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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Yep they sure are like 'hot water bottles' when they snuggle up! Last thing I need in 40+ degree heat.
  2. Perse beat me too it - yep a hammock bed which breathes and allows air to circulate. Saw some reasonably priced ones at Big W... ETA Big W also have some of those cheap cotton weave single blankets which my guys love and wash like rags if you really want something that breathes to put on the hammock for the pup to snuggle into...
  3. I just sing the praises of the mother who is dog sitting today, the friend who dog sat on Tuesday and the great people at DogCity Doggy Daycare who looked after them Wednesday and yesterday - hang the expense - my peace of mind that my guys are well. looked after and supervised is worth every cent. But still can't wait for tomorrow...
  4. It's a good idea DD - but I doubt it. Most workplaces would be frightened of an influx and the WHS implications and probably think working from home is a better option.
  5. Glad Sarah is doing better Leah - extreme heat and vomiting combined can be really worrying. The westies are in doggy daycare again today. Yesterday Mac got his usual midday sleep ('grandpa nap' ) with one of the owners - spolit boy - I think she's taken quite a shine to him. And last night I slept in the cool on the lounge at Mums having taken a pill. So feel much better at work today. Hope everyone is coping. Roll on Saturday.
  6. OK - my darling mother has come to the rescue and has taken pity on all four of us despite the fact she lives in a tiny unit. I tried to hire a portable air conditioner, tried stayz and takeabreak (nothing affordable left), tried almost every caravan park with air conditioned cabins in Adelaide, even tried a couple of hotels which are pet friendly but they understandably wouldn't have three dogs. Even looked at places in the Adelaide Hills. Thank goodness for mothers. After we arrived, Sarah immediately jumped up on my 'bed' and positioned herself under the aircon and went out like a light. Andy followed her shortly afterwards. Mac of course made himself quite at home on the mothers bed! Just took them all outside for a bedtime wee and it's like a furnace out there still - 37 degrees according to my weather app. Anyway I'm off to bed hopefully for my first decent nights sleep in two days. Keep cool everyone.
  7. Thanks iggy - if I didn't have to work in Adelaide tomorrow I'd take you up on it! :laugh: No luck hiring an airconditioner - all gone. No luck with the caravan parks - no dogs in cabins - no exceptions. Now looking to some B and Bs - but having trouble getting them to answer their phone... Keep cool everyone.
  8. I got 2-3 hours sleep last night - and the westies are almost as grumpy as I am - we're all really sleep deprived except Mac! He has slept OK as he was perfectly happy on a wet towel on my bed under the fan and didn't move all night. Sarah the woos took ages before it dawned on her that the other wet towel was a good option and she seemed to get some sleep after about 2 this morning. But Andy... what do I do with Andy... he stays away from the fan as he doesn't seem to like the air movement or noise and jumped off the bed and gets into his putridly hot hidey holes eg under my bed - and he seems more susceptible to focal seizures in heat. I literally wet him down at 3 this morning but I'm getting really concerned about him. And the problem for me is having two westies on my bed is like sleeping with 2 little hot bottles! Yes I know I should make them sleep elsewhere but we all really need to share the fans and its an old house withonly one power point in the bedroom and not too many options for positioning fans near us all. I think I'm going to have admit defeat and move out to aircon somewhere for three nights until this is over - but finding a pet friendly something at a reasonable price is not proving easy - the pet friendly caravan parks with aircon in their cabins don't generally allow pets in the cabins - only on powered sites. Maybe if I beg? Or does anyone know if you can hire portable airconditioners anywhere? That might be another option... given my very temporary living arrangements I'd rather not buy. Or anyone know any hotels or motels that would take all four of us? TIA.
  9. Only a few spots of rain and at home - still absolutely stinking here. Might see if I can find a pet friendly motel...
  10. Great photos guys - and thanks TSD - I was about to ask what techni ice was!
  11. I hear Tea Tree Gully Boarding Kennels is really good since it's changed hands a while back - but haven't had a need to use them myself.
  12. Until I moved and got out of the habit, Mac would have his Herb Robert tea with his dinner - highly antioxidant - I researched, couldn't find any side effects And felt it helped his dementia. And I swear by Erny's calendula teA for Sarah's itchies.
