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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. I use the Ezy Dog quick fit harnesses for the westies which clip on at the side and have a D ring at the top as I think they do less damage than collars do on delicate neck structures such as the larynx. But like the article I have nothing to back that up with except knowledge of the vagus nerve and laryngeal structure and innervation and I believe, common sense. So I think in the absence of concrete evidence one way or another you make the best decisions you can for your dogs - and in my case, after Macs laryngeal paralysis and near death from suffocation I'll always use harnesses and never use a collar again.
  2. PIA were listed as one of the best pet insurers in the Candsar report this year so good to hear good back up reports.
  3. Thanks SG. I had the most amazing array of choice of homes for this amazing little man including you! But once I knew I had an offer from a home with a child I knew for his sake I had to try it for him. And while every one of those other brilliant offers for him would have worked in their own ways, I so wanted him to have a child of his own - which I couldn't offer him either - and so far so good!!
  4. Thanks everyone - I admit i didn't sleep very well last night - its not that I was worried but it was strange without him. So hoping to sleep a bit better tonight.
  5. Yes I got an update at lunch today and he's settled beautifully and slept on the bed last night with the cat!! All went well and he did the school run this morning and waited at the school gate until the 11 year old disappeared from sight - apparently he's become very attached to her already and follows her everywhere. And they said they love him already. So the tears flowed again which is not a good look at work! But yes I'm so pleased that its going so well - he loves children so to have one of his own is a dream come true for this little guy. And yes I'll eventually get over it!! Yes dogbesotted I think you're right - some do affect you differently - and I think he's one of them - and he's not even a westie!!
  6. Ok - first report is in - he's settling in beautifully and is on the bed already. I've never been so pleased to be so quickly forgotten!!
  7. Thank you all - I know he's gone to a great spot where he'll be cherished and get all the attention he needs. Interestingly when I got home from dropping Zac off, Mum said Sarah howled and was inconsolable when Zac and I were gone. Not sure if it was for me or for Zac. She's howled in the past when Andy went to Doggy Care by himself and I was at work (before they all went together) - and more recently when I unexpectedly took Andy to the vet while a friend was visiting from interstate. She's a funny old sausage!! It seems if I go out with another dog without her she howls... luckily she quickly settled when I came home.
  8. Well that all went really really well. Very hopeful Zac has found family to love him until the end of his days. I'll check in with them in a fortnight and go from there. Thanks DD for the pep talk - I needed that.
  9. I'm trying to play some mental gymnastics here and convince myself that this marvellous little man will be better with an older child and someone who is home a lot of the time to keep him company. And I can spend more time with my three - and its a struggle... this tiny guy is going to leave a huge hole... so convince me people!
  10. Thanks very much Mrs RB - was out Morphett Road way yesterday so I dropped in and bought 5 litres of the fruity fro $21.95. Hopefully that will solve my back verandah problem. Four dogs generate a lot of wee!!
  11. Thanks so much blink blink - yes I thought you might be busy so a message might be best. Charlie is lovely!! He doesn't need a home by any chance??!! (Just joking!) Don't you just love the oldies!
  12. Found it here - this is Spotty's previous link - there's also a 500gm pack for half the price from the same seller from memory. I've been meaning to get a bag myself to try with my oldies too. B if its liquid you want then there is something called flexicose but its out of the US and the postage is pretty horrendous. Also something called osteox - you might be better off with a generic liquid glucosamine from the chemist.
  13. Damn I had it on my eBay watch list and now can't find it - I'll have another look...
  14. And another of the beautiful little man just cos I can!!
  15. Hi all Zac fans, Thanks for your patience after a ridiculously busy week where I didn't get a night at home until last night and had most of today at a forum as well - and all the canine members were getting very ratty!! After worrying that Mac wouldn't cope with a foster he's been fine, so its been good to be able to see what Zac is really like under different circumstances and not have to move him on too quickly - and it became apparent that he loves children, would be fine with a chilled laid back temperament dog but would probably be better as an only dog with someone who is home most of the time. And after a choice of eight wonderful homes for him (five local and three interstate), that's the home my fellow partner in rescue found for him - with someone who is home most of the time, dog savvy but none at the moment after her elderly cavs passed some time ago and an 11 year old daughter. So lucky little Zac will most likely go on a two week trial tomorrow afternoon to his potential new home. I'm thrilled to bits and very sad at the same time. And I so wish I had more than one Zac to spread around. I've very quickly fallen in love with this cracker of a little dog as has the westies Grandma. And yes I will have to have a chi in my future. And he will always have a back-up home here should he ever need it. Red feather thank you so much for following up with your friend. And thanks so much blink blink and Snook for your help and patience while I worked through this after I came up for air this afternoon. I've left messages or been in touch with everyone local this afternoon who so kindly put their hand up for him. Please cross your fingers and paws that all goes well for him tomorrow and his potential new family like him. Here he is an hour ago:
  16. Thanks T - he's having a clip next Tuesday so I'll get him to model in his jumper on the coffee table after that.
  17. Perse they are absolutely gorgeous little puddens!!!
  18. Maccles and I have had a lovely night - snuggled up on the lounge. Even though the Crows went down tonight in a less than stellar performance (to put it mildly), I'm incredibly proud of all they've achieved this year after our coach's murder in early July. And I'm very proud of my old boy in his Crows jumper!! Yep Caz, a Crows fan to the end!!
  19. It sure is DD. We're getting to the point of 'probable lasts'... Next Tuesday he'll have his 'probably last' clip... But I am looking forward to a night on the lounge with him tonight watching the Crows!! He's still a snuggle bum
  20. Thanks SM - its getting harder - no doubt about it - so I'm treasuring every moment with him.
  21. Snook where do you get the Equinade? I'm desperately in need of something for the tiled verandah...
  22. Mac had a bad weekend - very very wobbly and back end collapsing to a sit more often than I'd like. Started preparing mentally... And then I came home last night and he's back again - fairly galloped down the side path when I went out to find him. And he's so much steadier again. He's asleep next to me on the lounge as I type. And he's becoming a fussy old boy... he wouldn't eat his breakfast this morning which worried me - until he gobbled down Sarah's - pedantic old boy!!! So relieved... but the time is definitely coming...
  23. Hi All, Sorry I haven't been back - the truth is I'm having the busiest week and just haven't come up for air. The littlest man is doing very well. I still have him only because I wanted to get a better idea of what he was like generally and with other dogs - and as long as the aren't boisterous 'in-your face' types he's fine. I also just wanted to get to know hime a bit better so I'm sure I'll make the right choice for a home for him. He's just such a great little dog... but I truly have my hands here full with Mac and my other two who need more attention as it is - and Mac had a bad weekend last weekend to the point I wondered if I was going to lose him - and he bounced back yesterday - so I think little Zac would be better somewhere less chaotic... So when I get a chance I'll turn my head towards his new home... and yes its going to be very hard letting him go...
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