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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. I so badly want one for Scottie. I might order one when I'm home next and take it back with me. SM I really want these beds too - I think they will be ideal for my oldies on the days I'm at work and they are in the laundry - cool in summer and warm in winter (maybe with some vet bed under them). Would be even better to be able to put them on a raised bed but I'm not having much luck on that score. So I've just sent HH a note to see if they can do a custom-made size for me to fit in the laundry - will let you know how I get on.
  2. And I've just heard back about the Kazoo raised bed and it will be too big to fit the space in my laundry - its overall dimensions are 80cms and I need an absolute maximum of 70 cms - damn it! (And the Snooza mini at 46 x 43 cm mat size will be too small for the westies). So off to investigate Henry Hottie possibilities instead! Thanks everyone!
  3. Thanks Rumour - you read my mind - HH is definitely an option for the laundry beds.
  4. Thanks to that wretched enabling Roova () in another thread I found the Orvis website... and I kept coming back to their gorgeous memory foam dog beds for older dogs last night. Although very costly, the beds were just what I was looking for for the lounge room for Sarah and Andy and I'm so over beds that flatten out and fall apart after a couple of washes. So in Mac's honour I've bought the flat bed for Andy who likes to stretch out and doesn't like closed in beds and the lounge-type one for Sarah who just loves lounges and cushions - both with memory foam. And yes I know they are very 'spensive! But I justified the cost that these beds should last forever, hopefully keep them off the new leather lounge and are the first really good dog beds I've ever bought (in the past I've only ever bought relatively cheap ones which have not been very good at all). Now I just have to solve the laundry bed problem - hopefully that will happen tomorrow - and I'm done! Here they are and yes in this colour:
  5. Excellent stellnme - thank you - will wait and confirm the size and then do an order. I have enough topper type things - rugs, mats, vet bed - so all I need is the raised bed to get one of them off the floor - probably Andy who doesn't like to sleep snuggly and curled up but prefers to stretch out. Now I just have to find a snuggly bed for Sarah who does like to snuggle with her head on a pillow of course!
  6. Now thats a very interesting idea - I know nothing about the new Costco here in Adelaide - but it looks very like it might pay to find out!
  7. Thanks all - I've been searching for a trampoline bed most of this afternoon that will fit in the laundry (tricky because of the configuration of the built in cupboards) and think this one will fit - just. I need to double check the measurements to make sure the 70 cm length measurement is leg to leg and not just the size of the mat. And if 70 cms is the overall dimension I think this is where I'll go for one laundry bed. (its too big for the only other spot I have). So then just have to find something to fit in the other laundry spot (around 65 cms wide) with a base that is off or insulated from the tiled floor. So keep 'em coming!
  8. Some great ideas and suggestions - thanks all - keep 'em coming!
  9. Yes please HW - I haven't bought beds for years and the ones in the laundry are falling apart. And now Mac has gone to God, its time the laundry beds were more suitable for Sarah and Andy rather than catering to Macs needs (for example he couldn't use a trampoline - but Sarah and Andy can).
  10. Cat I bought the Hagen Dogit Elevated Dog bowls for Mac here - but I paid a lot more over 2 years ago at Pet Stock and they had to order them in. Looks like they are now stocked in Australia. Really good bowls, do the job very well and very good quality particularly at this price.
  11. Hi All, Sorry for starting another dog bed thread - but I really need a couple of new dog beds for elderly westies Sarah and Andy - one for the lounge and two for the laundry. I'm happy with an Orvis for the lounge but even the small Orvis is too big for the laundry (and too 'spensive!). The laundry beds can be no larger than 70 x 60 cm for one and 60 x 60 cm for the other. 50 cm on the smaller dimension is fine. I really would like to get some better quality ones that are warm and comfy on tiled floors in the winter - I'm over cheaper beds with poor quality foam that flatten out on cold tiles and fall apart after a couple of washes. TIA.
  12. DD after my last 24 hours my heart is breaking for you - you could have been describing my Mac - big hugs for you and your gorgeous little red man.
  13. Thanks so much Tassie - I'm teary and very tired - emotionally exhausted as much as anything else - but it was really good to have his Godparents here - they cared for him when he first came out of the puppy farm all those years ago before they chose me to be his Mum. But its time to turn my attention to my beloved 14 year old Sarah and my wicked little Andy of indeterminate age! They desperately need some attention and I'll spend the weekend with them and being kind to Mum and myself. Its feeling very empty at the moment but that too will pass
  14. HI Everyone, Thank you all so much - it all went as planned like clock-work. His Godparents arrived to say goodbye just after 5, Andy and Sarah went for a play date at some dear friends who collected them 1/4 of an hour before the vet arrived at 6 as planned, my Mum had been here all day with him was with him at the end too, the vet was brilliant, his favourite vet nurse came too, and he slipped peacefully away in my arms. Then 25 minutes later the lovely pet cremation lady arrived to collect him. Andy and Sarah then arrived home from their play date. I'm teary as expected and about to give Sarah and Andy a late dinner and then get myself a very large gin cocktail! Thanks everyone - I'll be able to be a little more philosophical in the next few days - but at the moment Sarah is starving and life goes on... talk soon.
