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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. That's a lovely tribute to a well loved buddy. RIP Dozer and condolences to Dozer's Dad.
  2. Yep this. Before the advent of all these processed dog foods we didn't have such 'allergic' dogs. A fresh, raw diet is certainly worth a try IMO.
  3. Gee their coats are beautiful Perse - must be all that country living!
  4. Isabel I went through this with my 16 year old westie Mac last November at home. It wasn't easy but I found it much easier than at the vet clinic. At home also put me in control and while I'm not a control freak, I still found it helpful as it allowed me to plan. So I planned his last day so it was a great day for him and as easy as possible for me. After a last night in my bed, he had a morning snuggle with his Grandma who stayed the night. We spent the day doing the things he loves and he ate whatever he liked - blue cheese was high on his menu as was a walk in the Macmobile and a potter around the park. He had a late afternoon snooze on my lap before two friends popped in to say good bye and take Sarah and Andy (my other two westies) for a playdate at their place. Then his Godparents arrived to spend an hour with him and see him on his way. He died at 6.20 pm with his favourite people around him, people who loved and adored him - his Grandma, his Godparents and of course me. He died on my lap quietly and peacefully after such heavy sedation that he was snoring! Then the lovely pet cremation lady arrived to take him, covered in a basket. Sarah and Andy then arrived back from their playdate about half an hour later. The vet and his favourite vet nurse were marvellous. It took a little while for Sarah and Andy to realise that Mac was gone - but it seemed it was more confusion than distress and lasted about 24 hours. Sarah in particular looked for him the following evening. For me managing the other westies was really important. I decided since this was my last hour or so with Mac and I didn't know how Sarah and Andy would react, they were better off elsewhere. But others decide to have them present. Mac arrived home the following Thursday in a lovely wooden box, complete with his leg plate which I had completely forgotten about. The vet nurse offered to hold him while he was sedated and put to sleep but I wanted to do it myself - and hard though it was I was very glad I did. But that's me and might not work for others. Anyway everyone is different - but that's the way I organised the day and it's one I'll never forget. And now I'm crying again... hope that helps Isabel and that you can at least plan. I found the planning very helpful. Of course if events overtake you then it will naturally need to run a different course. .
  5. As I've posted before, I think Canstar has the most reliable and sensible reviews of pet insurance. Download the report here.
  6. Yeah that's it. Zig loves anything fishy - I sometimes buy him salmon heads from the fish shop at the markets and he gets so excited when he gets them. Same here staffyluv - my guys literally dance around the laundry for raw meals and get terribly excited. And they are really down in the dumps if the dry stuff comes out because I've forgotten to defrost or go shopping. The heads go down and they mope to their bowls - like a pair of sulky kids! The difference is amazing. They adore their bones, chicken necks and frames, fish etc etc and its so nice to see them ripping into bones on the back lawn and chewing and gnawing as they should. And yes I confess - I'm no fan of dry food - and yes I do think its junk food for dogs, made only to line pet food manufacturers pockets and for our convenience. I'll always feed high quality raw and haven't seen anything to convince me to change my mind. And no I'm not trying to offend anyone who feeds dry - I just prefer not to if I can help it.
  7. As to raw feeding, I feed bones, a wonderful raw mix that is made locally from Adelaide Dog with rice or veg (fresh or frozen), tinned mackerel and sardines from Woolies, chicken necks and frames, yoghurt, eggs, halved turkey necks, other meats on special. My guys dance for their raw and are very disappointed if i've forgotten to defrost and they have to have dry food - the long faces are priceless!!! "Aw Mum do I have to"?
  8. Coastal Catch is the other one - its grain-free - and is the one my westies only eat under sufferance.
  9. The usual answer you will get here is that the best food for your dog is the one he/she does best on. If you do a search there are plenty of threads discussing dog food will come up. Some people are dry food feeders and their dogs do well on it - both supermarket types and more upmarket. Others like me are predominantly raw feeders - my westies think I'm trying to poison them if they get dry food. Not at all happy. I'm also wondering why you wish to change if your dog is doing well on Ivorycoat?
  10. Beautiful photos Eza. Very precious memories.
  11. Yep blink blink beat me to it - was going to suggest a home visit.
  12. Yeah thats a good question Mrs RB - what is the best safest and most humane way to dispatch a snake? My first inclination would be to bash its head in with a shovel but there might be better ways of doing it which are safer for me and more humane for the snake?
  13. Some good comments HDW and Willem. I suppose I still remain concerned at the abject cruelty involved but I do take your points.
  14. He's gorgeous and so is your photo Perse!
  15. Annabelle was gorgeous. RIP beautiful girl and hugs to you Eza.
  16. RIP Gerty - what a wonderful life you had with the most wonderful of families. RIP old girl, with Mac and our NY lab friend Chance.
  17. westiemum


    Thank you all very much. As much as I adore my remaining two westies I'll always miss my first boy. he was indeed very special. He went through so much as a puppy farm dog and rescue - and was still a really lovely natured boy. RIP my little man.
  18. Yep they were my thoughts too K. Are you sure the plaster isn't too tight? Are you absolutely sure its needed? Would a pair of PJs with legs with the plaster on or off work? - a bit of out of sight out of mind? I found that Mac (who had by far the most surgery of my lot) used to be really distressed by Elizabethan collars so I didn't use them regardless and told the vet he's got to work with me to find other ways post-surgery.
  19. I know and understand that others advocate for snakes - but I'm sorry I'm not one. I know its irrational but I've had a recurring nightmare about snakes since I was a small child and there's nothing I fear more. So as far as I'm concerned the only good snake is a dead one. Sorry snake lovers but I'm irrationally terrified of them.
  20. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/206/893/746/?z00m=27330483&redirectID=1936406804 Self-explanatory. This is a petition to stop the FCI awarding the World Dog Show to China unless they stop the Yulin dog-eating festival. Whole thing is unbelievable in the 21st century. I tell you its time for the second coming...
  21. One of the things I did to confirm and finally convince myself that it was time for Mac was to keep a simple diary on the calendar - a tick for a good day, a tick and a cross for a mixed day and a cross for a bad day. It quickly became obvious by the number iof crosses, his collapsing back end and that he couldn't toilet by himself consistently that it was time.
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