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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Simple is the best!! We make things way too complicated...sometimes. ...well... most of the time!!!! Yep I work for a company like that - if there's a way to complicate something that's what they do x 10!!
  2. Thanks swain - I'm into simple solutions which help me make difficult decisions.
  3. Good boy Ash!! Perse you really have a wonderful life in that lovely part of the world!!
  4. Just beautiful,amazing puppies Stark. Please could you have a litter of westies ?
  5. RMBs here. My guys get bones most Sunday mornings. Sarah my beautiful 14 year old has lovely teeth - my vet can't believe how good her teeth are at her age. A vet who I really respect once told me it's also partly how dogs actually chew. And I think there is probably some truth in that. My three westies were all fed the same including bones - Sarah has beautiful teeth, Mac had terrible teeth and very few left by the time he died no matter what I did. Andes teeth aren't as good as Sarah's but are OK. I also think how good their early dental care or lack of it plays a part. Mac had zero care and was behind the eight-ball from early on. He had terrible teeth when I got him as a six year old. So I'm not a big fan of these water additives, chews, etc etc. as I think it's a combination of things and is more complicated than just giving bones or some sort of commercial tooth cleaner.
  6. westiemum


    Thanks DD. I love this photo. To me it's sooo Mac and how I want to remember him in his later years. He was such a beautiful boy - even with a very short coat!
  7. westiemum


    Well it's 5 months today since my darling Mac returned to God. Can't believe how raw it still feels. It feels like yesterday. Still miss you my gorgeous goofball. Here he is exactly a month before he died. He looks so good but he really went downhill in the weeks after this photo was taken.
  8. Oh and mine get a snack in the morning - usually one (yes one!) chicken neck or RMBs on Sunday and their main meal at night. Helps keep their weight under control and their teeth clean.
  9. Same here - my Sarah can be a bit messy during the meal and spread her veg around a bit but usually every scrap of raw is eaten by the end of the meal regardless of where it ended up. I feed mine in the kitchen and occasionally just wipe over the floor if needed. They get their Sunday morning RMBs in the garden.
  10. RIP sweet Ziggy. And big hugs to you NAO.
  11. She is just adorable! Congrats on the new addition.
  12. I think its important to remember that some vets can't or won't do euthanasia at home. I've been told that Marie provides a fantastic service and if my vet couldn't or wouldn't help Mac it was going to be Marie. For me letting him go peacefully, comfortably and with minimal stress at home was absolutely not negotiable. I spoke with her over the phone and was really impressed with her compassion and responsiveness. For some people she provides a really valuable service. And I understand that she will also step in if its an unexpected euthanasia and your usual vet isn't available. Link here BTW her fees are about the same as I paid my vet for Mac.
  13. Yes until I found out my usual vet would put Mac to sleep at home, I was in touch with Marie. I really really wanted a home service for Mac - and if it wasn't to be his own vet (I gave them first right of refusal) it was going to be Marie at home.
  14. Hi everyone, Just a quick note that Odie's owners have found him a home! Sorry I don't have any details but until I do I'm assuming all is well. IF/when i find out some more I'll let you know. Thank you all so much for your suggestions and advice. Yay for Odie!
  15. Yep I think a vet visit is a good idea. Its also about what's 'normal' for your pup. My guys don't seem to drink a lot out of their water bowls - but they get half a bowl full at dinner time as part of their dinner ('westie soup'!) and are on a moist raw diet.
  16. These dogs are soooo happy!! Check out all those wagging tails! Thanks for posting.
  17. DD did the message then appear publicly on the page or find it go through privately? Sorry - I'm not very good at FB! TIA.
  18. Thanks denali - I've just googled and can only find an FB page. Is there a way I can email or phone them instead? (I'm an absolute FB newbie and don't want it to be 'public'!). Thanks tons.
  19. Thanks Thistle, if they change their mind and would like to trial Odie I'm sure that could be arranged. And thanks Powerlegs - good prompts. In this case which isn't a 'complete' surrender then I suspect until formal ownership changes hands then the current owners will retain all responsibility for him with a rescue service simply helping list him and find him a home. Thanks for the offer of your forms - I'm not sure where mine are (last used last September). Any Gold Coast/Brisbane rescue services out there who might be willing to help Odie and his family? it would be terrific to find them some local help. They will retain responsibility for Odie so wouldn't be a drain on precious rescue resources. Anyone?
  20. My girl Westie Sarah is the bone burier - Andy doesn't seem to be at all interested. If the grounds too hard she will try and bury it under leaves, pushing with her nose. She's even been known to sneak a bone in and try and bury it under the cushions! Gets short shrift when she does!!!
  21. Hi all, IPad about to go flat so I'll be quick - thank you all - some great ideas - RPug that was exactly my thinking - that a rescue service might be willing to list him on PetRescue - but might see if The people Thistle talked to are interested first - that way no-one goes to any unnecessary trouble. Thanks Mrs RB - the local vet idea is a good one - we rehomed our most difficult Westie that way. And it was a great success. I'll log on again late tonight after I get home.
  22. Thanks Thistle - while strictly speaking not a working breed, I think Odie would do very well if he 'had a job'. My impression is that he would be great with an experienced owner who could lead him amped train him to the next level - if you get my drift.
  23. Thanks DD - yes it genuinely is - many tears - it's so hard to do the right thing for our pups at times - so it's a good thing they are doing.
  24. And another of the gorgeous boy...
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