  15. Thank you all. We had a good night - wouldn't you know it - he sleep right through - didn't wake me once!! Little bugger! Then this morning we went to say goodbye to his other fav vet who has been absolutely wonderful to him too. BTW she seemed really grateful to have the opportunity to say goodbye to him? And she seemed a bit surprised? Do others not do this? No biggie - just curious. We then went to the park and everyone really enjoyed the cool breeze - and Mac loved sniffing all the pee-mail, eating blue cheese and getting mega attention in his Macmobile! I then cleaned off the verandah (Andy wees on it), had some lunch and now we are settling down to an ice-cream and an afternoon snuggle before his God-parents arrive after 5 pm. I'm calm but I know I'll be a mess later today. I'll let you know how it all goes. Thank you all - I can really feel your love and presence - and it means more than you'll ever know.
  16. Thanks everyone - you are just the best. Maccles had a good night last night in the air-conditioning - it was a very hot night here - and when he has a peaceful night so do I!! We had a lovely snuggle in bed this morning until I went for a shower. And he had the afternoon with his grandma - which is always bliss for him. So I'm hoping for another last peaceful night. I'm not working tomorrow so we'll have another snuggle in the morning, then off to see his other fav vet to say goodbye. Then a trip to the park with ice cream and blue cheese then an afternoon snooze. Will be a lovely day of memories. Madwoofter thanks for those very wise thoughts. I've only thought about the aftermath very briefly and feel a bit of guilt already, knowing I will be grateful for less stress and more time to spend with Sarah and Andy who have really taken a back-seat these last few weeks. While I'll miss him and his funny quirky little Maccles ways desperately, I'm so looking forward to my first night of unbroken sleep in months, not having to clean up the mess and not having to guess what he's demanding now! And yes I'm already feeling guilty - but I keep telling myself this is about him and his first vet was very helpful this morning validating my decision - he loves the breed, has a westie himself and agreed it was time. And thats helped my heart catch up with my head - at least today.
  17. This bonding question is really interesting. When I first got my littlest westie, Andy out of the puppy farm in 2009, it surprised me and disturbed me a little that I couldn't warm to him - and I was puzzled as to why. Never did work it out. It took some months but about 8 months later I suddenly realised I adored him - just like my older two - and it had snuck up on me. I can't tell you what changed, just that it did, but it took quite some time.
  18. Thank you everyone. Well everyone is booked for Friday - so its all organised. Its a very strange feeling planning a death like this. But although it still breaks my heart I know its the right thing to do. Mac had his last day at doggy daycare today - they were absolutely wonderful with him yet saw just how downhill he has gone since they last saw him. They gave me a beautiful card which meant a lot. He'll say goodbye to his first ever vet in the morning and his other fav vet at 4 on Friday. Apart from that our time on Friday is our own - and it should be a cooler day than today and tomorrow. So hopefully we'll be able to have an ice-cream in the park and a last sniff around. He had a good day on Monday and Tuesday morning but has gone downhill again since yesterday afternoon - and we had a bad night last night. And I looked at him this evening as he lay on the floor not looking completely comfy and I truly realised its time. Yes its going to be sad and very hard on Friday - but I am getting some comfort knowing I'm doing the right thing.
  19. Stressie I've been looking at cereal bins too - I think they are called 'ingredient bins' - but the ones I've found are commercial and mega expensive. There's one at Howards Storage which is OK but it's probably too big for my 12 kg bag. So if anyone has found a source of these bins which are smaller and affordable I'd love to know.
  20. Amazing - I was reorganising the laundry today and thought to myself I really need to get a container for Sarah's dry food - and open DOL and there's a thread! So what would be the best container to go on a laundry bench for a 12 kg bag of Earthborn? What do others keep their big bags of dry food in?
  21. An old friend who is an ex-RAAF Doggie said to not have Sarah and Andy around when Mac goes to God. I think thats good credible advice which I'll take.
  22. JNE01 I'd try the low fat plastic cheese - I find it works every time with Mac and Sarah. My Andy is a bit like your dog - a bit more savvy at finding it hidden - then I try blue cheese which seems to do the trick with him.
  23. Thanks tons DD - I've ordered some green tripe powder and medallions and chews to try while I try and find a local source of fresh green tripe. Sounds ideal for both Andy and Sarah!
  24. Yes he'll get all his favourite things - ice-cream, blue cheese and he'll have a bone this afternoon - the way to Maccles heart has always been through his stomach!
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