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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Bit of wrestling is good!! But yes they certainly are a gorgeous pair of goofballs!
  2. Yeah Y! We're just getting started! Their US fan club wants more! !
  3. Sadly Hazy I think you're right here in Australia where discussion doesn't seem to be on the agenda - but I read the other day that dog racing of any sort is not only banned, its illegal in 39 states in the US - yes it seems they have essentially closed the greyhound racing industry down. I don't like or support nutters full stop and agree they do good causes a lot of damage - but whats the difference between the US and here where so many states have banned greyhound racing? Other industries to fill the void?
  4. I'd also like a rescue poodle, a rescue tibetan terrier, a rescue aussie, a rescue husky... hmn... I need a bigger back yard...
  5. Yep believe me Hazy it will happen one day! After westies they are my fav breed! But I can't increase my pack to four! It will have to wait until Mac goes to God! (And the way he keeps bouncing back that might be a while!)
  6. Yep while the 'net can be a real problem, this group has been a real blessing for Mac and me - and he's doing really well for a wobbly but happy and spritely 15.5 year old! And I've just found out that greyhound/dog racing is now illegal in 39 states in the US! You know we might criticise the US in so many ways but on so many fronts they are light years ahead of us.
  7. Yep we live in different worlds - but the commonality is our dogs with laryngeal paralysis and generalised neuropathy. The US is years ahead of us in treatment and research and its because of this group that I still have Mac. On this list we all have dogs with chronic disease which we have to intensively manage pill by pill, meal by meal, day by day so its easy to lose perspective. So its great to see vids like these of healthy dogs moving so effortlessly.
  8. BTW Y - where were these vids shot? Some NYC friends are commenting on the space!
  9. Oh, I have seem some little ones fly across the park in chase of Tigger even a spunky little french bulldog :D If one person sees the vids and gets some interest in adopting a grey or it changes their perception then I will be happy that I have done my little bit for this magnificent breed :) Yes exactly.
  10. I've just sent around to some other online friends who have ill dogs who can't move like that. - and they're loving' it! When you have sick dogs it can be very easy to lose perspective so its a great reminder of how effortless movement is in healthy dogs.
  11. Thats wonderful that your video is getting such good distribution and airplay with GAP WA - I have a real soft spot for the greys - starting to think I might foster one after Mac goes to God... I could see a hilarious video of Andy, my littlest westie and his little legs and porky body trying to keep up with a grey!
  12. In the first video, Tigger looks like he barely gets out of first gear - and there's that cheeky look over his shoulder at Ronin! Just gorgeous!
  13. Brilliant Y - played perfectly for me too. Gee I sooo want a grey one day... and yeah I'll say it again... Ronin is just soooo beautiful!
  14. Henrietta this is a really good discussion - but Perse is right - you've answered your question. Reading your OP looks to me like a bit of a grieving process you're working through - and you will come out the other end. Locke is a learning opportunity for you and Abby's new home is ideal for her - particularly in relation to her barking which it sounds like while you were managing it well had the potential to become very problematic for you and her. When I got Andy, my third westie, who stayed instead of being rehomed after I discovered he had epilepsy, I had real trouble bonding with him. I sensed real distance and couldn't warm to him. To this day I'm still not sure why, I just didn't 'click' with him. Then suddenly after around 12 months, I realised I loved him as much as my older two. In hindsight, it might have been that deep down I didn't want the change to my previous cosy pack - yet now I wouldn't have it any other way. He is the most brilliant dog - still a bit timid with strangers but sooooo much better than when he first arrived fresh from the puppy farm. So I suppose I'm saying give it time - hopefully one day you'll suddenly discover that all the pieces have slotted together really well, as its supposed to be, as it did here. . And hopefully you'll eventually discover that what you want and what is best for your dogs are all one and the same thing.
  15. Thanks Steph - yes we all love her to bits - she's grandma to all our westies and to us!
  16. RIP little Merlin. Pain free now. My Sam and George will look after you.
  17. Well guys I got to puppy-sit the beautiful Leo last Sunday night - and what a gorgeous little puddin' he is!!! I'll see if I can get Amuse to post some photos for all you puppy fans!!! Stay tuned!!!
  18. Hi all, Have just heard, Iris is on the road to recovery and will hopefully be coming home tomorrow after needing a short re-admission to hospital. Missy has fully recovered. We're talking about having a special gathering of our usual Westie group to give her our award instead!!! Probably after it gets a bit cooler in March. So watch out for the photos!!
  19. Mercedes you sound like a potential owner who any breeder would love to have on their books. You sound very balanced and sensible. I'll be sooo interested to hear what breed you ultimately land on. Good luck!!!
  20. Sarah is such a dag - she's like a doorstop when I try and get her up in the morning!!! Will not get out of bed!!! My very own pillow princess and cushion queen!! .
  21. Your Zeph is related to my Andy who does exactly the same. All my three Westies won't go on wet grass - mob of whooshes...
  22. Brilliant Souff!! I've just relayed your award to Iris - she will be so chuffed!!! She's had a bit of a setback today - her vision is not so good. So collective DOL prayers for Iris please.
  23. SM Good luck to you and tour sister. There seems to be a dwindling number of show standard registered breeders here so your sister and her I'm sure beautiful westies, will be very welcome.
  24. Thanks VM - I've just sent a text to find out how Iris and Missy are going - will report back when I hear.
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