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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. He sure is - and although you can't see it in the photos - the PJs have Macs favourite thing in the whole world on them - FOOD!!!!
  2. OK - the first of Mac's new garments arrived today - thank you so much Gallomph - and here is Mac modelling his new PJs tonight before bed - and they fit perfectly!! Thank you soooo much for your kindness!!! I'll take a photo of him in his new jumper tomorrow and post that too.
  3. Yep I use the bags supplied at the park at the park - but I find they are too thin and small for the mega-pooing activities of three westies and subsequent poo patrol at home anyway so I only use them at the park. I pick up the Pet Barn ones with the bones or paws on them when they are on special - nice solid bags with good size openings for multiple poo pick-ups! Amazing how expert one becomes on these topics with three dogs!
  4. Good to know - thanks for posting Sheena. I liked Black hawk as a very occasional back-up food but it made Sarah really itchy and I always assumed it was the grain - so would be interesting to know if it will be OK. Are they going to give out any samples do you know?
  5. I Live alone and I've just asked mine if they would like roo tails for breakfast! I've also told Mac what lovely doggie kisses he gives and that he's a good boy he was for letting me know he needed to go outside! (Doesn't always happen!). Last night I had quite a conversation with Andy after he was asked to be a model for his favourite groomer at the Adelaide Royal Show because he stands so beautifully !! I was so proud of him - not bad for an unsocialised rescue dog!
  6. I Live alone and I've just asked mine if they would like roo tails for breakfast! I've also told Mac what lovely doggie kisses he gives and that he's a good boy he was for letting me know he needed to go outside! (Doesn't always happen!). Last night I had quite a conversation with Andy after he was asked to be a model for his favourite groomer at the Adelaide Royal Show because he stands so beautifully !! I was so proud of him - not bad for an unsocialised rescue dog!
  7. Good to hear Boxer. I'm an Ezydog fan here - so much so the rep has got to know me well Glad you are happy with it.
  8. VM is right - so many places these days are dog friendly so I plan ahead and find dog-friendly accommodation and take them with me. Stayz and Takeabreak become your best friend.
  9. That's easy. If I they can't go with me or I can't get someone - usually their grandma - to stay over then I don't go. . I last went OS for three weeks in 2010. After I arrived home and after discussion with grandma who stayed over, it became apparent I wouldn't be able to go away for more than a day or two (or unless they came too) until after Mac falls off his twig. In my mind yes that is the level of commitment. Hope that helps.
  10. Hmn... Yonjuro thanks - I've gone and had another look at the Julius K9 and I agree they look terrific. Really solid. When you say you think they work like a thunder shirt, do you mean the cover across the back? That level of support would be very good for Mac. And as per usual, Mac's chest measurement is a mini-mini and in the middle of the range and his weight is above the top of the range for the mini-mini - although not a lot - so I think I'd still go for the mini-mini. Typical trying to fit a chunky Westie body! And one last question - how far down the back does the harness go? I'm trying to get one that will cradle the end of his back as much as possible without going to a true disability harness (which he doesn't need at this stage). Thoughts? TIA.
  11. I have two boys and a girl - the middle girl and youngest boy are inseparable. Yet before I got the youngest boy the girl was very attached to my oldest boy. So it's not so much a choice between male and female IMO - that will always be a bit of a lottery as to who befriends who - it's about do you really want three dogs? My number three was the foster who never left - but I also underestimated what a big step up from two dogs, three dogs would be - my lap isn't big enough, walking three can be a challenge (although I've got it down to fine art now) and it's also more costly. I tend to agree with others - it might be better to try and solve Allison's problems first as there's no guarantee that adding a third dog will have the effect that you hope it will. Hope that helps.
  12. Y, Ronin is absolutely gorgeous - and that looks like a great harness for him. But I suspect it would be overkill for a doddery 15 year old disabled Westie!!!
  13. Good BC - please can you let us know how you find it? I'm still wavering - although my needs for Mac seem to be quite different to everyone else (literally as much girth and hind leg support as I can find without going to a specialist disability harness - yet) . I think I've made a decision for my old boy then I come back to this thread and change my mind again - ugh!!!
  14. Yep I'd get that in writing as well.
  15. PF thats an amazing recommendation - thank you so much for posting. I really like the idea of zips or other fasteners other than velcro - I tend to steer away from garments with velcro closures as it doesn't seem to matter how careful I am but the velcro somehow sticks to their fur!!!
  16. I think they work pretty well, we definitely change the filters far later than what they recommend - usually every 2 months or so and have not noticed any deterioration in the taste and we would fill the 2 litres up at least once a day. I would certainly recommend them over buying bottled water. The filters are easy to replace, I recommend the biggest jug that your mum can comfortably lift. Keep at eye out at kmart as they often have them on sale. Thanks tons!!!
  17. SG that's interesting - I hadn't thought of that. But come to think of it I do use the harness handle a lot - really helps guiding Mac and Sarah out of the back-seat of the car and controlling them on the footpath. I have noticed that some bigger dogs do seem to think an old wobbly dog like Mac would be a tasty morsel as well. Nothing has happened as I'm pretty wary but if it does the harness handle will be very handy. Will also be interesting to see if the Convert harness gives me better control as well as better support for him. Hmn... Well see.
  18. Thanks everyone - I've bought Mac two jumpers so he has a clean one when the other is in the wash He is going to be the proud recipient of a Little Gifts v-neck creation in blue and a basic black number from Hamish McBeth. And yes I'll post photos when they arrive. Thanks so much for your help everyone - I spent hours trying to find something online before asking the DOL Brainstrust. And all your suggestions have been brilliant. I just wish I could buy him one of every suggestion!!! But hopefully helps others too.
  19. Thanks for that Yongjuro - I've been thinking of buying my pensioner mother a Brita jug as she buys water to drink as she hates tap water (personally I don't mind tap water but she does). Do you find the Brita jugs works well and are the filters easy and economical to replace? She likes it on her bench so I was thinking of getting her the Optimax which takes Maxtra cartridges? TIA.
  20. Just gorgeous Aussie Lisa - one of my bucket list dogs.
  21. Interesting thread and very helpful. I tried a medium size Ezydog Convert on Mac late this afternoon at doggy daycare - it was too big but I really liked the way it sat on him and gave him much better body support. And that's the important bit for me considering Mac rarely gets out of a slow wander and is almost 15 and becoming increasingly wobbly. So it's support around his middle not ease of movement that I need to think about. They are going to get me a small to try on him and I'll go from there. Thanks for all your help everyone.
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