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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. For the same reason I wouldn't feed dogs to my dogs. (Irradiated, purified or whatever treated). Nothing to do with the medical reasons Maddy mentioned. Everything to do with what I consider the ethical issues - no inclination to supporting the waste/excess production from the 'industry'. And I don't eat my friends nor encourage my dogs to do so. I worked in Poland for a couple of years - horse-meat is normal there for human consumption. But many Poles are conflicted about this and totally uncomfortable with it, because horses are, as in Australia, a huge part of their cultural heritage and recognized and loved as such. Yes I eat meat, but no I wouldn't butcher my own pet sheep or goats or alpacas (or ponies) - disposal is with respect as it is when any of us lose a loved dog. I guess ethics are a personal thing: I don't question other peoples' opinions on this issue, but I won't step away from my own. Nice post PC - well said
  2. Mac has returned to in front of the fire - where he belongs! He's had a good couple of days. So lets see what the next week brings.
  3. Caz. The things we put up with. If I'm honest, Mac has bad breath - so DD I did well to put up with that chin and breath for over two hours! Thank you all you guys - it means such a lot. Its a real emotional roller coaster here.
  4. I have a 'dog car' which with three westies can get pretty whiffy at times - I pay to have it detailed once or twice a year and in the meantime I let people know its 'the dog car' and they ride at their own risk knowing that!!
  5. Oh good on him VM!! Mac can still sniff out blie cheese at 500 paces too!! That incontinence pattern is common in the oldies in my experience VM. I have two incontinent dogs here - when Mac is inside he wears a belly band with a poise pad - the orange one - and he sleeps on my bed on a Conni pad and belly band. Sarah at 14 is sometimes continent overnight if she's deeply asleep and she gets distressed by it. It seems her bladder just lets go. So she wears pants with a poise pad on my bed and on the lounge and sleeps on a Conni pad too. They are on Stilboestrel as well. The other thing you can use if you need something disposable are those toddler 'Dry Nights' sleeping mats and/or deposable toddler pants with a hole cut out for the tail.
  6. You and your hubby are the ultimate custodians Anne - there until the end. Boofy was very lucky to have you I just hope I can be so courageous and kind when Mac's time comes. Big hugs from me and the westies. Thinking of you all.
  7. Thanks VM - he's now got too hot in front of the fire so has decided sprawled across my chest with his nose tucked under my chin on the lounge is very comfy.
  8. Yep DD - and its cheaper from the chemist than the vet!
  9. Yep Zantac syrup - from the chemist. Published dose is 2mg/kg every 8-12 hours. If Mac seems to be having trouble overnight with reflux I will often give him an ad hoc dose of Zantac syrup with a syringe to settle him - works well. Hope that helps.
  10. Yep it was a good day - and I think Granny enjoyed spending time with him too. He's a very good old boy and is no trouble. (As long as she remembers to toilet him regularly!). Thanks Caz - and thank you too for hanging around - I'm really appreciating the company as this can be a really emotional and lonely place to be.
  11. Coogie - I'm sorry you were a bit scared - but I think this is going to be the pattern from here on in - pretty up and down - until its mainly down and I make a different decision - and I have no idea when that will be. But thank you so much for hanging around and popping in - I really appreciate it.
  12. DD that is exactly right - he really perked up with his Granny yesterday - and she loved having him - I'm going to see if she will have him one day a week at her place and maybe come to mine one day a week. She can then help me judge when his time comes. Here he is in his PJs with Andy in front of the fire right now .
  13. Thanks everyone. He's had a wonderful day with his Granny who cooked him scrambled egg and said he was very 'skippy' and 'spritely' and trying to keep up with the other two westies. Tonight he's resting very comfortably after coughing last night. I think this up and down pattern is becoming his ' new normal' and may go on for a while yet. Thanks everyone for your kindness and support - really appreciated.
  14. Thanks mad woofer, DD and Ness. I don't think he is suffering at all - he just seems tired, his gait is suddenly much wider - and he seems flat. Mind you blue cheese perked him up no end this evening. I'll see what his Granny thinks tomorrow - she is having all three for me tomorrow afternoon.
  15. Thank you all - I don't think its long now - very old friends arrived for dinner tonight - he's an ex-RAAF doggie - and they both said it won't be long. He's having the day with his Grandma tomorrow so will see what she thinks as she is better at this timing than I am - She got my old cat George right when i got it so wrong. My hearts breaking... but I won't have him suffer. How do you know????
  16. What wonderful words nicky. 'Puppy deluxe' is simply ,marvellous and what a wonderful nickname for nicky's pup. RIP puppy deluxe - you were obviously adored. P
  17. Beautiful tribute DBS - and a gorgeous photo to treasure forever. Fly free Denny's Dog. Mac will likely join you shortly to keep you company.
  18. So did I Scottsmum - but lesions of such longevity need investigation regardless of when the vet first saw it. Its the length of time its been there without healing that is of concern. And the fact the ABs haven't worked makes it all the more urgent IMO. With a history like that the vet should have biopsied before now - a human with a lesion of that longevity that is not healing would be investigated pronto - so should the dog - by another vet. (And yes I used to work with patients with oral lesions)
  19. Come to think of it, Sarah likes to lick his ears of late, and he doesn't mind either!! Nor does he mind sniffing her bottom!!! Here he is a few minutes ago - sound asleep on his cushion - in front of the fire got too hot!!
  20. Thanks Caz - its interesting - normally Sarah and Andy don't pay the old boy much attention - yet of late they've both been doing the snuggle with Mac thing... its almost as if they know his time is limited.
  21. My little old man in front of the fire tonight and with Andy looking after him. Sorry one photo is sideways - don't know why it does that.
  22. Normally I'd agree - but not if its been over four months - four months is a long time if its something nasty - and hopefully its not.
  23. Thanks B - slight set-back this morning - he started with the whole body tremors again and appeared flat/unwell. So I've loaded his ABs this morning (*doubled the dose) and he seems better this afternoon - but quiet. We'll see...
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