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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Gee thanks for the warning Things and Snippy - I haven't ever seen anyone giving out dog treats at any dog park but you can't be too careful and I'll be wary if it ever happens. My Mac is a foodaholic, would take anything food-like from anyone and is almost 15 years - something like happened to you Snippy would probably have killed him.
  2. Count Mac, Sarah, Andy and me in as founding members of the DFC! (Don Fan Club ).
  3. Thanks so much everyone - I hope this fantastic list helps others as well. Woolies4 Woofers is absolutely fantastic as is BabaPooch - thank you both for posting. Too many to choose from. DOLers are really clever. LGs design wins only because of the neckline - the v-neck is brilliant for Mac after his laryngeal surgery - and he's not allowed anything tight around his neck or high up his neck. Mac is going to absolutely love his new jumpers keeping his old bones warm. (And hopefully helping to keep my huge vet bills at bay for the moment)! ).
  4. Yes there was a 'gathering' at the dog park on Saturday when I was there - and we gave them all a wide berth but thoroughly enjoyed our walk around the park. Met a beautifully mannered ridgeback who Sarah fell in love with. She's such a tart my girl!!
  5. And I've just had a look at the Julius K9 online too - superb looking harness as well. But will look at the Convert first simply because it's on special at present - and dollars are tight with the building project. Then if it doesn't fit I'll look at the Julius K9. Thanks all.
  6. Thanks Lisa and Denali - good idea - will fly into Petstock on the way home tonight.
  7. Apologies OP but yep I agree about P & G - but at the same time it's hard to find a company that hasn't sold out chasing the lucrative Chinese markets. Even Jurlique and Clarins who were so anti- animal testing have sold out. If you really want something cruelty free, then Lush is probably your best bet and probably has something suitable for dogs.
  8. I'd be really interested in how you find them Boxer05 and what you think of them too.
  9. You know I've just been thinking - the Ezydog Convert looks much more supportive than the quick fits - and as Mr Mac gets slower and more disabled gradually over time I'm thinking it might be a good intermediary harness for him - before I need to consider a 'Help 'Em Up' harness if he loses the use of his back legs as part of his disease (GOLPP). What do you think??? TIA.
  10. Brilliant LG - I'll PM you tonight. Thanks tons for posting - very helpful as I don't 'do' FB.
  11. For my dogs it's about half a litre per day - including with their food I'd say they are getting that
  12. DD it doesn't sound high to me either. Raw fed dogs also get moisture from their food as well as direct drinking so overall seem to drink less water from bowls. My biggest problem is making sure Mr Mac actually remembers to drink!! His dementia means he seems to forget so i give him water with his main meal of meat and veg at night and some honey water every now and then to 'top him up'.
  13. Quite agree Jumbaar - I think as Perse said earlier that we need much more information about all sorts of restraints/collars/leads/harnesses etc. And I've been careful to say all along that I don't have evidence - but certainly some empirical biomechanical studies would be very helpful indeed. And until that happens my gut tells me mine are safer in harnesses than collars. Until you've (the general 'you've) had a dog almost die a miserable death through slowly increasing suffocation as a result of laryngeal paralysis, while you stand by helpless it will be hard to understand my high level of caution.
  14. Happy Birthday handsome!! My how you've grown!!
  15. Thanks Snook - I've looked at all the suggestions and gone with the three Hamish McBeth jumpers on special - one for each of them - although I doubt Andy is going to be very impressed - which means I have a spare for Mac when his is in the wash! Need to be very budget concious here at the moment with the mounting vet bills and the building project zooming along. I might look at the PJs at a later date (Mac can wear his jumper overnight if he needs it anyway.) And its just lucky the Chili Wrap from the Spohisticated Pet is sold out - I wouldn't have been able to resist - superb!
  16. Brilliant photo BTW denali - you're three are just beautiful!!!
  17. Thanks Rebanne, denali and rainy - wolfs den sure is popular - love the chilli wrap - sorry its sold out (but actually relieved or I'd have bought three!! One for each of my westies!!).
  18. Thanks and yep you're right showdog - the knots can be problematic - but if you'd had my vet bills over the last 13 months without insurance you'd do anything you can - another almost $800 jumped out on Saturday night - number five visit to the Emergency vet since 23 June last year - so I'll make sure I brush his coat daily when I take his jumper off. His coat is not the best anyway at the moment - he seems to be developing that 'old dog' coat if you know what I mean. And its not growing back well where he was last shaved for his drip - his front leg looks like a lamb chop! And we're all house-sitting in the coldest part of the Adelaide Hills at the moment - and its freezing compared with the Adelaide Plains ('or 'the flat' as Hills dwellers call it!) - the Antarctic has nothing on this!!
  19. Thanks Gallomph - but he'd need a bigger size - thank you I'll bookmark for later though.
  20. Ah! So surgeon's instructions. Odd isn't it - they recommend no collars post-surgically but not as a possible preventative. As I said earlier I have no firm evidence - just many years experience with human laryngeal disease management. If surgeons are recommending against collars post-surgically then its a very small leap to preferring not to use them at all IMO - but happy to agree to disagree. Each to their own.
  21. Korbin he needs warmth!!! Not bow-ties!! Or a breeze up a kilt!!! Get with the program!!!
  22. Thanks Coogie - I had no idea LG did such lovely stuff!! No I don't use FB - I closed my account years ago after it just became a time-consuming pest. Thanks tons
  23. You know in future I'm not going to even bother searching - I'm just going to ask DOL!! These suggestions are brilliant - thank you all so much.
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