  13. Cas thanks for your very kind offer but now I think it through I think Ams is right. Andy has a couple of 'bunkers' he retreats to and despite the house-mates comments yesterday about Andy's 'odd' behaviour think I'll just leave it be for now - he particularly likes his spot under my bed. And for the rest of the week all three westies will be in doggy daycare of some description - so can I take a on borrowing the crate? Thanks all.
  14. Cas now I'm really pricjking my ears up - where did you get your fans with water wells? They sound terrific. Sadly my woosie guys won't go near water - I got them as adults and don't think they had any experience with it at all before they came to me. Hope your pony will be OK - very hard at that age. I got mine from Deals Direct but saw them at Big W this morning for $70, I have them by the rabbits and birds and you could not tell there is water it looks like a white smoky mist and even with your hand there it doesn't get wet but it is really cold air Fantastic - thanks Cas - will detour via BigW on the way home tonight. (Sad when you get so excited over a fan isn't it! )
  15. Cas now I'm really pricking my ears up - where did you get your fans with water wells? They sound terrific. Sadly my woosie guys won't go near water - I got them as adults and don't think they had any experience with it at all before they came to me. Hope your pony will be OK - very hard at that age.
  16. I've never heard of this before. Wouldn't towels/sheets/blankets/tinted glass work as well? It probably sounds prohibitive, but in your situation, I think I'd be looking at installing air conditioning, Westiemum. I feel the heat terribly and even on supposedly cooler days (26-27) sometimes feel as though I am about to auto combust I spend most of my time indoors because I can hardly move without being saturated with perspiration . I also have an evaporative cooler which is useless unless trained directly on me. Does not cool the room down, but I move it around the areas where the air conditioning doesn't reach, eg study and bathroom. I also have fully lined curtains in bedrooms and study and louvres in the loungeroom and keep all these closed on the really hot days. This certainly makes a difference. On the rare occasions I leave the house through the middle of the day, everything gets turned off. No way would I knowlingly leave any applicance switched on when I am not in the house. However, if I have had the air conditioning on, the house is still quite cool when I get home. I'm rarely gone for more than a few hours, but I understand the difficulty and worries for those who are gone for the whole working day. I wish I could help out, but SA a bit far away. My dogs (all elderly) are like heat seeking missiles .... I'll find them lying in the sun when it is over 30. Thanks DD but installing aircon in the housesit is financially out of the question when I have a major building project on and a house-mate/land-lord who is highly unlikely to even consider sharing the cost. My bedroom has a pull-down blind which I'm keeping down all day but overall I think I just have to tough it out. This too will pass... ETA: The new house will have commercial industrial strength aircon!!
  17. Thanks ams - I didn't say it but I'm wondering if my house-mate is making him anxious so he's seeking out protected places - might he feel safer in a crate... or maybe not?
  18. In the last few weeks Andy my littlest chunky westie, has been searching out 'protected' places to 'hide' or sleep in - he's preferring corners in the lounge behind furniture out of sight, has a favourite spot under my bed up against some flat picture boxes and the wall and is digging spots in a particular corner of the garden bed in the court-yard of the house-sit. It's dawned on me that he might be happier in a crate but no, he's not crate trained. So please could I have your recommendations for a crate for him for inside use and how best to encourage him to use it? Open-minded about soft or hard sided one - and not too expensive please... and apologies for all the threads over the last few days - but I do really value DOLers opinions. (BTW I did a search but the threads all seemed quite old hence this new one). TIA. :)
  19. Oh dear... I'm in the market for a crate for Andy and I thought it might be straight forward... might start a new thread.
  20. OK - I'm as organised and air-conditioned as possible this week. Today they are at home inside with a cool mat with the house-mate. Then tomorrow a very kind friend has said she will doggy daycare them for me in her air conditioning. Then Wednesday and Thursday they all go to Dog City day care, then on Friday their 'grandmother' will have them in her air-conditioning for the day. I've decided if things get too problematic overnight heat-wise I'll take a pill or head to the mothers air-conditioned couch. Hope everyone is staying cool and safe.
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