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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Picking up the Macmobile tomorrow night. Thanks all for your help!
  2. I'd be off to an internal medicine specialist pronto. It'll be cheaper in the long run. No point mucking around with this IMO. Good luck and hope you get to the bottom of it quickly.
  3. I hope so Marion - he thinks he's just the bees knees when I tuck him under my arm and carry him on walks - happy and alert, ears forward. Very unhappy these days having to walk any distance. He was even baulking tonight walking less than ten metres to the car. So hope I can pick it up tomorrow and see how it goes. Will post some photos as soon as I can.
  4. Thanks LG - I'm actually hoping it might not need any structural mods as when I look at photos the handles are over the second toddler seat and the storage bin looks to be only just off centre - and with the Mac attack weighting it down it might be OK structurally as is. And it looks like a lot of the main upholstery might clip off - anyway well see...
  5. Thanks everyone - now the proud owner of a little red Macmobile! Hopefully picking it up tomorrow night. Thanks tons Perse and Boronia in particular - so much appreciate your help.
  6. Thanks Boronia - turning and control is important as I'll also have the other two westies on leads so needs to be fairly easy to control with one hand - which is why I was particularly keen on a three wheeler... OK off I go to purchase - and hopefully pick up tomorrow night...
  7. Thanks Marion - think it would work with Perse's link? I'm soooo bad at this creative stuff. Give me an industrial matter anyday!!!
  8. Wow Boronia - just wow - even better photos than before! You know the stroller in Perses link would do nicely I think and the price is right. I could try it and then contact the Men's Shed for any modifications - and Mac would like red! It goes faster...
  9. Do people think it would work if I removed the main seat of the pram in Perse's link and simply left the low to the ground toddler seat that would work? In the photo it looks like if I took to the main seat with a Stanley knife I could remove it fairly easily. Or am I missing something? Thoughts? ETA: Shows you how much I know about prams - I mean leave the storage bin underneath for Mac to sit in? And take or leave the second toddler seat?
  10. You are brilliant Perse - I reckon that just might do it! I've looked on eBay and missed that one! Thanks tons!
  11. I'm sure others will laugh but I think it's just dawned on me how I can replicate Boronia's Pennymobile without needing to become a metal worker. But I have a question - how easy is it to remove the seat and hood part of a pram and just leave the storage part underneath? In my head, (Be gentle! I've never used a pram before so very unfamiliar with them), I should then end up with a low to the ground manouverable Macmobile but with push waist height handles! Shouldn't i? Like I said, be gentle and laugh quietly please!
  12. Thanks CHA - yes I've found a couple of cheap second hand prams which look like they should work but I hesitate as they are open at the front and I don't want my old Mac falling out! I think Boronias arrangement us much better - particularly as it's lower to the ground and I've wondered if that too makes a difference? ETA : if you don't mind me asking what sort of pram and what brand did you buy? Three are so many!
  13. OK - thanks again B. I've put your photos up on the Men's Shed site to see if anyone is interested in a project. Thanks tons again.
  14. Here's another interesting solution for small dogs under 8 kgs - A pet sling. Unfortunately I think Mac is just a bit big and not sure how it would work for a Westie with ACL repairs and doesn't like sitting much... But he does love being tucked under my arm! Hope it helps others.
  15. Boronia that's just fabulous! A 4 wheel drive! Mac is completely envious of Penny! So must get cracking again to solve this problem now the heat is over... Thanks for posting the photos.
  16. Ah thanks guys - didn't know that and will remember for next time. Unfortunately with a 95 year old with early dementia there's sure to be a next time. BTW does anyone know if we are in for anymore of this extreme heat this summer?
  17. Yep LG ducted is built in with vents in the ceiling of most rooms. Yes it can be a bit airless - so in the house I'm building I've built in as much cross ventilation as the council would permit ( they wouldn't allow some of it the idiots - might upset the neighbours,) but it will still have reverse cycle ducted with a gas heater in the main living area. So although expensive to set-up in the first place, it should be fairly flexible and energy efficient in the long run - particularly with solar panels.
  18. Funny you should say that LG - I came home after work last night to Mum's house and noticed her 95 year old neighbour's newspaper was still on his path. Mum hadn't noticed as she hadn't been out in the heat all day. He has no family that we know of. I told Mum (retired RN) who immediately went in to check. He has early dementia and so was lying on his bed in flannel PJs, no fan, air-con off and looked to be in a bad way although not in crisis. After no answer from the Housing SA emergency number and not bring able to find a number to call an ambulance without triggering a full blown emergency through 000 we rang police assistance who rang the ambulance people to come and check on him without triggering a full blown emergency response. Two lovely ambo guys arrived who Mum introduced to her very elderly neighbour and she 'persuaded' him to let them in (usually he won't let any strangers in - even police). Turns out he was OK - obs normal - just needed some minor re-hydration orally - but they commented that he was lucky to have Mum looking out for him. It made me wonder two things - how many other elderly people have no-one looking out for them in this heat? And how do you get through to an ambulance service after hours in circumstances like these without ringing 000 where someone really needs medical checking but it's not an emergency? I'm just pleased I thought to ring police assistance for advice who were able to help.
  19. LG you're right - to an extent. The weather here is fabulous for probably all but a month or so in total a year. Then for 4-6 weeks it's absolutely shitful. I love autumn, winter and spring here - just glorious - and early summer is usually OK too - it's usually January and early February when the heat is bad. Although to be honest, I still prefer fierce dry heat to lower temp/high humidity that I lived in in Darwin for 18 years. I loved Darwin as a kid and young adult. But now I'm in my 50's I find that level of heat and humidity unbearable. Growing up here in the 60's the houses suited the climate - but you're right - it is getting warmer so we rely much much more on aircon these days - and ducted not split system!
  20. Glad all of you in brushfire areas are safe. While an easier night here in the city, sounds like it was still pretty terrible elsewhere. Take care.
  21. We had quite a wind, thunder and lightning display as the cool change came through here last night. At last the aircon is off and it's a balmy 26 degrees this morning - up to 'only' 30 today. Hallelujah! Will head back to the house - sit late this afternoon. I'm soooo grateful to my darling mother for having us all 4 of us in her tiny unit for three nights. The westies are fine after their heat stress on Monday and Tuesday. And Mum's cat has coped too. So all good. Just hope that's the end of it for this summer.
  22. Yay! Got that wrong!!! The cool change comes in tonight!! Thank goodness for my poor old heat pickled brain!
  23. Still 42 degrees here. - actually I think we are still in for another 30 degree overnight stinker before a cool change tomorrow?
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