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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. And don't forget to consider insuring him while his has unknown or no history! (Have a look at the current Petplan thread and do search for pet insurance threads - couple of good threads I think from memory).
  2. Absolutely moosey - but not too many options here for an uninsurable 14 year old dog with Mac's history - as I discovered emergency surgery at 11.30 pm on a Sunday night costs big time. Then a bout of aspiration pneumonia and bang! Almost 9 k has jumped out. But keeping an empty credit card for vet bills is the best I can do as I don't have a few lazy grand lying around much as I'd love too. And the truth is that the money I had ear-marked for flooring for the new house went on him!! I jokingly call him 'my floorboards' when I'm cross with him!!
  3. Oh he's just gorgeous - what a boofa! Congratualtions - I'd start saving for future food bills now!!
  4. Yep I'm in the same boat cVr. My two oldies are now almost 13 and insured through Petplan - so no way I could change them no - and no-one would insure Mac at his age and with his history anyway.
  5. Yeah Lisa but 9k doesn't go far with vet bills anymore at all. I've spent over almost 9k on my old Mac since 23 June last year - worth every cent and would do it again in a heart beat - he has great quality of life. But the credit card I keep for vet bills is almost full - so hoping for some reprieve while I pay off some space on it. (Mac was pretty much uninsurable when I got him as a rescue 6 year old). I still think insuring a dog with completely unknown history and/or as a puppy is the way to go. I'd hate to not be able to afford care for the price of a couple of take-aways a month.
  6. Mac has had a laryngeal tie-back because of laryngeal paralysis. So regurgitation as a cause of aspiration pneumonia is a high risk for him. So he's on Zantac Syrup for the rest of his days and it seems to help him a lot.
  7. I think it's worth a shot - particularly as it's only for one night (?) - and would seem by far the easiest solution for you and your dogs. Often they'll say 'yes but not on beds and furniture' but I find plenty of big rugs do the trick!!! Good luck.
  8. KC, sometimes 'non-pet-friendly' can become 'pet friendly' if you go about it the right way. Depending on your accommodation, you still might be able to negotiate having the dogs with you if you are up-front with the owner, explain the situation and promise 'you won't know they've been there'. I've done this before. For me it meant taking rugs/blankets to cover furniture, their own beds and bowls and plenty of poo bags and poo patrols. I actually inadvertently turned a B and B in the Clare Valley 'pet-friendly' by doing this. Good luck.
  9. Their coats are magnificent and although no Rottie expert they look like fantastic examples of the breed?
  10. Badbee I don't know about Vet Pets - but I get all my Adaptil supplies (collars and spray) from Sierra Pets - best prices I've found, free postage over a certain amount from memory and very good service. BTW I think your vets price is highway robbery. You should be able to pick up three small collars for just over $100 online. And anyway I think the spray is more effective although like all things Adaptil it's not cheap. I spray the westies beds if they are going to be alone for the day while I'm at work and it seems to work well. I stopped the collars for Andy and just use the spray and it doesn't seem to have made any difference. Hope that helps.
  11. Brilliant post Christina. I'm not a breeder and shudder at the thought of puppies and prefer to leave it to the experts - but even I could follow that. OP - if it was me I'd follow Christina's advice TO THE LETTER. Good luck.
  12. I know Mac has got too heavy when he's over 8 kgs , his waist disappears and my weight nazi vet gives me 'the lecture' - I swear going to the vet some days is worse than a weight watchers weigh in!
  13. Cas when is your next pop-up kitty cafe?? I'd love to come for a pussy cat fix!!!
  14. Of course he's intelligent Mita!!! And no way are my lot seeing this!!! Last thing I need!!!
  15. Hmnn... Highly suspicious. Bet he's being paid by someone - PIAA maybe??
  16. I say 'no' and politely tell them what a scum-bag of an organisation they are!
  17. In looking at it darling dame, I think it's also that stoopid 'bitches britches' marketing term. 'Pants' people 'pants'!!!
  18. Thanks Cristina - I searched eBay using 'dog pants' - change pants to britches and thousands came up!!! Who'd have thought! Thanks for your help.
  19. Thanks LG - why didn't I think of that! And easily available. Will look tomorrow. Thanks tons. :)
  20. Onya KC. He looks like a gorgeous old boy. I'd put my hand up too if I wasn't in the house-sit-from-hell. All fingers and paws crossed for him here.
  21. Anyone know where to get green tripe in Adelaide? TIA.
  22. Fantastic - watched it three times and sent it around - thanks for posting. And not a collar, lead or a council inspector in sight!!
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