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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Lucky you Sars!! All my lot are still very spooked by all the builders and contractors coming and going - so they all sleep with me - and I get the Gaza Strip down one side of the bed if i'm lucky!!
  2. Just fabulous! Both of them!! And look at the size of those paws!!! :laugh: Compared to my ('cough') delicate westies they are humungous!! :laugh:
  3. Y are you kidding??!! :) $1500 in a couple of hours is fabulous! And what's more with further refinement you'll do even better next year!!
  4. Raineth Boronia has a beaut little cart that she had made for her westie Penny. I looked into having one made for Mac but by the time I bought materials and paid someone to do it a second hand stroller was a much cheaper option for me.
  5. Sars here's my solution to exactly the same problem except I have three westies. The bottle of red was one balmy night when friends and I all went to the park for a 'chat' Originally, Mac wasn't coping on walks to the park at all - so I started looking around for a suitable second hand stroller. This is a Phil and Ted's three wheeler which I can steer with one hand while holding onto Macs lead and has become his Macmobile. Perse found it for me on eBay - a bargain at $50 - all its needed is one new tyre. He has a pillow in it and is really comfy. I 'walk' him in the stroller and the other two westies on a double lead. When we get to the park he gets out and has a lovely potter and sniff around and then we walk home - him snoring in the stroller. People are usually surprised but delighted when they see an old dog and not a baby! Hope it helps.
  6. Him specifically Yonjuro!!! Not just any huski is good enough you know!!!
  7. He's just so gorgeous - and squish able as spomeone said. I think I'll have to add him to my bucket list!!
  8. Agreed LG - you can't legislate behaviour - or values for that matter.
  9. Am amazing woman - what incredible kindness and generosity of spirit.
  10. Thanks Mita - and good on him for having another try this morning. Like I said he looked depressed to me.
  11. Dr Ted Humphries has given an interview on the ABC this morning - he has been working as a vet in the greyhound industry for over 30 years. To me he appeared depressed. He said: Disposal of greyhounds in pits on trainers properties is not uncommon; Dogs whose owners did not pay their fees were disposed of in this way; Unwanted greyhounds should only be euthanised by a registered vet; It costs 2.5k to raise a greyhound to racing age; Cost drives these practices; Live-baiting has been happening for a long time and knowledge of its use was widespread within the industry; Greyhound Racing NSW is dysfunctional and should be 'abolished' and replaced (his words not mine); The regulation of the industry has been poor with regulators turing a 'blind eye'; The other states are no better. If this is correct, to me its further supports that this industry needs to be wound down. And while this was/is happening where were all the good people in this industry? 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing'. Edmund Burke
  12. Hazywal hasn't even replied in this thread and to suggest that we believe that the disposal of (presumably healthy and rehomable) dogs is acceptable is pretty damn rude. We've both spent god knows how much of our time and money saving greyhounds Maddy your reaction is precisely what I was trying to avoid and it doesn't help the discussion. In other threads I remember Hazy (maybe you?) have very calmly and reasonably explained alternative views on the greyhound racing industry which I listened carefully to but I still reached a different position to your general defence of the industry - nowhere did I say you thought that this mass killing is acceptable. This sort of knee jerk reaction is unhelpful particularly when I tried very hard to recognise alternative views on the industry. So IMO you need to calm down and read posts correctly. If you don't want a hostile reaction, don't word things in such a way that it makes it seem as if we support any part of it. We don't, simple as that. Again and again, we've tried to explain why it has to be handled with great care and every time, get accused of being pro racing by people who have no idea of how the industry works and what the consequences will be for the dogs if groups like AA get their way. Read your own words Maddy. The bolded words are your interpretation of what I said when I was actually trying to acknowledge another point on view. You deliberately jumped to the worst conclusion and I'm not letting that stand. There are huge variations of opinion on what should happen to disband or regulate this industry all of which are worthy bog discussion. You do not help your cause at all by attacking people who are actually trying to acknowledge other view. And appalling events like this move many people closer to AAs position - and its naive in the extreme to think it doesn't. As I said, read posts properly.
  13. I agree LG - good post - I think it was Lyn White from Animals Australia who said that she can come to no other conclusion but the mixture of animals, prize money and gambling turns men into monsters - or words to that affect - and I agree - I think that's the combination which must stop. ETA accurate quote: "Putting together animals, gambling and prize purses is a toxic mix. It's capable of turning men into monsters," said Lyn White from Animals Australia.
  14. Hazywal hasn't even replied in this thread and to suggest that we believe that the disposal of (presumably healthy and rehomable) dogs is acceptable is pretty damn rude. We've both spent god knows how much of our time and money saving greyhounds Maddy your reaction is precisely what I was trying to avoid and it doesn't help the discussion. In other threads I remember Hazy (maybe you?) have very calmly and reasonably explained alternative views on the greyhound racing industry which I listened carefully to but I still reached a different position to your general defence of the industry - nowhere did I say you thought that this mass killing is acceptable. This sort of knee jerk reaction is unhelpful particularly when I tried very hard to recognise alternative views on the industry. So IMO you need to calm down and read posts correctly.
  15. Dog racing of any kind is not only banned but illegal in most US states for a reason. Its about time we followed suit. Hazy et al I absolutely understand and respect your position on the greyhound racing industry so please don't hit me. But this is absolutely sub-human and unacceptable in the 21st century. While I know it has yet to be proved this is the doings of a greyhound racing trainer, IMO its highly unlikely to be anyone else. And if it is, then the federal government must step in with a transition plan to wind down this industry over the next few years - there clearly is no other option. While I feel for those reasonable trainers and their families, I'm sorry but this industry cannot continue in any shape or form. Nick Xenophon where are you????
  16. Darien big hugs to you for whats coming. In some ways I'm pleased it will be only me who has to make these decisions, hard though it will be
  17. Yes I only once left it too long too for my cat George. And I've regretted it ever since. I won't let that happen again.
  18. I so shouldn't look at this thread - I just love the oldies. But I already have two out of three westies over 13...
  19. Just fantastic Yonjuro - thank you soooo much - has made my day!!! You have an incredible knack for picking just the right music!
  20. Thanks Yonjuro - made me smile in whats already a pretty shitty week. These guys just make me laugh - and while I know I've said it before, they are both so gorgeous!! I'm used to my stocky little westies and these two are just so graceful!!
  21. This is very good advice. That would be the way I go. So to break it down a bit further: Before the ranger arrives: Keep dog inside temporarily or at least show how you are going to keep it off the fence line . Phone fencing people about repairing fence if required and putting piping stuff on top so the dog can't get traction and scramble over. Make appointment with fencing give ranger definite date that the work will be done and and offer for the ranger to speak with the fencing person. Start training the dog to recall and stay off the fence line (hard but worth a try). At appointment with the ranger: Get the name, email and number of the ranger and keep him/her informed of the changes and send photos of progress. Having done all that, it would be a pretty unreasonable ranger who didn't give you some time and space to solve the problem first, particularly if this is a 'first offence'.
  22. That's great Perse but where on earth do you find this stuff??!!
  23. I'm so sorry for you and your Mum. RIP beautiful.
  24. Sprung!!! The look on his face is priceless. 'I was going to wash it off Mum honest"!
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