make that $10 from a close by suburb...
  7. Hi Puddleduck - thanks for popping by - yes I like the idea of a portacot and I saw some on gumtree which were very reasonably priced - and I liked the idea of the floor in them and their height would be easier on my back - but having no experience with them whatsoever, I was unsure whether the mesh would stand up to him, the floor would be stable enough and whether or not it would be big enough? He doesn't need a paddock but needs to be able to take a step or two and turn around to 'nest'... and yes the pillows is a really good idea - and I have tons of those! So do you think they would be big enough, is the floor stable enough for him to walk on without falling over and do you think the mesh would be strong enough? Thanks tons PD... as I said I know absolutely nothing about them...
  8. OK - here it is. Now I look at it is probably too big - its over 1.5metres wide and my bed will end up in the bathroom... might contact the seller and see if they have a six panel or the you can choose how many panels you use.... that would work...
  9. Gee you guys are clever... theres one of these that is higher - let me find it...
  10. Or maybe this one? It will be $84.00 landed in Adelaide but might be worth it? Gee I'm not good at this sort of thing!
  11. Hi P and B - thank you both so much - gee you've been busy - ok I've been narrowing it down to circular or hexagonal - thats really important for a dementing boy so he doesn't get caught in the corners. I'm also a bit wary of the fabric ones on ebay which I seriously considered, as they look like they might tip (some seem to need tent pegs which won't work in the bedroom). And with Macs rebuilt back end - he's a little vulnerable to injury. And as its to go in my bedroom I've been tending to shy away from the really bright colours. Hence the hexagonal wooden one which seemed a bit more sturdy and stable even if it doesn't have the soft sides I'd prefer... but still very willing to be persuaded. One thing I've learnt is there seems to be an untapped market here. Any further thoughts?
  12. Hi Bianca - thanks for the suggestion - but as Perse pointed out earlier (I didn't think of it} soft would be better for a dementing boy with deteriorating night sight, a tendency to pace at 3am... I can find one of these used locally for $50.00 which seems a fair price. Its 130 cms in diameter, will fit next to the bed at a pinch, is as close to circular as Perse suggests as I can find, has no toxic materials and I could put a rug under it and a bed and blanket in there for him and he can move around at night without disturbing the whole house. What do you think? What haven't I thought of?
  13. Not having a lot of success trying to find a round play pen with fabric, plastic or soft sides in Australia. The only pet ones I've found I didn't think looked all that good. Found an ideal plastic one in China but only with a wholesaler! Might have to settle for a second hand cot - seem to be plenty of those around.... ETA or a hexagonal playpen might be better...
  14. Thanks Rosetta - but I need to contain him as its his 3 am pacing which wakes me and the other two westies, who then want to party as well!
  15. Now thats clever thinking Boronia - just not sure that the sides are high enough to contain him...
  16. Hmn... good point Perse... circular would be better... will look for one about a metre in diameter or if it has to be a bigger I might be able to move the bed....
  17. Thanks ness. I'm also thinking Big W and save on postage/delivery And a cot is also a good size...
  18. Thanks Perse yes thats my thinking too - something soft that he can move around in but not extensively and is small enough to fit down the side of my bed. I didn't know there were fabric kids ply pens but I think that would be ideal - and yes I'll start sleeping on the spare pillow and put an Ikea blanket under me ready for the move... great idea... thanks.
  19. Thanks ness, yes i hope so - the next two weeks will tell...
  20. Thanks ness - I'll certainly have a look at them too. I think a crate is Plan B. I think I'll try a pen first if I can find a suitable one. He can then have his own bedding and I hope will feel more at home rather than completely enclosed. Thanks again
  21. Would a baby's play pen up against the bed be any good? Yes I think thats my preferred first solution Rosetta - but the only ones I know of are the old, quite big wooden ones. Do they come in other smaller types do you know?
  22. Well after a couple of good months, Mac has started his 3 am wanderings again - this time doing circuits of my bed!! This can't go on. It takes an hour or so for him to settle and go back to sleep. I think I'm going to have to contain him somehow. I think I'll try a dog bed (low doughnut type) on my bed first and see if that helps. If that doesn't work I'll have to put him in a crate or pen next to my bed. (I don't want to banish him out of the bedroom if I can avoid it). I think I need a soft westie sized crate or a small soft sided pen (no more than 0.5 metre across). I think it needs to be big enough for him to stand up turn around and take a step? Or does he need to be more closely contained? It needs to be soft and 'not noisey' if he paces or moves in it. What would be best? Recommendations? I hate the idea of crating or penning him (he's a puppy farm rescue who spent almost half his life penned and caged ) but I don't think I can avoid it now. So would really appreciate some ideas and crate/pen advice please? TIA.
  23. It will be hard. But take heart in knowing how happy he is going to be and going to make another couple. Oh my - I have a picture in my mind of little Oliver standing waiting at the door with his little bag packed and all ready to go. Brings a tear to my eye but so happy to think he may have a good home to go to. Thanks Rosetta, the only thing wrong with your picture is he was at the door with a huge trunk, not a little bag! I had a call at 6 pm last night and all 'very happy' - he was happily snoozing on the neighbours lap already over a cup of tea!
  24. Thanks DD - yes I can't think of anyone I'd rather him go to and the timing is right since they've lost their dog recently. So his bed and toys are washed and dry, he has a big square pillow and a new Ikea blanket to take with him and some food and the remainder of his heartguard to tide him over and all of his paperwork is ready to go. His collar and lead are ready to roll on the hall table. He's had a bath this morning with Dermagic and is almost dry already and looking and smelling marvellous! He certainly is a wash and wear boy! So we 're now waiting for his new Mum to arrive between 11.30 and midday... and I'm doing housework to keep busy.... this is right... all will be well! It will be hard. But take heart in knowing how happy he is going to be and going to make another couple.
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