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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. My first vet, a long time ago, used to say that the vet MUST listen to what a pet owner says. They are the ones who live with the pet and if they come in and say, there is something wrong ..... the vet must not dismiss it. One vet once told me I was "a neurotic mother." I had a very sick little dog who died at three and a half. Off to ask Mr Google what Doxycycline is. Go Mac Attack :winner: . I hope that figure reaches 50,000 :thumbsup: Edited to add this extract from Wiki: "It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, a list of the most important medications needed in a basic health system." DD thats really interesting - its another of those old stand by drugs that work well obviously. The Amoxycillin he was on seemed to become less effective so a couple of months ago, the vet changed him over to Doxycycline. And he's done very well. I have a great team of vets so I'm never concerned who I see (and they all know him anyway!) - and last time I saw one of the regular locums who has a bit of a neuro bent - and she was great. She hinted that contrary to 'current best practice' he should probably be on ABs full-time now - and she gave me a bit over a months worth. I ran out last week so rang the vet and they gave me a couple of months supply. It seems that an AB a day and his cisapride/ranitidine combo is all it takes to keep Mac well and spritely for now. I know many would frown on it but at his age and given its not a surgical situation I think its a reasonable thing to do.
  2. Yep thanks Caz - these days whenever I'm in the supermarket I see what blue cheese is on special and buy it for him. If anything he's a bit underweight these days (unlike his 'mother' ) so he can basically have as much as he likes of whatever he likes - and of course blue cheese is top of his list!
  3. Yep my money would be on the honey too.
  4. Hi All, An update - I'm now convinced that the Mac Attack has 47,557 lives. In fact I now feel a bit of fraud having started this thread he's so well. Although to be fair he was very ill a month ago. He wolfed down his turkey and rice dinner tonight and has had a lovely time in front of the fire for the rest of the evening. The secret to Macs current good health seems to be one doxycycline a day. The vet has come around to my way of thinking and has given me a new supply today. And at Mac's age an AB a day is a very good thing.
  5. Yonjuro, out of interest, when you gave the beautiful one the vit c and jarrah honey for his cough, which of the two do you think was the most effective? In my experience with the westies it was the honey that was really effective with kennel cough?? So I suppose I'm wondering about the efficacy of supplementing with vit c anyway?? Just some thoughts.
  6. BC has summed it up really nicely. I too find thunder shirts and tight fitting PJs are very effective at calming my old dementing westie boy Mac. While I was house-sitting for about 15 months and had some problems with barking I found the Adaptil Spray worked very well - a couple of sprays on their beds in the morning before I left for work did the trick. I didn't find the collars or diffuser anywhere near as effective and like BC didn't like leaving the Adaptil collars on unattended. Hope that helps.
  7. Oh how I hate those plastic Elizabethan collars. A friends schnauzer was desexed earlier in the week - and he had on something like this - they said it works well and is much more comfy for the dog.
  8. I agree cane toad - I'd never attach a dog to a tether in a car by its collar. In a sudden stop the force on the dogs neck is likely to cause damage IMO. A harness is the only way to restrain safely in a car IMO.
  9. :rofl: Sometimes I'm fast enough to at least get them off the bed - even if I don't make the doggy door to throw them through that (Yes I'm a tough Mum!). Easier to clean the floor than all the bed linen!
  10. Hi Baby dragon - I give it to mine all the time but not in huge quantities - otherwise it can give them the runs! They love it too.
  11. We had our coldest May night in Adelaide on Saturday night since 2010. And I think Mac was cold which is why he woke me up overnight then too. He does settle if he's warm - and he particularly likes being in the crook of my arm with the blanket over him.
  12. Bless you LG! Mac has started the 3.30 am carry on as well. I got up and took him out for a wee at 3.30 this morning and nothing. GRRRR!!! Wonder if he's hungry? Gave piece of cheese. Stomp back to bed; put him on his side of the bed. Mac goes out like a light and doesn't stir until morning - genuinely think he was hungry. I might try the bedtime treat and the yawn routine as well.
  13. Oh my goodness LG! What a hard ugly looking thing!! Who did you upset!!??
  14. Can't say it any better - WOW! just WOW!! If I ever get my build finished I'd like to commission you to paint the westies for me.
  15. I use snuggle safes - 5 minutes in the microwave, pop them in the westie beds in the laundry and they're still warm (just!) when I get home from work. They've lasted years and the westies love them.
  16. Yes their grandma is wonderful - but I'm letting her have a couple of 'slow westie' weeks - once they start the final cabinetry installation here I'll need her to supervise her westie grand-kids.
  17. Nothing will replace a real live westie!!! I can't see a robot dog snuggling up in the crook of my neck.
  18. Similar here Malamum. When Mac goes to God I'll leave the pack at two westies. Three for a single person is hard work and I sometimes think that Andy gets a bit less attention than the older two because of it. I'm sure he too will lap up the extra attention when I'm down to two.
  19. Thank you so much BC . Yes I still get a bit teary when I think of his journey and how well he's done. Three weeks after I brought him home I discovered he had mild focal epilepsy - and no-one wanted to offer him a home. So he stayed - and I'm so pleased he did. And those three people who have since offered to buy him can all take off!! Too late. He's turned into the most brilliant little dog - even if I do say so myself!
  20. Yonjuro these photos, mag but most of all this dog are all absolutely amazing.
  21. Yep BC - he came from THAT notorious puppy farm that used to operate 2 hours outside Adelaide and thank goodness is no more. He's done so well from the fearful little man I picked up all those years ago who had never been in a car or house, wasn't toilet trained, had never eaten out of a bowl, couldn't walk on a lead and was badly socialized - to being mistaken for a show dog by a judge in the grooming competition at the Royal Adelaide Show last year. He and his very young groomer won first place!! He's come such a looooong way - and I couldn't be prouder. :) :) :)
  22. Thanks VM and Y. Yes he's genuinely a lovely boy - beautiful nature - despite his really dodgey beginnings.
  23. Yes Anne - he'll never be alone or lonely - he'll have plenty of company and you'll always remember him.
  24. Thanks DDD - I'll let her know - she'll be so thrilled 'those people in the 'puter' think she's a good grandma. And yes of course you can be Mum and Grandma rolled into one!! That just makes you doubly good!!! Well Mr Mac is amazingly well today - he's literally jumping around the place - nd he wolfed down his dinner. Its so good to see him so happy. Thanks again fir your support everyone - I really appreciate it.
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