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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Brilliant!! Beautiful photos Yonjuro. Sure beats sitting at a desk on the 9th floor staring at a computer screen like i did this afternoon!!
  2. Anyone know where you can buy raw honey in Adelaide? Central Market does anyone know?
  3. Big hugs Anne for you and Boofy - I hope you are both travelling OK and Boofy is comfortable.
  4. My three have got on with all sorts of breeds without any bother - and mine love a rough and tumble together - although as Mac is sooo old I tend to discourage him from being too rough - but he still loves a snuggle with my girl westie and tummy rub from me!
  5. Wonderful Westiemum The leather couch has proved to be a godsend for easy removal of husky fur :) Yep I've got a new leather lounge on the way - if I ever get this house finished! Sarah is a real wretch - trying to get her off the bed in the morning is a real battle!! Her majesty does like her luxuries !
  6. Of course I'd say a westie. Here's my great friends new westie puppy Willow who arrived a week or two ago.
  7. I'm absolutely fascinated. Stitch you OP could have described my Sarah to a tee. What specifically is in raw honey that seems to work so well?
  8. Its gorgeous!! If only I was a decade or two younger!!
  9. ^^^^ This. When I walk the three westies Mac goes in his Macmobile as he has no hope of keeping up with the other two. He then gets out at the park and sniffs and potters around and has a lovely time. Then he snores his way home in the Macmobile again. Typical old man - and people get a surprise when they see its an old dog and not a baby in the stroller. I use it as an opportunity to talk about rescue dogs and old dogs. Could you make a point of responding to any comments with a 'Thanks... yes he's a healthy old dog who loves a walk... he's just a bit slow these days' etc etc? Might just enlighten some people that old dogs can have great quality of life and are not necessarily sick.
  10. Thanks valbitz - but I want HIS job!!
  11. Just had my Stella to the vets this morning - she's 14 and has bouts of pancreatitis. She's not eating very much and having some vomiting, so in an effort to get her to eat something, I cooked some turkey mince (well drained) and Basmati rice, which she ate. However, the vet told me this morning that turkey mince is very fatty. Stella does well on W/D dry with me being very careful not to give her anything with over 4% fat, but she will now try I/D food to try and stabilise her funny tummy. Just thought I would pass on about the turkey as I thought that would be okay to give her, but it seems not. Hope Sarah continues to improve. I still maintain that Enzyplex is very helpful to ward off Pancreatitis attacks. My Cavalier is given Enzyplex every day with her evening meal...without fail and she very rarely has a Pancreatitis attack. She's had only two attacks in the last 6 years. It is expensive but lasts for ages and it works. Thanks CvR - I don't think we are at the pancreatitis scale of things - yet. I also want to just see how she goes for the next few weeks and see if we get a recurrence without muddying the waters with other meds. If it recurs, I know she'll need further testing - and to be honest i'm still suspicious its EPI - but I'm hoping the next few weeks will tell and I'll go from there. And at least her shocking wind has settled down!! Poor girl!! She was so embarrassed!!
  12. Yep thanks Heidley thats what i'm doing here too - she only gets the Earthborn as a snack in the morning and the boys, who appear to have cast iron stomachs get the VIP grander from the supermarket. I might change that after I get the never-ending house-build finished - but until that happens I have to watch every penny here. I'm living on rice and lentils myself to make sure Sarah gets what she needs - and its worth it cos it seems to be working.
  13. Wow! Thanks T - didn't know that. She's off the ABs for now so I'm hoping that her whole system will now settle. She certainly seems happier.
  14. Thanks sueang - yes she's been checked for pancreatitis and it was negative. And yes she's on turkey protein only now and seems much better. The sweet potato instead of rice is a good idea. I'll be honest - I don't like the idea of Hills at all - but I'll go there if I have to later. At the moment the Flagyl seems to have done the trick and she's much happier and her poo is solid and she's not vomitted for a couple of weeks. If I get the expected recurrence I'll certainly head back to the vet and go from there.
  15. Who do we know who could now turn this place around.... A DOL led evolution....
  16. Yep before I switched to raw I found the same thing - it was too hard to control their weight on dry. You might find their weight easier to control and your food bills drop if you cut out the dry food. (BTW I do feed dry when I have to - just prefer to feed raw as much as possible).
  17. OMG! My worst nightmare. Glad everyones OK at your house TB.
  18. Uhm, then why are you feeding dry food in such small quantities at all? To provide texture and crunch? I'd just do what your dogs do best on.
  19. Miss S - I've just had a re-read of your original thread - will you keep the coat corded or brush it out? How easy is it to keep brushed out?
  20. Oh my goodness - s/he is just gorgeous! Very excited for you H - well deserved and puppy couldn't be getting a better home.!!!
  21. Thanks for bumping and prompting stellnme - Sarah has just finished her course of Flagyl and is doing well. The test of whether or not it maintains now comes. I have to be honest - I'm not expecting it to maintain because of her history (she's had multiple courses of ABs in the past and her tummy troubles have always recurred). I'm keeping her on a fairly strict diet of turkey mince, turkey mix, rice and a grain free diet. Red meat and chicken seem to upset her as well. And her paws are looking much better too (less licking and less badly stained). But the next couple of weeks will tell. We'll go back for more tests in the next couple of weeks if needs be. But so far so good.
  22. How could I forget - the most amazing little guy ever. Brought me to DOL and tears to my eyes. The definitive before and after puppy farm pictures. Happy Birthday Leo!!!
  23. Whinge away!! I would never allow the westies to behave like that. Because apart from the potential danger its damn rude!!
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