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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Mr Mac had a day at doggy daycare today with Sarah and Andy while the tiling got finished in their laundry. He had a grandpa nap with the on-site groomer at some stage, had his fur in his eyes trimmed and was incredibly spritely and bright when I picked him up just after 6 - he was just so happy - trotting out to the car. I must try and get them back there once a week if I can - they absolutely love it!!
  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Y. And I have no doubt Ronin knew something was up before you both did. I'm sure I've read that dogs are able to tell somehow if someone isn't well. I hope it isn't as bad as you both fear and all fingers and Westie paws crossed for you both here.
  3. Its funny DD - we were only talking about a visit to a new park in the Macmobile at lunch with his Godparents yesterday - stay tuned - might happen next weekend...
  4. Ah Panto thank you - particularly today. I've just bought Mac the Farmers Union one as it has more calories than the Jalna!! So he's about to have thick set creamy Greek yoghurt with a hint of honey!! The things we do...
  5. Just a quick update - Mr Mac is continuing to do really well - wobbly but still pottering around happily and the daily AB seems to be making a huge difference to his quality of life. He sent yesterday afternoon with his God-parents who he adores and slept really well through the night last night. I also want to thank Gallomph and Little Gifts again for his gorgeous jumper, polar fleece and PJs which they all so kindly sent him last winter - he loves them, they keep his wobbly little old body warm and they are all still going strong. As he gets older he is getting thinner regardless of how much blue cheese he has! So his warmies make such as difference to him. Thank you both so much!
  6. Oh and I've learned the dishes and weekend housework can wait if it means spending an extra hour or two cuddling and snoozing in bed with my almost 16 year old Mac
  7. I've learnt to sleep reasonably well on the Gaza strip - last night the other side of my QS bed was completely empty. Me and three westies were all on the other side - I woke up to a westie butt about 10 cm from my face and spent the night sharing my pillow with the youngest The other was at my feet!! It was a bit awkward - and I wouldn't have it any other way.
  8. Winky is gorgeous! As to rest of you - STOP IT!! I just love them but I can't even think about a new dog until the house is finished and Mac goes to God - and the way he keeps bouncing back that won't be any time soon!! But I really really want one....:laugh:
  9. Westies!! Stubborn in a 'Why should I? What's in it for me? Ha? Ha?' sort of way...
  10. What time can the westies and I join Ronin for dinner??!!
  11. Interesting replies - The people I got Mac from, who have since become great friends, said they picked my email out of hundreds precisely because I did ask questions... (And I joke with them that little did they know what they were starting...)
  12. Yep thank you Yonjuro - Mr Mac is home absolutely exhausted after his day at doggy daycare - the snoring is deafening!!! He has another day with his grandma looking after him and Sarah and Andy tomorrow - so it's a very full week Its interesting - some friends were critical of giving Mac blue cheese when he was ill and wouldn't eat anything else. So I went and looked up the health benefits of blue cheese... and was surprised what I found: its a good source of protein for muscles (and Mr Mac certainly needs that!), it has anti-inflammatory effects, improves memory, fights arthritis (Mr Mac needs those too!) and osteoporosis - and its apparently even anti-cellulite!! (thats for his mother!!). So Mr Mac can have as much blue cheese as his little heart desires - and so can his mother!
  13. Thanks B and C - Yes the old fella is doing well - he's at doggy daycare today for the first time in a while and they all gushed over him - he is the oldest 'pack member' at doggy daycare and therefore attracts certain status and privileges - such as a grandpa nap in the staff room when he needs it. He'll sleep very well tonight! And I'm convinced blue cheese is a medicinal secret weapon! 'Adelaide Blue' which is creamy and stinky is the favourite at the moment.
  14. Hi dogz101 - welcome. Just a word on coats. sometimes when people say they want a short coat they actually mean low shedding - so just checking in - is shedding an issue for you? As some short coats shed like there's no tomorrow whereas some longer coats are actually low shedding. Or is it a short coat you are after, along the lines that Gruf suggests?
  15. I think its fine - but if you want to check up could you set up one of those puppy cam things? I suspect you may be surprised at how many hours she is asleep
  16. Yep that makes sense to me too TSD. As I tried to politely say - any excess you just excrete so no point taking it all the time IMO.
  17. Jemmy I'm sure the one you bought will help - its all about the active ingredient. I buy Manuka online from a NZ site - and occasionally use it myself if I'm feeling poorly. I gave up chasing around trying to find a shop who stocks the strong stuff - I was using more in fuel than the postage from NZ! It ain't cheap but I think its worthwhile - I'll see if I can find you a link... ETA I can't remember exactly which site I used now - but heres one or this one
  18. This thread and especially your post, are quite timely for me as I've been monitoring Luna for symptoms as she was exposed to a strain that is resistant to the vaccine... And we've had a broken sleep as the cough began overnight. She's still eating with gusto, so I'll try the honey to ease her throat. Jemmy make sure its Manuka from NZ or Jarrah honey from WA - the stronger the better. I keep a a jar of Manuka on hand ('Active 18+' - not the weak supermarket stuff) and if anyone here is a bit chesty they get a couple of doses. Its not cheap but works brilliantly and quickly and beats a trip to the vet. (no offence to our community vets who hang around here!) Yonjuro can tell you more about Jarrah Honey. I also keep supermarket stuff on hand and if someone wants honey on their toast they have to use that!!
  19. Could not agree with you more. Possible long term side affects of meds are not a consideration at our dogs' ages. Someone said something similar to me about Danny and I just said, at his age, I don't think we need worry. Their short term comfort and wellness is what it is about. Did you see my last posts about Danny? Thank goodness cavNrott kept at me about ranitidine and I persuaded my vet to consider something different. So instead of three doses of .6ml of foul tasting liquid three times a day, he is now on .25ml of not so horrible liquid twice a day. The difference is astounding. Similar to your experience with Mac, I sometimes have this spritely little ball of red fluff jumping around, humping Jeune, telling Bunter off, etc etc. :laugh: :laugh: Hmn... sorry DD I must have missed your last Danny post. Was it in another thread? But I couldn't agree more. I still have Mac's original bottle of liquid Zantac/ranitidine and if he seems to be having a hard time with reflux (very dangerous for a dog like him with an open airway), particularly overnight and needs topping up then I give him an adhoc dose - and it settles him really well. And means I get some sleep too! You hit it on the head - its all about comfort and quality of life for these oldies. And thank goodness for sensible, flexible vets - I'll always be grateful to mine - particularly when they see things my way!!
  20. Here's Andy lying all over his Grandma last month, while she was recuperating after her first cataract op:
  21. I just saw this. Tempeh's favourite person in the whole wide world is grandma! She reserves all her full body wiggles especially for grandma and is just so excited she tries to eat her arms and crawls all over her. It is very funny given she normally goes for the cool approach. Here she is saying "oh yeah Grandma, that's the spot!"LG thats a fabulous photo!! Go Tempeh! Yes the westies get so excited when Grandma arrives - and she will be here two afternoons next week so they will be over the moon. Next week will be the 'big week' installing all the new cabinetry - so Grandma is going to 'supervise' the westies Tuesday and Thursday and they'll go to doggie daycare on Wednesday. So they'll have a wonderful week and that'll keep them out of the workman's hair as well.
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