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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. DD I'm sure that's right. My 15 year old Mac had his front leg shaved for something or other literally months ago and it's still only soft fuzz re- growth. I've begun to wonder if it will actually grow back at all ?
  2. Good to hear - I've always received fantastic customer service from Ezydog so I'm really glad they came through for you too. Customer service like this is just gold.
  3. Thanks Ness. Will give that some serious thought.
  4. ^^^^^^ this. I'm not a breeder - but I tell you if I bought one of your puppies with a malformation (yes let's call it what it is) and you knew about it prior to breeding the bitch I'd be mighty pissed off. And I'd hit you up for the surgery bills. And even if the puppy is clear, it doesn't mean that any progeny will be clear. Don't breed your girl with a malformation - it's not fair on her, any puppies she has, the breed or the puppy buying public - and it reduces the reputation of silky breeders. Sorry - but why not get her desexed around 12 months and just enjoy her as a pet? She is not a good enough example of her breed to breed from IMO. But that doesn't mean she won't make a fabulous pet. And I'd have her tear ducts fixed as well if she were mine.
  5. I have a vague recollection that that drug was mentioned as a future option when Mac first started on his Vivitonin. What does your vet say?
  6. Yep OSS - mine are fine on it on the odd occasions they are 'allowed' it - like when I've forgotten to get their raw out of the freezer or i've run out! Their poo is good and Sarah isn't itchy. So my guys do well on it too.
  7. Thanks for that - Hawthorn would be much more convenient than my current vet. Food for thought...
  8. B are these drugs used for canine dementia too? Is that what you mean?
  9. Ness is that where you go too? To Hawthorn?
  10. Yes it will be interesting to compare the ingredients - but I've just picked up a 3 kg bag of the Wild Game Natures Goodness on special at Woolies for $11.69. I have huge expenses at the moment with a major building project on the go so for me it's a bit of a no brainer unless the Black Hawk Grain Free is an absolutely spectacular mix.
  11. Thanks Sheena - I think you've helped me decide - my guys are doing fine on the occasional natures goodness - I think at that price I'll stick with it. Thanks again.
  12. Thanks tons everyone - will pass the info on. Any others people recommend?
  13. Please could people recommend an Adelaide vet? I know we've done this before but thought its probably not a bad idea to update the Adelaide vets who people are really happy with. A work colleague who adopted an older rescue cat with fiv about 18 months ago, has just had the upselling local vet drive her up the wall, insist on vaccinating the cat against her better judgment and now the cat is recovering after a couple of days of being very unwell post-vaccination. So she is looking to change vets (and yes that was the last vaccination!). She lives at Happy Valley but is willing to travel within reason. Kylie Jopson at Payneham is already on the list but too far from my work friend. I really like Christine Empson too but she's at the Emergency Hospital on Anzac Highway so that's not as easy. Other suggestions? TIA :)
  14. Anyone know when it will be available ? Murphy's law I'm at the bottom of my current bag and would like to try it.
  15. Yep DD - same as Yonjuro here - my lot go nuts for it and just lick it off the teaspoon. You could try dissolving it in tepid water - Mac loves honey water which I use to get him to drink if I'm suspicious he's forgotten. Hope that helps.
  16. Mine sleep on their side of the bed - mostly - all three of them. My biggest problem is getting Sarah out of bed in the morning - she likes to sleep-in - every morning. ETA: she's never nasty about it - she just dives under the covers and won't get out ! Particularly in the winter! Smart girl if you ask me!
  17. I've got four red ones - three medium and a small - and two are the earlier model and two are later and none of them have run and on white westies I'm sure I would have noticed. Suspect you've been unlucky with a bad dye batch. In my experience Ezydog have been very good - I'd be surprised if they didn't just change it over for you. Good luck and do let us know Jo's you get on.
  18. Happy Birthday Nelsson! You were born the day after me! 1999 was a very fine year! And your birthday cake looks as yummy as mine! From one old fart to another I hope you had a great day too!!! Best, Mac.
  19. That's so true WSM - When they get to this age you realise one day really will be their last - and that might be today. So every day I have with him (and Sarah and Andy) is precious and I never take it for granted.
  20. Snooks right - good post Snook. You do have to consider the risks which are attached to your own personal circumstances and then do what's right for you. And it will be different for each of us. I have three westies - a 15 year old, a 13 year old girl and a possibly 7 year old boy. I'm an itinerant house-sitter at the moment while I re-build and needed a solution to nuisance barking (where I currently have very few options), the supervision of the eldest who is becoming a very disabled Westie and the socialisation of the youngest - both boys were very poorly socialised puppy farm rescues. Mac has a very high risk of aspiration pneumonia which could hit clinically and hard very suddenly. And I work full-time. So Dogcity daycare has been a real blessing. However that's not to say I would necessarily be happy with other daycares. But I am very happy with them. Well staffed and very well managed. I recognise there is a risk of an accident at daycare which I accept. I also recognise that elderly dogs home alone are also a risk. And I want the risk of any of them, but Mac in particular at this time dying alone minimised. So he needs more supervision during the working day as he gets older so Dogcity it is - with a day a week from his grandma! But others wouldn't touch daycare of any sort with a barge pole - and that's OK too. For me it's a good solution to my difficult current circumstances. Hope that helps.
  21. DD if you have some Manuka honey ( the strong stuff) on hand try giving her some- might help knock any kennel cough on the head and you can see if the texture helps reduce her coughing. Just a thought.
  22. Congratulations Mrs Wobble Dog. It's quite a club as my Mac varies from very wobbly to running around like a spring chicken!!! Don't you just adore these oldies!! There's something so special about them. Absolutely gorgeous photos K. I must get some more up-to-date ones of Mac.
  23. Thanks everyone - he had a wonderful day yesterday. He's quite the senior statesman at daycare and they look after him like royalty. He was exhausted last night and snored in the back of the car on the way home! Yes a bit of an OTT celebration this year - but will provide me and his 'godparents' and 'grandmother' some very happy memories after he falls off his twig.
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