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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Oops - having real probs with double posts on the iPad 3G.
  2. And a last photo of the old man sound asleep with HIS new blanket! :laugh:
  3. At last a couple of photos of the munchkin while he was back with me for a week while his new Mum and Dad had to go away. They aren't fabulous - he's really difficult to photograph as the moment he sees the camera he turns his head away - doesn't like the flash - and its become almost automatic! Have included one of his back so you can see how much his coat has imporved - its amazing!
  4. coogie thats very kind - have Pm'd you. :)
  5. At last - loading some photos of Mac's new harness off a USB!! Apologies they aren't marvellous - but will give you a good idea. As I said I think its a fabulous harness - fits really snuggly and avoids his neck. Will be very interested in what you (and others!) think.:)
  6. Where or what is the bet way to buy cuddlers please?
  7. Actually if you count where I was as a newborn it becomes 'Anne Broadway'
  8. Hi B, haven't forgotten, having net connection probs at home so tried to upload here and no luck! Sorry - will have another go from home later tonight (assuming I can get online!) Hope you can forgive me!
  9. Thanks P and R. Yes I'm so thrilled to still have him and that he's doing so well. He's snuggling into me at the moment and is the most smoochy he's been in months. Yes R I think his worsening night pacing was to do with his airway problems as there have been no overnight problems since he came home from hospital - he very occasionally goes outside during the night for a wee but otherwise he sleeps through on my favourite rug!! My only regret is that I may have mistaken a worsening airway condition for worsening dementia and delayed intervention until he was in crisis when there was a relatively simple surgical solution. It's possible it has gradually been worsening for some time. My poor little old man. . B his harness arrived tonight - it's really really good - highly recommend it - will post some photos tomorrow.
  10. A little update. Mac is continuing to do soooo well. We've had a great weekend - he commandeered my favourite woollen Onkaparinga rug when he came out of hospital and I've never managed to get it back! Mind you he does sleep really soundly through the night on it - and yesterday we were having Sunday morning snuggles on my bed - all three - and Mac got on his back and rolled around on 'his' rug like he was on grass! He was really happy and puppy like. It was so good to see. I'm so pleased he got his second chance. He's the most amazingly resilient old man. Still waiting for the harness B- hopefully this week.
  11. Love to - will take some over the weekend! If he'll stay still long enough that is! Gee he's a busy little man!
  12. Hi B, unfortunately the harness hasn't arrived - it was posted around the 3rd of July so I hope it isn't far away - and the tracking just says it's 'in transit'. So yes I'll take a photo of him in it when it finally arrives. i had hoped to have it for this weekend.
  13. Hi Rosetta. He's brilliant. I can't believe it - he's a new dog. He's just come inside from a little roll... and is lovely and wet!!! I can't believe it. He's alert, bright-eyed, happy and sleeping through the night. So the truth is he doesn't need the thunder shirt at the moment. So I'll hang onto it in case I need it in the future.
  14. Thanks westiemum. I'll keep going with it for the moment then and see how she goes. Poor girl is getting stuck in places more often, and is spending more time staring at walls. I found her standing out in the rain the other day because she had lost me. She is happy enough though and is still more puppy-like since she's been on the vivitonin. kayla Mac is a happy boy too despite his dementia. And that's what counts. I'm so pleased your girl is still a happy girl despite her confusion. The moment he isn't happy and loses interest in his surroundings - and in Mac's case goes off his food - then that's the time to call it a day.
  15. kayla I understand from my vet that it works for some dogs and not for others and it can be quite variable.. Macs been on it for a couple of years and its definitely worked for him.. There was time when I wondered if its effectiveness was reducing but I wasn't sure so I've left him on it. And the emergency vet a fortnight ago said to keep him on it - so I have. I know Sheridan felt it stopped helping dear old Grumpy but I'm not sure how long she used it for - hopefully she'll pop in and let us know. Sorry I know that's not much help.
  16. DD I'm laughing! I love this little man but four dogs is hard work, particularly working over full time. He's a little better tonight but not much. The only thing that really distracts him is cuddles ... And his ball !
  17. Thanks R. Yes I so feel for the confused little munchkin. He's obviously got very used to being the centre of attention and not having to share his Mum with anyone - and here he has to share me with three westies which I don't think he's at all happy about. As you say, I hope he settles after a day or two. In the meantime lots of TLC I think...
  18. Thanks Rosetta, Yes i think he is confused - and a bit depressed? Do dogs get depressed? He's certainly not happy to be here and I think he's missing his new Mum Anyone got any suggestions?
  19. YG I think this is a problem. The emergency vet who saw Mac didn't just rely on the notes from my vet but was very thorough clinically. And there were multiple calls between my vet that night and the next day and the vets and surgeon at the emergency hospital - as I would expect. Luckily your regular vet worked it out.
  20. I'm so pleased for you Jo and Chester! Its such a relief to know what you're dealing with. Hope you have speedy recovery gorgeous boy. And Jo he's such a gorgeous little fella - I think I'm going to have add a Pom like him to my list!!! Do give me a hoy if there's anything I can do to help.
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