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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Guys I don't really understand why he's suddenly so much steadier... the only thing I've done is up his oily fish and fish oil - and of course he now has his pills in blue cheese which supposedly has cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory benefits, helps memory and arthritis, and they are wondering is its the reason the French have the lowest rate of cardiovascular disease in the world. Oh well who knows - he's happy, healthy and the best he's been in quite some months. I swear this dog is going to be the death of me!! .
  2. Hey now why is one up the right way and one not??!! I doubt I'll ever get the hang of this photo business!!
  3. Hi All, Here are a couple more photos - One from last night - I can't believe how steady he is and how well he looks at the moment and the second one before he woke up this morning - he'll often sleep longer than the other two westies and then 'bark' when he's awake and wants to get up! Its certainly a hard life here at WM 'Manor' as a friend called it this week. My funny old boy...
  4. Couldn't have said it better myself stellnme. I'm going to have to face it with Mac sometime soon - just no idea when. I'm also trying to decide if it should be at home or at the vets? Whats best for Mac? Whats best for mother two westies?
  5. DD I'm glad you're a happy woman and that my furry Mac makes you happy!! 'Eccentric' is a good word SM - he's the funniest, most loveable old boy - you should see the excitement for his blue cheese and mackerel - it makes my days!. I need to get video of him for posterity... must contact his Godfather who's good at that stuff!!
  6. I don't think I could go through all the rigamarole, WM. I just get frustrated at knowing there is so much I don't know. But really, for what I do, I don't need to know it. :o Step one: Dump your stuff onto an external hard drive, put the specs on Gumtree with a price a couple hundred under what you paid, and watch them flood in for it. Step two: Take cash, and go down the shop and buy a PC you'll be happy with. Come home and be happy woman!!!
  7. Thanks CnR - I can't believe how well he is doing at the moment - he's less wobbly, much more steady and brighter somehow. And it does seem that fish oil, mackerel for dinner and giving him his medication in blue cheese are the secret weapons!! And seeing they are his favourite things - he's certainly not complaining!
  8. Lovely to her from you YG. And Mac and send hugs back. I'm sure you know I'm still a huge fan of the food shop you started - and I think it has a lot to do why Mac has lasted this long and my other two are healthy westies. Hope alls well with you and all yours.
  9. DD I also meant to say, if the iMac is that much of a problem why don't you sell it?? They hold their value really well and I'm sure you'll then be able to afford a brand spanking new Windows PC (just don't buy Toshiba! - it was Toshiba which made me go Mac Air and IMac! ). Here's a current example. You might then be a happier DD!!!
  10. I doubt it DD - Its becoming my trade mark after all!! (And I truly don't know why it happens - they are the right way up when I got to upload them - must be magic!! ) as for the doggy door - Mac plays on it a bit - if I'm around he gets this plaintive look "Please pick me up and bring me in" - but if I'm out and come home early he's often outside - so I know he can still use the dodgy door. I think he just likes hanging his had outside in the breeze! Tamar and Bunter sound lovely - yes I just love westies - but I'm pretty fond of long haired chihuahuas as well after Zac (which reminds me I must post an update on him too. Thanks Caz - I think we are in for an absolutely revolting summer - I put ceiling fans in the new house and thank goodness I did - I find them really effective. Have a good week guys.
  11. Hi Mac fans, Well the old man is having a good few days. He's decided he loves Sarah's fishy dry food and is very partial to Home Brand Mackerel in Oil - so they are all getting some of it for dinner! And he has this habit of sticking his head out through the doggy door with his cute little arse still inside - as if to check out the world outside and then turns around and comes back inside. Sorry but its been too hot for him to model his Crows Jumper again - its gone back into the cupboard. And earlier this evening - his last clip was a bit severe! But with this hot weather he's been much more comfy. And I think he still looks very cute!!!
  12. Have a wonderful day with many wonderful greys finding wonderful homes. Glad I won't be able to be there - I couldn't resist...
  13. Although I'm bawling I'm so pleased I looked at it - now I know what to do for Mac...
  14. I suppose that means people who sell "the Big Issue' with their dogs at their feet are exploiting them and eating them cruelly as well?? (Rolly eyes here!)
  15. I'm also incredibly proud of my Sarah - she kept a madcap schnauzer puppy in line all long weekend and taught him some manners!! She is the most brilliant old girl with puppies - boy do they get in line fast around her! So proud of her. Perse let me know if you want to lend her for your brood!!
  16. Mac is still with us - he's been with me almost ten years after surviving a puppy farm. He has had 5 major operations since he's been with me and has a neurological disorder and dementia. He is the most resilient smoochy beautiful old boy I know. And I'm so proud of him I could cry.
  17. Thanks all. He's certainly better tonight. The combination of the long weekend heat and baby-sitting a madcap schnauzer puppy probably slowed him down quite a bit. The cool change has hit here thank goodness and he's perkier.
  18. Excellent. Glad she enjoyed it. You've reminded me that I should get some for my guys again too.
  19. Start steeling yourselves my dear friends. He is failing gradually - just don't know how long 'gradual' is. Anyway we are all now off to bed for a snuggle. Have a good week everyone.
  20. And here he is an hour ago on my lap - where he should be...
  21. Hi all Mac fans, The weather has heated up here so my old mans very short clip of almost two weeks ago is probably a good thing. He's getting very unsteady on his back legs now and often doing the crab walk and bottom sit. I spoke with a friend last night about whether or not he might be suitable for a doggy wheel chair which he distributes when the time comes - it will depend if he is strong enough in his front legs to pull himself along. Here's Mac in his very much younger days, about 2011 (?) with his friend Hailey and her wheels.
  22. ^^^^^ What they said. Off to the vet with you.
  23. Don't be too hard on yourself - the fact you feed raw and go to trouble to feed raw shows you care. I'd just go back to what she was eating before if she was doing well on it. And avoid the dry food marketing hype. And just to convince yourself, get a piece of dry food and crush it between your fingers and have a really good look at it. And ask yourself 'Would I like to eat that heavily processed stuff day in day out'? And whats in it that you can't see that makes dogs want to eat it? Scary stuff. I'd much rather see my westies tuck into whole food anyway!! Good luck.
  24. I'm so sorry for you and Toby - but regardless of how long he has, he is so lucky to have you to give him a last wonderful 18 months which is what he remembers I'm sure - and this final precious gift. Thoughts and prayers with you both.
  25. Macs teeth are pretty sparse and poor too - but he still goes to town on half a turkey neck and loves them! He also loves chicken frames but none of them have had them for a long time as Sarah can't have chicken.
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